- Abdey, Alfred William
- Abrams, Harriett
- Acworth, Harry Arbuthnot
- Adams I, Thomas
- Adams II, Thomas
- Adams, A. Emmett
- Adams, Abraham
- Adams, Donald
- Adams, Joseph H.
- Adams, Sarah Flower
- Addison, Joseph
- Adkins, Hector Ernest
- Adlam, Frank
- Adler, Frederick Charles
- Adler, Richard Ernest
- Adson, John
- Agate, Edward
- Aguilar, Emanuel
- Agus, Giuseppe
- Agus, Joseph
- Aidé, Hamilton
- Aikin, William Arthur
- Ainsworth, William Harrison
- Aitken, Herbert
- Aitken, Michael
- Akerman, R.F. Martin
- Akeroyde, Samuel
- Alanus, Johannes
- Albert, Charles d'
- Albert, Prince Consort
- Albery, James
- Alcock Jr., John
- Alcock Sr., John
- Alcock, Gilbert A.
- Alcock, Walter Galpin
- Alcuin
- Alderson, Albion Percy
- Aldrich, Henry
- Alford, Henry
- Alford, Kenneth J.
- Allan, George
- Allen, Charles N.
- Allen, George Benjamin
- Allen, Henry A.
- Allestry, Jacob
- Allison, Richard
- Allitsen, Frances
- Alma-Tadema, Laurence
- Almog, Shlomo
- D'Alquen, Frank
- Althaus, Basil
- Altman, John
- Ambrose, Robert
- Amcotts, Vincent
- Ames, John Carlowitz
- Amner, John
- Ancliffe, Charles
- Anderson (poet), Robert
- Anderson, Arthur
- Anderson, George
- Anderton, Howard Orsmond
- Anderton, Thomas
- Andrewes, Lancelot
- Andrews, Gertrude Holman
- Andrews, Hilda
- Andrews, Mark
- Anglia, Robertus de
- Anglicanus
- Ansell, John
- Anson, Hugo
- Anstey, Thomas
- Antcliffe, Herbert
- Antes, John
- Arányi, Jelly d'
- Arba, E. d'
- Archer, Frederic
- Arkwright, Frances
- Arkwright, Godfrey Edward Pellew
- Arkwright, Marian Ursula
- Arlom, Wilfred
- Armes, Philip
- Armstrong, Jared
- Arne, Michael
- Arne, Thomas Augustine
- Arnold, Cecily
- Arnold, Charles Haydn
- Arnold, Denis
- Arnold, Edwin
- Arnold, George Benjamin
- Arnold, Harry
- Arnold, John
- Arnold, Matthew
- Arnold, Samuel
- Arnold, Samuel James
- ARob
- Arundale, Claude
- Ascham, Roger
- Ashbrooke, Philip
- Asher, Angelo Andrew
| A cont.
- Ashmall, William Edwin
- Ashton, Algernon
- Ashton, Léopold
- Ashwell, Thomas
- Askew, R.
- Askwith, George
- Aston, Hugh
- Atkins, Frederick Pyke
- Atkins, Ivor
- Atterbury, Luffman
- Attey, John
- Attwood, Thomas
- Auden, Wystan Hugh
- Austin, Alfred
- Austin, Ernest
- Austin, Frederic
- Austin, John
- Austin, William
- Aveling, Claude
- Avison, Charles
- Aylward, Florence
- Aylward, Theodore
- Ayrton, Edmund
- Ayrton, William
- Babell, William
- Bache, Constance
- Bache, Francis Edward
- Bache, Walter
- Bacheler, Daniel
- Bacon, Phanuel
- Baetens, Charles
- Baildon, Joseph
- Bainbridge, Katharine
- Bainton, Edgar Leslie
- Baird, George
- Bairstow, Edward Cuthbert
- Baker, Albert Edward
- Baker, Fred T.
- Baker, George
- Baker, Henry
- Baker, Henry Williams
- Baker, Thomas
- Balcher of Fulham
- Baldwin, John
- Ball, William
- Band of the Grenadier Guards
- Banester, Gilbert
- Banister 'The Younger', John
- Banister, John
- Banks, Isabella
- Bannister, Tanya
- Bantock, Granville
- Barbandt, Charles
- Barbauld, Anna Laetitia
- Barber, Robert
- Barbirolli, John
- Baring, Maurice
- Baring-Gould, Sabine
- Barker, George Arthur
- Barkworth, John Edmund
- Barley, William
- Barmas, Issay
- Barnard, Charlotte Alington
- Barnard, D'Auvergne
- Barnard, John
- Barnby, Joseph
- Barnes, Fred
- Barnes, William
- Barnett, John
- Barnett, John Francis
- Barnett, Robert
- Barns, Ethel
- Barratt, Edgar
- Barret, Apollon Marie-Rose
- Barrett, John
- Barrett, Reginald
- Barrett, William Alexander
- Barry, Charles Ainslie
- Barrymore, Frank
- Barthélemon, Cecilia Maria
- Barthélémon, François-Hippolyte
- Barthélemon, Maria
- Bartholomew, William
- Bartleman, James
- Bartlet, John
- Bartlett, Ethel
- Barton, Bernard
- Barton, Marmaduke Miller
- Bassano, Christopher
- Bassano, Jerome
- Baston, John
- Batchellor, Daniel
- Bate, Stanley
- Bateman, Robert
- Bates, Joah
- Bates, William
- Bateson, Thomas
- Bath Festival Orchestra
- Bath, Hubert
- Batson, Arthur Wellesley