18 Duets (Durante, Francesco)

Sheet Music


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Tito Manlio (2015/6/26)

Editor Mikhail Ivanov-Boretsky (1874–1936)
Language Russian / Italian
Translator Dmitry Usov (1896-1944), Russian text
Publisher. Info. Moscow: Muzgiz, 1931.
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General Information

Work Title 18 Duets
Alternative. Title
Composer Durante, Francesco
Internal Reference NumberInternal Ref. No. None [force assignment]
Movements/SectionsMov'ts/Sec's 18 duets:
  1. Dormono l'aure estive [Ласковый ветер не дышит]
  2. Andate i miei sospiri al cor d'Irene [Летите, о воздыханья, к моей Ирене]
  3. Son io, barbara donna [Смотри: я пред тобою]
  4. Quallor tento scoprire il mio martire [Едва я пред тобой уста раскрою]
  5. Alme, alme [Девы, девы]
  6. Mitilde, alma mia [Митильда, милый друг]
  7. Oh quante volte... [О, сколько раз...]
  8. Mitilde, mio tesoro [Митильда, мой нежный друг!]
  9. Fiero, acerbo destin [Горький, суровый удел]
  10. Amor, Mitilde, e morta! [Любовь, Митильда, погибла]
  11. Alfin m'ucciderete [Злые думы]
  12. La vezzosa Celinda [Прелесть юной Челинды]
  13. Questo silenzio ombroso [Сумрак лесной, зелёный]
  14. Or mentre io dormo... [О, хоть во сне...]
  15. In si duro martire [Мои муки безмерны]
  16. E pur vuole il fato e amore... [Увы, снова по воле рока...]
  17. Dunque, mio cor all'armi [Сердце, готовься к бою]
  18. Ahi che sara di me... [Ах, я одна, увы...]
Language Italian
Composer Time PeriodComp. Period Baroque
Piece Style Baroque
Instrumentation 2 voices, continuo
Extra Locations This collection incorporates the manuscript collection of 12 Duets
Extra Information According to the I-MC manuscript at least some of the duets are "based on recitatives by Alessandro Scarlatti".