All-Night Vigil, Op.52 (Tchaikovsky, Pyotr)



Sheet Music


PDF scanned by Lyle Neff
Music Addict (2018/4/10)

7 more: Table of Contents • Nos.1–3 • Nos.4–6 • Nos.7–8 • Nos.9–11 • Nos.12–13 • Nos.14–17

PDF scanned by Lyle Neff
Lyle Neff (2008/7/9)

PDF scanned by Lyle Neff
Lyle Neff (2008/7/9)

PDF scanned by Lyle Neff
Lyle Neff (2008/7/9)

PDF scanned by Lyle Neff
Lyle Neff (2008/7/9)

PDF scanned by Lyle Neff
Lyle Neff (2008/7/9)

PDF scanned by Lyle Neff
Lyle Neff (2008/7/9)

PDF scanned by Lyle Neff
Lyle Neff (2008/7/9)

Publisher. Info. [Moscow: Jurgenson?, 1882]
reprint — New York: Kalmus, n.d. (ca.1975–85]. Kalmus Vocal Series No.6772
Misc. Notes Original title page, plate numbers and censor's approval omitted in reprint
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P.davydov (2022/6/2)

Editor Lyudmila Korabelnikova (1930-) and Marina Rakhmanova (1930–)
Language Russian (Church Slavonic)
Publisher. Info. Complete Collected Works (Полное собрание сочинений), vol.63 .
Moscow: Muzyka, 1990. Plate 14447.

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General Information

Work Title All-Night Vigil
Alternative. Title Всенощное бдение
Name Translations Nachtvesper; Vigilia
Name Aliases All-Night Vigil for choir; Vigilia kuorolle; Vsyenoshchnoye bdyeniye dlya khora; Всенощное бдение для хора
Authorities WorldCat; Wikipedia; VIAF: 258918359; LCCN: n96091608; GND: 300476302; BNF: 13910197t
Composer Tchaikovsky, Pyotr
Opus/Catalogue NumberOp./Cat. No. Op.52
Internal Reference NumberInternal Ref. No. IPT 5
Movements/SectionsMov'ts/Sec's 17 movements:
  1. Introductory Psalm: "Bless My Soul, O Lord" (Предначинательный псалом: «Благослови душе моя»)
  2. "Lord Have Mercy" and other brief responses («Господи, помилуй» и другие краткие молитвословия)
  3. Kathisma: "Blessed is the Man" (Кафисма: «Блажен муж»)
  4. "Lord, I Call to Thee" («Господи, воззвах к Тебе»)
  5. "Gladsome Light" («Свете тихий»)
  6. "Rejoice, O Virgin" («Богородице, Дево, радуйся»)
  7. "The Lord is God" («Бог Господь»)
  8. Polyeleion: "Praise the Name of the Lord" (Полиелей: «Хвалите имя Господне»)
  9. Troparia: "Blessed Art Thou, Lord" (Тропари: «Благословен еси Господи»)
  10. Gradual Antiphon: "From My Youth" (Степенна «От юности моея»)
  11. Hymns after the Gospel Reading: "Having Beheld the Resurrection of Christ" (Песнопения по Евангелии: «Воскресение Христово видевше»)
  12. Common Katabasis: "I Shall Open My Lips" (Катавасия рядовая: «Отверзну уста моя»)
  13. Canticle of the Mother of God (Песнь Богоматери с припевом)
  14. "Holy is the Lord Our God" («Свят Господь Бог наш»)
  15. Theotokion: "Both Now and Forever" (Богородичен «И ныне и присно»)
  16. Great Doxology: "Glory to God in the Highest" (Великое славословие «Слава в вышних Богу»)
  17. "To Thee the Glorious Leader" («Взбранной Воеводе победительная»)
Year/Date of CompositionY/D of Comp. 1881–82
First Performance. 1882/07/09 — Moscow: Pyotr Sakharov (conductor)
First Publication. 1883 — Moscow: P. Jurgenson. 115 pages. Plates 4882 to 4897.
Librettist Orthodox liturgy
Language Russian Church Slavonic
Average DurationAvg. Duration 45 minutes
Composer Time PeriodComp. Period Romantic
Piece Style Romantic
Instrumentation mixed chorus (SATB)
External Links Tchaikovsky Research
Wikipedia article
Extra Information The published score includes a piano part intended as an aid to rehearsal only.