10 Improvisations, FP 63 (Poulenc, Francis)

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Sheet Music


PDF scanned by Unknown
Ottaviano (2013/12/30)

Publisher. Info. Paris: Rouart, Lerolle & Cie., 1933. Plate R.L. 11,880.
Paris, Paris: Rouart, Lerolle & Cie., 1934. Plate R.L. 11,893, R.L. 11,918, R.L. 11,919, R.L. 11,924.
Reissue – Paris: Salabert, 1990.
Misc. Notes Improvisations nos.1–6 were published together in 1933, and 7–10 with individual plate numbers in 1934.
Scan includes fifteen improvisations from 1932 to 1959; see comments below. Reprint of eds. published 1933–1960.
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Zhengxinhao (2024/2/12)

Editor Xinhao Zheng (b. 1999)
Publisher. Info. Xinhao Zheng, 2023.
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General Information

Work Title Improvisations, pour le piano
Alternative. Title
Composer Poulenc, Francis
Opus/Catalogue NumberOp./Cat. No. FP 63
Internal Reference NumberInternal Ref. No. IFP 45
Key Various
Movements/SectionsMov'ts/Sec's 10 movements:
Ière Improvisation en si mineur. Presto ritmico (B minor, 1932)
IIème Improvisation en la bĂ©mol majeur. Assez animĂ© (A major, 1932)
IIIème Improvisation en si mineur. Presto très sec (B minor, 1932)
IVème Improvisation en la bĂ©mol majeur. Presto con fuoco (A major, 1932)
Vème Improvisation en la mineur. ModĂ©rĂ© mais sans lenteur (A minor, 1932)
VIème Improvisation en si bĂ©mol majeur. A toute vitesse (B major, 1932)
VIIème Improvisation en ut majeur. ModĂ©rĂ© sans lenteur (C major, 1933)
VIIIème Improvisation en la mineur. Presto (très sec et ironique) (A minor, 1934)
IXème Improvisation en rĂ© majeur. Presto possibile (très sec et très net) (D major, 1934)
Xème Improvisation en fa majeur, “Éloge des gammes”. ModĂ©rĂ©, sans traĂ®ner (F major, 1934)
Year/Date of CompositionY/D of Comp. 1932-34
First Publication. 1933 (Improvisations I–VI)
1934 (Improvisations VII–X)
Dedication Various
  1. Ă  Madame Long de Marliave (Marguerite Long)
  2. Ă  Louis Duffey
  3. Ă  Brigitte Manceaux
  4. Ă  Claude Popelin
  5. Ă  Georges Auric
  6. Ă  Jacques FĂ©vrier
  7. Ă  la Comtesse A. J. de Noailles
  8. Ă  Nora Georges Auric
  9. à Thérèse Dorny
  10. Ă  Jacques Lerolle
Composer Time PeriodComp. Period Early 20th century
Piece Style Early 20th century
Instrumentation piano
Extra Information Poulenc’s œuvre contains six more improvisations, an additional five of which are collected in Les Quinze Improvisations:

There is also the improvisation for solo piano composed as part of the collective work “Hommage à J.S. Bach”: