Canção Gaúcha (Albano da Conceição, Levino)

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MP3 file (audio)
Kennedy Violão (2022/12/5)

Publisher Info. Canção Gaúcha, 1964.
Performers Dilermando Reis (Guitar)
Misc. Notes Recorded by the most distinguished student of Levino da Conceição, Dilermando Reis, in honor of his master.
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MP3 file (audio)
Kennedy Violão (2022/11/27)

Publisher Info. Canção Gaúcha, 1930.
Performers Levino da Conceição (Guitar)
Misc. Notes Original recording, made by Levino da Conceição in 1930, under Odeon Disc: 10601-b. Obs.: This is audio without sound treatment or improvement, therefore, a lot of noise.
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MP3 file (audio)
Kennedy Violão (2022/11/27)

Publisher Info. Canção Gaúcha, 2021.
Performers Guitar (Musescore 3.0)
Misc. Notes Attention: This audio file was generated in Musescore 3.0, just for reference.
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TN-PMLP1297265-Canção Gaúcha - Levino Albano-2140.jpg

Sheet Music


PDF typeset by editor
Kennedy Violão (2022/11/27)

Editor Martín Borrás (b. 1980)
Publisher. Info. Tribute edition, 2021.
Misc. Notes This version was transcribed by Martín Borrás, from the original recording, made by Levino da Conceição in 1930.
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General Information

Work Title Canção Gaúcha
Alternative. Title Canto de Gaúcho
Composer Albano da Conceição, Levino
Internal Reference NumberInternal Ref. No. ILA 20
Key D major
First Publication. 1930
Average DurationAvg. Duration 3 minutes
Composer Time PeriodComp. Period Early 20th century
Piece Style Early 20th century
Instrumentation guitar
Extra Information This piece is typical music from the south of Brazil. Levino sought to imitate a viola style. According to the newspapers of the time, it was the greatest success. This composition was also recorded in 1964, on the LP "Junto Ao Teu Coração", by his illustrious student Dilermando Reis. There are two recordings of this piece, one on solo guitar, by Levino da Conceição, made in 1930, and another with lyrics, made in 1928 by Francisco Pezzi, entitled "Canto de Gaúcho". The lyrics were composed by the musician from Rio Grande do Sul, Eduardo Fernandes Martíns.