3 Little Negro Dances (Price, Florence)

This work has been identified as being in the public domain in Canada, as well as countries where the copyright term is life+50 or life+70 years (including all EU countries). However, this work is probably still protected by copyright in the United States, unless an exception applies. See public domain for details.
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Sheet Music


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Owaine1 (2020/10/5)

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Owaine1 (2020/10/5)

Editor Owain Evans
Publisher. Info. Owain Evans
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PDF scanned by Ray Lemond
Raylemond (2018/4/10)

Publisher. Info. Philadephia: Theodore Presser Co., 1933. Plate 110-26032.
Misc. Notes British Copyright Secured: Etude-September 1951
This piece was kindly given to me by Max Keogh, late of Sydney, Australia.
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Arrangements and Transcriptions

For Piano 4 Hands (Evans)

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Owaine1 (2021/10/1)

Arranger Owain Evans (b. 1978)
Publisher. Info. Owain Evans, 2021.
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General Information

Work Title 3 Little Negro Dances
Alternative. Title
Composer Price, Florence
Internal Reference NumberInternal Ref. No. IFP 5
Movements/SectionsMov'ts/Sec's 3 pieces:
I. Hoe Cake
II. Rabbit Foot
III. Ticklin' Toes
Year/Date of CompositionY/D of Comp. 1933
Composer Time PeriodComp. Period Early 20th century
Piece Style Modern
Instrumentation piano
Extra Information There is also a -2piano or piano duet version of these pieces by Price.

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Cooke, James Francis. "Fascinating Pieces for the Musical Home: Hoe Cake." The Etude Magazine 52, no. 4 (1934, April): e229.
(https://archive.org/details/EtudeApril1934/page/n10/mode/1up date accessed: 20 September 2020)
Cooke, James Francis. "Rabbit Foot." The Etude Magazine 52, no. 7 (1934, July): e413.
(https://archive.org/details/EtudeJuly1934/page/n12/mode/1up date accessed: 20 September 2020)
Briggs, John. "Ticklin' Toes." The Etude Magazine 55, no. 9 (1951, September): e34.
(https://archive.org/details/EtudeSeptember1951/page/n18/mode/1up date accessed: 20 September 2020)
Horne, Aaron. 1992. Keyboard music of black composers: a bibliography. Westport, Conn: Greenwood Press. e152.