(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Beyer, Ferdinand.)
Ferdinand Beyer
(25 July 1803 — 14 May 1863)
Name in Other Languages: 费迪南德·拜厄, フェルディナント・バイエル, فردیناند بیر, 페르디난트 바이어, فرديناند باير, Φέρντιναντ Μπέγιερ
Aliases: 拜厄, フェルディナント・バイヤー, バイエル
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 12572276, LCCN: n81048157, ISNI: 0000000083577139, GND: 134623703, SUDOC: 251435989, BNF: 148383385, BIBSYS: 12069441, MusicBrainz: f99c57b9-48bf-449d-afca-588fabb46412, NDL: 00433220, NKC: jn20020201001, BNE: XX853078, CiNii: DA09690881, IATH: w6j493wg
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Pages in category "Beyer, Ferdinand/Arranger"
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