Alternative. Title
Title-page transcription
- A Pocket Companion for Gentlemen and Ladies: being a collection of the finest Opera Songs & Airs, in English and Italian. A Work never before attempted. Carefully corrected, & also Figur'd for the Organ, Harpsicord, and Spinet, by Mr. Rid. Neale, Organist of St. James's Garlick-hith.
A Pocket Companion for Gentlemen and Ladies. being A Collection of Favourite Songs, out of the most Celebrated Opera's compos'd by Mr. Handel, Bononcini, Attilio, &c. In English and Italian, to which is Added Several Choice Songs of Mr. Handel's never before Printed. carefully corrected and Figur'd for the Harpsichord. The whole transpos'd for the Flute [recorder] in the most proper Keys.</span>