6 Mélodies, Op.15 (Blumenfeld, Felix)

Sheet Music


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Language Russian / French
Translator Jules Ruelle (1834-1892), French text
Publisher. Info. Leipzig: M.P. Belaieff, 1891. Plate 417-423.
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General Information

Work Title 6 Mélodies
Alternative. Title
Composer Blumenfeld, Felix
Opus/Catalogue NumberOp./Cat. No. Op.15
Internal Reference NumberInternal Ref. No. IFB 24
Movements/SectionsMov'ts/Sec's 6 songs
  1. Sérénade [Серенада]
  2. Séparation [Разлука]
  3. Je n'ai regret des jours de mon printemps [Мне вас не жаль, года весны моей]
  4. Le Lys [Лилея]
  5. Élégie [Элегия]
  6. Extase [Исступление]
Text Incipit see below
  1. Гаснут дальней Альпухары ; Vers les monts le jour s'égare
  2. Мой милый друг, разотвлсня с тобою ; Bien loin de toi, j'ai fui, ma tendre amie
  3. Мне вас не жаль, года весны моей ; Je n'ai regret des jours de mon printemps
  4. Зной - и всё в томительном покое ; Tout repose, ardente est la lumière
  5. Умолкну скоро я ; Je me tairai bientôt
  6. Духи неба, дайте мне ; Esprits, donnez moi les ailes
First Publication. 1891
Librettist see below

1. Aleksey Tolstoy (1817-1875)
2-3, 5. Aleksandr Pushkin (1799-1837)
4. Yakov Polonsky (1819-1898)
6. Aleksey Koltsov (1809–1842)

Language Russian, French
Dedication see below

1. Valentina Viktorovna Anastasyeva (Gerbel) (1870-1900)*
2. Nikolay Sokolov (1859-1922)
3. Lyubov Ivanovna Karmalina (Belenitsyna) (1834-1903)
4. Natalia Yakovlevna Polonskaya (Jelačić) (1870-1929)*
5-6. Maria Viktorovna Blumenfeld (Anastasievа) (1864-1898)

Composer Time PeriodComp. Period Romantic
Piece Style Romantic
Instrumentation voice, piano
Extra Information Valentina Anastasyeva was the younger sister of Maria Blumenfeld, the composer's wife. Natalia Polonskaya (Jelačić) was the daughter of Yakov Polonsky.