Andante Expressivo (Albano da Conceição, Levino)

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MP3 file (audio)
Kennedy Violão (2022/11/26)

Publisher Info. Andante expressivo, 2021.
Performers Guitar (Musescore 3.0)
Misc. Notes Attention: This audio file was generated in Musescore 3.0, just for reference.
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TN-PMLP1295714-Andante Expressivo - Levino Albano-5651.jpg

Sheet Music


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Kennedy Violão (2022/11/26)

Editor Kennedy Cirino (b. 1995)
Publisher. Info. Tribute edition, 2021.
Misc. Notes This version was copied from a 1971 edition, released by RICORDI - SP.
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General Information

Work Title Andante Expressivo
Alternative. Title
Composer Albano da Conceição, Levino
Internal Reference NumberInternal Ref. No. ILA 18
Key B minor
Year/Date of CompositionY/D of Comp. 1944
First Performance. 1944/07/17
Dedication Ao distinto amigo Ronoel Simões
Average DurationAvg. Duration 2-3 minutes
Composer Time PeriodComp. Period Early 20th century
Piece Style Classical
Instrumentation guitar
Extra Information It was composed on 17/07/1944 and dedicated to Ronoel Simões. This piece is part of a series of compositions that Levino Albano named "School Format", where he imitated the style of other composers, but without losing his originality. This study was composed in homage to the great and prolific guitarist and composer Fernando Sor. It was dedicated to the great Brazilian collector Ronoel Simões. This piece is very reminiscent of the study Op. 35 – No. 22 (B minor Etude).