- AFSOC (Nichifor, Serban)
- Amanozako (Teixeira, Álvaro Sílvio)
- American Rhapsody (Nichifor, Serban)
- Americana No.1 (Nichifor, Serban)
- And everything in-between (Thiede, Jacob)
- Annaghmakerrig (Simoni, Mary)
- Arcade for Soloist and Tape (Petering, Mark)
- Aria for Trombone and Tape (Shannon, William R.)
- Armé Arirang (Simoni, Mary)
- Artaud le Momo (Pape, Gerard)
- L'ascension au purgatoire (Pape, Gerard)
- Asteria (Teixeira, Álvaro Sílvio)
- At any rate (take your time) (Thiede, Jacob)
- Aweful Portent (Drehmer, Earl Richard)
- Ayao (Teixeira, Álvaro Sílvio)
- Bardo Thödol (Teixeira, Álvaro Sílvio)
- Baroque Shapes and Space Music, Op.77 (Burdick, Richard Oscar)
- Beholding Beauty (Thiede, Jacob)
- Bell Book and Bass Self Similar (Bagula, Roger)
- Bestiale, Op.83 (Caldini, Fulvio)
- Bhāvacakra (Teixeira, Álvaro Sílvio)
- Big Chunks and Little Chunks Self-Similar (Bagula, Roger)
- Bird pour saxophone et électronique (Torre, Salvador)
- Bird Tapper (Rollins, Clyde Thomas)
- Black sun 1, Op.149a (Caldini, Fulvio)
- Black sun 2, Op.149b (Caldini, Fulvio)
- Bossa Nova III (Nichifor, Serban)
- Boulevard of Broken Dreams Revisited (Barber, Charlie)
- A Bufferfly Flaps its Wings (Cohen, Shai)
- Calling You (Thiede, Jacob)
- Canon HF 1 G 0265 AJ (Kastine, Jeremy)
- Canto del doppio, Op.100 (Caldini, Fulvio)
- Canto notturno (Buongiorno Nardelli, Marco)
- Cat Walking (Weber, Kristof J.)
- Cello and Computer (Cohen, Itay)
- Cello, Double Cello (Pape, Gerard)
- Cerberus (Pape, Gerard)
- Chaconne Fantôme (Ferrari, Carlotta)
- Challenger (Nichifor, Serban)
- Chimaera (Nichifor, Serban)
- Chords II (Farn, Kat)
- Chortle, cackle, cachinnate, guffaw, roar, giggle, snicker, snigger, titter (Psimikakis-Chalkokondylis, Nikolaos-Laonikos)
- A Christmas Canon for Val (Kastine, Jeremy)
- Christmas Meditation (Nichifor, Serban)
- Christmas Waltz (Nichifor, Serban)
- Cocoba A133210 self-similar (Bagula, Roger)
- A Comparison of Choral Sample Libraries (Kram, Richard)
- A Comparison of Cinematic Scoring Packages for Orchestral Sketching and Mock-ups (Kram, Richard)
- A Comparison of Digital and Sampled Celestas (Kram, Richard)
- A Comparison of Digital and Sampled Harpsichords (Kram, Richard)
- A Comparison of Sampled and Synthesized Pianos (Kram, Richard)
- A Comparison of String Sample Libraries (Kram, Richard)
- Computer Music Courses (Nichifor, Serban)
- Concerted Piece for Tape Recorder and Orchestra, W180 (Various)
- Concerto for Chromatic Harmonica and Electronics (Nacci, Andrea Antonello)
- Connecting Aecstasies (Torre, Salvador)
- Connemara (Simoni, Mary)
- Consonances IV (Alexandra, Liana)
- Continuum/Clock (Nichifor, Serban)
- Contrappunto (Buongiorno Nardelli, Marco)
- Cooley Chapbook (Zervigón, B.K.)
