Cantus, Songs and Fancies (Various)

Sheet Music


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Feduol (2013/5/3)

Editor Second edition
Publisher. Info. London: John Forbes, 1666.
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Fynnjamin (2011/4/13)

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Feduol (2013/4/27)

Editor John Forbes, d. 1675
3rd edition
Publisher. Info. Aberdeen: John Forbes, 1682.
Reprinted #99041 only -Aberdeen: New Club Series, 1879.
Misc. Notes With 'Severall of the Choisest Italian Songs composed by Giovanni Giacomo Gastoldi da Carravaggio. Together also, with some of the Best new English-Ayres. Collected from their chiefest Authors, All in 3 Parts, Viz. 2 Trebles and a Bass.'
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General Information

Work Title Cantus, Songs and Fancies
Alternative. Title Cantus, Songs and Fancies to 3, 4, or 5 parts, both apt for voices and viols
Composer Various
Internal Reference NumberInternal Ref. No. None [force assignment]
First Publication. 1662
Language English
Piece Style Renaissance
Instrumentation Voices or instruments