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Sheet Music
First edition
Publisher. Info.
Moscow: Muzgiz, 1926.
Misc. Notes
German translations may be done by Dmitry Usov (1896-1944) or Abraham Löwenthal (1868-1928).
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General Information
Work Title
2 Romances
Alternative. Title
2 Романси
Lyatoshinsky, Boris
Opus/Catalogue NumberOp./Cat. No.
Internal Reference NumberInternal Ref. No.
IBL 14
2 romances:
- Someone Told Me (Кто-то мне сказал)
- When the Groom Left (Когда жених ушёл)
First Publication.
1926 (No.1)
Maurice Maeterlinck (1862-1949), translated by Olga Chyumina (1865-1909)
Russian (Translated)
Margarita Aleksandrovna Tsarevich (1898-1982)
Composer Time PeriodComp. Period
Early 20th century
Piece Style
Early 20th century
voice, piano
Navigation etc.
Published in 1926 (No.1, Muzgiz)
His Op.11 (Chaika, by Balmont) was published as Op.12 No.2 in 1926. However, in later collected works edition, the original Op.12 No.2 was published into this cycle.