Ausgewählte Madrigale und mehrstimmige Gesänge (Squire, William Barclay)

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Afp0815 (2014/9/17)

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Afp0815 (2014/9/17)

Arranger William Barclay Squire
Translator Adela Schafer (German)
John Bernhoff (German)
Th. Rehbaum (German)
Ad. Sandberger (German)
Publisher. Info. Leipzig: Breitkopf und Härtel, n.d. Plate V.A. 1964, 2033, 3611.
Misc. Notes This edition has a piano stave for practice.
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General Information

Work Title Ausgewählte Madrigale und mehrstimmige Gesänge berühmter Meister des 16.-17. Jahrhunderts
Alternative. Title Select madrigals and part-songs by composers of the 16th and 17th centuries
Composer Squire, William Barclay
Internal Reference NumberInternal Ref. No. None [force assignment]
Movements/SectionsMov'ts/Sec's 3 volumes
  • Volume I
Bateson, Byrd, Dowland, Gibbons, Morley, Tomkins, Ward, Wilby
  • Volume II
Archadelt, Gastoldi, Haiden, Hassler, Jannequin, Lasso, de Jeune, Marenzio,
Sweelinck, Vecchi, Vaelrant, Giaches de Wert
  • Volume III
Byrd, Farmer, Gibbons, Greaves, Lichfild, Tomkins, Vautor, Weelkes, Wilbye
Language English, Italian, German
Composer Time PeriodComp. Period Romantic
Piece Style Renaissance
Instrumentation 4-6 voices

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  1. Thomas Bateson - Sister, Awake! (5-voice madrigal from The First Set of English Madrigales, London, 1604)
  2. Thomas Bateson - Have I found her (5-voice madrigal from The Second Set of English Madrigales, London, 1618)
  3. William Byrd - I thought that Love had been a boy (5-voice song from Songs of Sundrie Natures, London, 1589)
  4. John Dowland - Shall I sue, shall I seek for grace? (4-voice song from The Second Book of Songes, London, 1600)
  5. John Dowland - Say, Love, if ever thou didst find (4-voice song from The Third Book of Songes, London, 1603)
  6. Orlando Gibbons - What is our life? (5-voice madrigal from Madrigals and Motets for 5 Voices, London, 1612)
  7. Thomas Morley - Come, lovers, follow me (4-voice madrigal from Madrigals to 4 voyces, Book 1, 1594)
  8. Thomas Morley - I will no more come to thee (4-voice madrigal from Madrigals to 4 voyces, Book 1, 1594)
  9. Thomas Tomkins - Fusca, in thy starry eyes (5-voice ballett from Songs of 3, 4, 5 and 6 parts, 1622)
    [Grove Music classifies this as a madrigal.]
  10. Thomas Tomkins - See, See, the shepherds' Queen (5-voice ballett from Songs of 3, 4, 5 and 6 parts, 1622)
    [Grove Music classifies this as a madrigal.]
  11. John Ward - Hope of my heart (5-voice madrigal from The First set of English Madrigales, London, 1613)
  12. John Wilbye - Down in a valley (5-voice madrigal from The Second Set of Madrigales, 1609)


  1. Jacob Arcadelt - Il bianco e dolce cigno (4-voice madrigal from Madrigali a 4 voci, Libro 1, Venice, 1539)
  2. Giovanni Giacomo Gastoldi - Al Mormorar de' Liquidi Cristalli (6-voice madrigal from Il Trionfo di Dori, Venice, 1592)
  3. Hans Christoph Haiden - Mach mir ein lustige Liedelein (4-voice song from Gantz neue lustige Täntz und Liedlein, Nürnberg, 1601)
  4. Hans Leo Hassler - Luce negl' occhi (5-voice madrigal from Madrigals for 5, 6, 7 and 8 voices, Augsburg, 1596)
  5. Clément Janequin - Petite nymphe folastre (4-voice chanson from Les Amours de Pierre de Ronsard, Paris, 1552)
  6. Orlande de Lassus - Quand mon mari (4-voice chanson from Chansons françaises à quatre voix, Vol.1, Antwerp, 1564)
  7. Claude Le Jeune - O occhi manza mia (4-voice canzonetta from Meslanges de la Musique de Claude Le Jeune, Paris, 1586)
  8. Claude Le Jeune, O villanella (4-voice canzonetta from Meslanges de la Musique de Claude Le Jeune, Paris, 1586)
  9. Luca Marenzio - Scaldava il sol (5-voice madrigal from Il Terzo libro di Madrigali a Cinque voci, Venice, 1582)
  10. Luca Marenzio - Scendi dal Paradiso (5-voice madrigal from Il Quarto Libro de Madrigali a cinque Voci, Venice, 1584)
  11. Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck - Madonna con questi occhi (6-voice madrigal from Ghirlanda di Madrigali Antwerp, 1601)
  12. Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck - Poi che voi non volete (5-voice madrigal from Novi frutti Musicali, Antwerp, 1610)
  13. Orazio Vecchi - Il bianco e dolce cigno (5-voice madrigal on a theme of J. Arcadelt, from Il Madrigale a cinque Voci, Libro Primo, Venice, 1589)
  14. Hubert Waelrant - Musiciens que chantez (4-voice chanson from Livre Septième des Chansons à Quatre Parties, Antwerp, 1597)
  15. Giaches de Wert - Chi salira per me (4-voice madrigal from Il Prio Libro de Madregali, Venice, 1562 [though this can't be traced])


  1. William Byrd - In fields abroad (5-voice song from Psalmes, Sonets and Songs, London, 1588)
  2. John Farmer - Fair Phyllis I saw sitting all alone (4-voice madrigal from The First Set of English Madrigals, London, 1599)
  3. Orlando Gibbons - I Feign Not Friendship where I Hate (5-voice madrigal from Madrigals and Motets for 5 Voices, London, 1612)
  4. Thomas Greaves - Come Away, Sweet Love (5-voice madrigal from Songes of Sundrie Kindes, London, 1604)
  5. Henry Lichfild (Lichfield) - I always loved to call my lady Rose (5-voice madrigal from The First Set of Madrigals of 5 Parts, London, 1613)
  6. Henry Lichfild (Lichfield) - Injurious hours (5-voice madrigal from The First Set of Madrigals of 5 Parts, London, 1613)
  7. Thomas Tomkins - O Yes! Has any Found a Lad (4-voice madrigal from Songs 3, 4, 5 and 6 Parts, London 1622)
  8. Thomas Vautor - Shepherds and Nymphs (6-voice madrigal from The First Set: Beeing Songs of divers Ayres and Natures, London, 1619)
  9. Thomas Weelkes - Mars in a Fury (6-voice madrigal from Madrigals to 5 and 6 parts, London, 1600)
  10. Thomas Weelkes - Thule, the Period of Cosmography (6-voice madrigal from Madrigals to 5 and 6 parts, London, 1600)
  11. John Wilbye - Thou art but Young, Thou Say'st (6-voice madrigal from The First Set of English Madrigals, London, 1598)
  12. John Wilbye - What needeth all this travail (4-voice madrigal from The First Set of English Madrigals, London, 1598)