- Creation Oratorio (Young, Sabrina Pena)
- Creation-Prologue (Ussachevsky, Vladimir)
- CTT-95, Op.14 (Armstrong, Peter McKenzie)
- 3 Dances for Genevieve (Nichifor, Serban)
- Daughter and Dad Talking (Drehmer, Earl Richard)
- Deep Field (Stine, Robert)
- Dentro lo scrigno ho uno specchio lucente (Ferrari, Carlotta)
- Déserts (Varèse, Edgard)
- Destiny: Eondwyr (Young, Sabrina Pena)
- Dirt Devil's Gonna Git Youuuu (Drehmer, Earl Richard)
- Disco summer, Op.148 (Caldini, Fulvio)
- Dr. Rhythm DR-55 (Nichifor, Serban)
- Dreams II (Nichifor, Serban)
- Dreams I (Nichifor, Serban)
- Duo in Field (Scott, Douglas Walter)
- Early Electroacoustic Works 1980's (Torre, Salvador)
- Echoes II (Nichifor, Serban)
- Echoes I (Nichifor, Serban)
- Ekho (Diniz, Thiago)
- Electronic Picture (Cohen, Itay)
- Electronic Sonare 1 (Saragoza, Justin)
- 1952 Electronic Tape Music (Luening, Otto)
- Elegy in E minor (Nichifor, Serban)
- Elegy In Memoriam Nicu Covaci (Nichifor, Serban)
- Elitess (Hall, Jürgen)
- L'Enfant et le 4e Monde (Pape, Gerard)
- English Summer 1 - III (Omid, Aryan)
- English Summer 1 - II (Omid, Aryan)
- English Summer 1 - IV (Omid, Aryan)
- English Summer 1 - I (Omid, Aryan)
- English Summer 1 - V (Omid, Aryan)
- Enwogulld (Beischer-Matyó, Tamás)
- Eternity I (Nichifor, Serban)
- Etude kr (Teixeira, Álvaro Sílvio)
- Exodus (Nichifor, Serban)
| F
- Fantaisie Mécanique (Schnier, Joâo)
- Fantasy in Space, W148 (Luening, Otto)
- Fast Variation (Alexandra, Liana)
- Fiery steps, Op.150 (Caldini, Fulvio)
- Flamenco, Op.10 (Diaz, Rafael)
- Flamenco, Op.11 (Diaz, Rafael)
- Flamenco, Op.13 (Diaz, Rafael)
- Le Fleuve du Désir II (Pape, Gerard)
- Le Fleuve du Désir III (Pape, Gerard)
- Le Fleuve du Désir IV (Pape, Gerard)
- Le Fleuve du Désir V (Pape, Gerard)
- Le Fleuve du Désir VI (Pape, Gerard)
- Le Fleuve du Désir VII (Pape, Gerard)
- Le Fleuve du Désir VIII (Pape, Gerard)
- Flicker/spruit (Psimikakis-Chalkokondylis, Nikolaos-Laonikos)
- Flute and Computer (Cohen, Itay)
- Flute Loops (Toub, David)
- Fly Far (Simoni, Mary)
- For Anna Sutyagina (Nichifor, Serban)
- For Ida Lupino 1 - III (Omid, Aryan)
- For Ida Lupino 1 - II (Omid, Aryan)
- For Ida Lupino 1 - IV (Omid, Aryan)
- For Ida Lupino 1 - I (Omid, Aryan)
- For Ida Lupino 2 - III (Omid, Aryan)
- For Ida Lupino 2 - II (Omid, Aryan)
- For Ida Lupino 2 - IV (Omid, Aryan)
- For Ida Lupino 2 - I (Omid, Aryan)
- For Love for All (Vincent IV, Teo)
- La forêt (De Jaer, Baudouin)
- Funny Farm (Rollins, Clyde Thomas)
- I'll Have an Electric Mahabharata, Please (Cornicello, Anthony)
- Improvisata Persica 'Santur' (Zintl, Frank)
- In Aeternum (Nichifor, Serban)
- In dim light, Marginalia No.66 (Caldini, Fulvio)
- In Memoriam Daniel Pearl (Nichifor, Serban)
- In Memoriam (Verbalis, Anthony)
- In the Forest (Arenas, Matías José)
- Incantation for Tape Recorder, W153 (Various)
- Incantations III (Alexandra, Liana)
- Infinite Song (Nichifor, Serban)
- Inish (Rollins, Clyde Thomas)
- Gli insetti dell'aria, Op.121 (Caldini, Fulvio)
- Instrumental Properties of Vocal Synthesizer and Its Application in Orchestra (Matsuo, K.)
- Interrupted Waltz (Alexandra, Liana)
- Introitus, Op.10 (Marohnić, Luka)
- Invention in 12-Tones, W149 (Luening, Otto)
- 2 Invocazioni (LeoneNero)
- Irish Stew (Kram, Richard)
- L'isola di Boecklin, Op.85 (Caldini, Fulvio)
- It's International (Cotto, Deme)
- Karakoram variations 1 (Omid, Aryan)
- Karakoram variations 2 (Omid, Aryan)
- Katharsis (Teixeira, Álvaro Sílvio)
- Kettlewell Sonata (Nacci, Andrea Antonello)
- Kiki/Bouba (Pepples, Craig)
- Klavierstücke VII-X (Gołdanowski, Filip)
- Kleine notatie 'Berusting', Op.18 (Saldiën, Jacques)
- 12 Koan Meditations (Nichifor, Serban)
- Kyra Kyralina (Nichifor, Serban)
- The Last Waltz (Nichifor, Serban)
- Libertaria (Young, Sabrina Pena)
- Licht und Klang (Pape, Gerard)
- Lilium whisperus (Psimikakis-Chalkokondylis, Nikolaos-Laonikos)
- Los Libros Dados (Torre, Salvador)
- Los seres del mar, Op.3 (Oteo, Reyes)
- Loss (Zhurbin, Lev)
- Lost in the Woods, Op.9 (Weiss, Raymond)
- Low Speed for Flute on Tape Recorder, W150 (Luening, Otto)
- Mae Hong Son (Teixeira, Álvaro Sílvio)
- Magic-Track-Carpet (Torre, Salvador)
- McLibel (Davidson, Robert)
- Meditation (Teixeira, Álvaro Sílvio)
- Melody for Hoedown (Alexandra, Liana)
- Mentor Suite (Van der Meulen, Marc)
- Metaphysics (Teixeira, Álvaro Sílvio)
- 12 Microtonal Variations (Alexandra, Liana)
- Missa Brevis (Avni, Boaz)
- Mixtum Compositum 2001-2006 (Nichifor, Serban)
- Model5 (Psimikakis-Chalkokondylis, Nikolaos-Laonikos)
- Moments (Nichifor, Serban)
- Montuno Wah-wah (Vincent IV, Teo)