(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Barthélémon, François-Hippolyte.)
François-Hippolyte Barthélémon
(27 July 1741 — 20 July 1808)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Francis Hippolite; Barthélemon, Barthelemon, Bartelemon, Bartélémon
Name in Other Languages: François-Hippolyte Barthélemon, Бартелемон, Франсуа Ипполит, Francois-Hippolyte Barthelemon, فرانسوا هيپوليت بارثيليمون, François Barthélemon
Aliases: François Hippolyte Barthélémon, Hippolyte Barthélémon, François Barthélémon
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 29798669, LCCN: n83041923, ISNI: 0000000081091784, GND: 103867422, BNF: 148368789, MusicBrainz: 9558cbd4-fc25-409e-9335-b00a32a96f20, NKC: xx0212121, ICCU: MUSV004817, BNE: XX4605892, IATH: w6p36jkk
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Pages in category "Barthélémon, François-Hippolyte/Arranger"
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