Sampson Lute Book, GB-Lam MS 602 (Anonymous)



Sheet Music


PDF scanned by Gerbode
Stefan Apke (2017/6/14)

Copyist Henry Sampson, copyist 1
Publisher. Info. Manuscript, n.d.
Misc. Notes GB-Lam, MS 602
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General Information

Work Title Sampson Lute Book
Alternative. Title Tollemache Lute Manuscript
Composer Anonymous
Internal Reference NumberInternal Ref. No. None [force assignment]
Movements/SectionsMov'ts/Sec's see below (folio numbering)
3 An Almane. (2 lutes) (Almain, 1st part) - Anonymous
3 the præcedent Almane after the treble waye (Almain, 2nd part) - Anonymous
3v Rogero (Ruggiero) - Anonymous
3v The Spanish pavin (Spanish Pavan) - Francis Pilkington
4 Heaven and earth. (or King's Pavan) - Anonymous
4 [untitled]. (Wilson's Wild) - Anonymous
6 [untitled]. (Lord Hay's Courant) - Anonymous
6 [untitled]. (Volta?) - Anonymous
6v A pavin - Anonymous
6v A Galliard by Dowla: (see Dowland's Galliard, another version) - John Dowland
7 Mrs Whites choice (or Mrs White's Thing) - John Dowland
7 Mrs Whites choyce (other title crossed out) - John Dowland
7v The battaile Galliarde by Johnson [sic]
(Battle Galliard, or Mr Mildmay's Galliard; see King of Denmark's Galliard, another version) - John Dowland
8 The Quadran pavin (Quadran Pavan) - John Johnson
8v The Galliard to the Quadran pavin (Quadran Galliard) - Anonymous
9 packingtoune galiarde (Packington's Galliard: 2 lutes) - Anonymous
9 preludiume (Prelude) - Anonymous
9v Leueche pavinn[e] (Lavecchia Pavan) - Anonymous
10 a allmayne by R Alisoune (Almain) - Richard Allison
10v-11 delatrumba (De la Tromba, 2nd part of duet) - Anonymous
11 i / a fancy for ij lute[s] by Jhon Danniell (A Fancy: 2 lutes) - John Danyel
11v ij / an allman for ij lute[s] mr Marchant (Echo Almain, 1st part of duet) - John Marchant/Francis Pilkington
11v 3 lo: wi=lobies welcom hom. / by Jho Dowland
(or Roland; see Lord Willoughby's Welcome Home, another version: duet/consort part) - John Dowland
12 duncomes galiarde for 2 lute[s] (Duncome's Galliard: 2 lutes) - Anonymous
12 a mery moode for 2 lute[s] (A Merry Mood: 2 lutes) - Anonymous
12v bo peep for 2 lute[s] an allmane (Bo Peep, or A Toy: part of lute duet) - Thomas Robinson
12v-13 for ij lute[s] 5 / a galiard for ij lute[s] (Squire's Galliard) - Anonymous
13v a galiarde by mr Dowland (The Earl of Derby's Galliard) - John Dowland
First Publication. 1610 ca.
Piece Style Renaissance
Instrumentation lute
External Links Dartmouth