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Publisher Info.
Richard Kram
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Sampled Harpichord Comparisons (Plug-Ins and Sample Libraries)
⇒ 33 more: Sibelius 8+4 • Sibelius 8+8 • Sibelius 8+8+4 • Sibelius Lute • Notion 8' Long • Notion 8' Lute • Notion 8' Nazzard • Notion 8' Short • EWSO Gold Stage mic • EWSO Gold Close mic • EWSO Gold Stage + Close mic mix (less close) • Halion Ambient • Halion Baroque • Halion Concert 8' A+4' • Garritan Personal Orchestra (Plug-in Version) • Kontakt5 Harpsichord • Precision Sound Blanchet 1 • Precision Sound Blanchet 2 • Precision Sound Alternat • Precision Sound Uniti • Sonivox DVI Harpsichord • Sonivox DVI Lo Dulci • Sonivox DVI Compressed • Sonivox DVI Harpsichord Lite • Miroslav Orchestra Harpsichord 1 • Miroslav Orchestra Harpsichord 2 • ERA Medieval Legends Virginal • Soni Musicae Blanchet Jeu 1 (Free - See comments) • Soni Musicae Blanchet Jeu 2 (Free - See comments) • Soni Musicae Blanchet Luth (Free - See comments) • Vienna Symphony Library Cembalo 8 Ft. / See About the Piece • Vienna Symphony Library Cembalo 8 Ft. Double • Vienna Symphony Library Cembalo Tutti
Publisher Info.
Richard Kram
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Digital Harpsichord Comparisons (Synthesizers)
Publisher Info.
Richard Kram
Richard Kram
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⇒ 4 more: Hauptwerk + Sonus Paridisi Mietke sample set - 8' upper • Hauptwerk + Sonus Paridisi Mietke sample set - 8' laute • Hauptwerk + Sonus Paridisi Mietke sample set - 8' + 8' (sampled together) • Hauptwerk + Sonus Paridisi Mietke sample set - 8' + 4' (sampled together)
Publisher Info.
Richard Kram, Nuke pcr
Richard Kram
Misc. Notes
Created using Hauptwerk organ simulation software (available also in a functional free version). The harpsichord sample set is installed separately from Sonus Paradisi. There is also a Ruckers model, which has a free version as well.
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Test #2: Buxtehude/Kram, Sarabande (from BuxWV 236)
Sampled Harpichord Comparisons (Plug-Ins and Sample Libraries)
Publisher Info.
Richard Kram
Notion and VSL Instrument Pro
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Sheet Music
Richard Kram
Publisher. Info.
Richard Kram
Misc. Notes
Test #1. Fully notated version of the Scarlatti control used in the comparison
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Richard Kram
Publisher. Info.
Richard Kram
Misc. Notes
Test #2. Slower comparison to better compare tone and voices. AABB form where I embellished the repeated sections (perhaps more than would be done, but I wanted to create more linear motion in the repeats for a better comparison). The sound files will use different sampled instrument settings for the repeated sections when available to see the variety in the sample set. All files will be played at the same consistent MIDI velocity and volume to better simulate the constant volume of the harpsichord (otherwise MIDI harpsichords will typically change volume to MIDI changes). All .WAV files normalized to -5 dB before final processing to .mp3.
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General Information
Work Title
A Comparison of Digital & Sampled Harpsichords
Alternative. Title
Kram, Richard
Internal Reference NumberInternal Ref. No.
None [force assignment]
Composer Time PeriodComp. Period
Piece Style
Electronic music samples (harpsichord)
Related Works
Keyboard Sonata in D major, K.96, by Domenico Scarlatti
Navigation etc.
The goal of this page is to present a comparison of a variety of digital and sampled harpsichords. All normalized to -6dB (I did not want to overly amplify as the levels between different sample sets vary widely so I chose a dynamic value that should not make the examples seem too loud in relation to normal recordings). Reverb varies as I can not totally control that to make it exactly the same. No other processing is used (compression, EQ, noise filtering, etc). VST settings for plug-ins were kept at their defaults instead of trying to tweak each for an optimal sound as there would be to much variance there. (See Discuss the Piece for more information)
Current Versions posted are:
- 1. Finale
- 2. Sibelius (8+4, 8+8, 8+8+4, Lute)
- 3. Notion (8' Long, 8' Lute, 8' Nazzard, 8' Short) Currently on iPad version only
- 4. East West/Quantum Leap Symphonic Orchestra Gold (16 bit) Stage, Close, & Stage/Close Mix
- 5. Steinberg Halion (Ambient, Baroque, 8'+4' [assumed Ambient])
- 6. Garritan Personal Orchestra (Plug-in Version, not from Finale or Sibelius)
- 7. Native Instruments (NI) Kontakt5 Harpsichord (uses "dry", reduced VSL samples)
- 8. Precision Sound Blanchet Harpsichord (Blanchet1, Blanchet2, Alternat and Uniti)
- 9. SoniVox DVI Harpsichord (Harpsichord, Lo Dulci, Compressed & Lite)
- 10. Miroslav Orchestra (Harpsichord 1 & Harpsichord 2)
- 11. ERA Medieval Legends Virginal (product also has an organetto and spinet)
- 12. Soni Musicae Le Blanchet 1720 (Jeu1, Jeu2, Luth) Free Kontakt Instrument available here.
- 13. Vienna Symphonic Library (Extended Keyboards) Cembalo
- 14. Kurzweil PC3X Harpsichord & Brite Harpsichord Patches (Synthesizer)
- 15. Yamaha Motif Rack XS Module "Hipsichord" (Synthesizer)