16 Plastische Studien (Jaques-Dalcroze, Emile)

Sheet Music


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Publisher. Info. Berlin: N. Simrock, 1911. Plate 12916 (H I).
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Bibliothèque CMG (2023/7/7)

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Bibliothèque CMG (2023/7/7)

Publisher. Info. Berlin: N. Simrock, 1911. Plate 12916 (H I).
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General Information

Work Title 16 Plastische Studien
Alternative. Title Skizzen für Mimische Darstellungen
Composer Jaques-Dalcroze, Emile
Internal Reference NumberInternal Ref. No. IEJ 33
Movements/SectionsMov'ts/Sec's 16 pieces:
  1. Unverhofftes Glück (Unexpected Happiness; Bonheur inespéré).
  2. Unsühnbare Schuld (The Burden of Guilt; Le poids de la faute).
  3. Kindliches Mühen (Childish Endeavours; L'enfant cherche...).
  4. Ringkampf (Wrestling; La lutte).
  5. Das verschleierte Bild (The Veiled Picture; Soulever le voile du mystère).
  6. Licht im Dunkel (Light in Darkness; Victoire sur soi-même).
  7. Eherne Mauern türmen sich auf (Unsurmountable Walls; Un mur s'élève...infranchissable).
  8. Süsses Gedenken (Sweet Memories; Le passé sourit).
  9. Mannhaft zum Ziel (Straight ahead; Marcher au but).
  10. Trotz aus Leid (Opposed to Sorrow; L'obsession du passé).
  11. Der Läufer von Marathon (Marathon Race; Le coureur de Marathon).
  12. Gestillte Rache (Vengeance; Vengeance longuement méditée).
  13. Kindliche Lust (Juvenile Pleasures; Les enfants jouent à se poursuivre).
  14. Ungestilltes Sehnen (Longing in Vain; Illusion...déception).
  15. Spiel der Wellen (Playful Billows; La vague).
  16. Und das Licht verdrängte die Finsternis (Light following Darkness; L'éveil à la lumière).
First Publication. 1911
Dedication Friedrich Klose (1862–1942)
Composer Time PeriodComp. Period Romantic
Piece Style Early 20th century
Instrumentation piano
Extra Information These pieces were written for mime performances, and were used at Jaques-Dalcroze's educational institute (Bildungsanstalt), opened in Dresden-Hellerau in 1911. They are published with German (main), English and French titles (subsidiary) as shown above. The French titles are not always direct translations, and provide insights on the pieces' intent.