Balalaika (Klinger, Ivan)

Sheet Music


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Publisher. Info. Tyumen: A.M. Afromeev, n.d. Plate A.154 A.
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General Information

Work Title Balalaika
Alternative. Title Collection of fantasies on Russian themes by I. Klnger, with exact imitation of playing the balalaika; Сборнинъ Фантазий на Русския темы И.Клнгера, съ точнымъ подражаниемъ игре на балалай
Composer Klinger, Ivan
Internal Reference NumberInternal Ref. No. None [force assignment]
Movements/SectionsMov'ts/Sec's 12 fantasias:
  • Fantasia on Russian songs; Фантазия на Русския песни
  • Introduction
1. In the garden, whether in the garden; Во саду-ли во огороде
2. Pear garden; Груша садовая
3. There was a birch in the field; Во поле береза стояла
  • 3 Russian songs; Три Русския песни
4. Kalnushka and Malinushka; Калнушка съ Малинушкой
5. Setting sun; Солнце на закате
6. Why I am not a wife to my husband; Чем я мужу не жена
7. Oh, what was it; Ахъ на что-жъ было
8. The night is dark; Ночка темная
9. You go, my cow, home; Ты поди моя Коровушка домой
  • 3 Russian national songs; Три Русския национальныя песни
10. I did not know anything to grieve in the world; Я не знала ни очемъ въ Свете Тужить
11. How did Vanyusha walk; Какъ ходилъ, гулялъ Ванюша
12. Kamarinskaya; Камаринская
Composer Time PeriodComp. Period Romantic
Piece Style Romantic
Instrumentation guitar