Hino nacional brasileiro (Silva, Francisco Manuel da)




MP3 file (audio)
Lucas-coelho (2021/7/6)

Performer Pages Coral Paulistano (chorus)
Miguel Arqueróns (conductor)
Publisher Info. Mec, 1955. MC-2.
Misc. Notes Source: Discografia Brasileira
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For Chorus and Orchestra

MP3 file (audio)
Lucas-coelho (2021/5/24)

Performer Pages Orquestra Sinfônica do Theatro Municipal do Rio de Janeiro (orchestra)
Heitor Villa-Lobos (conductor)
Publisher Info. RCA Victor, 1940. I-10 RC63.
Performers Orfeão (chorus)
Misc. Notes Source: Discografia Brasileira
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For Voice and Wind Band

MP3 file (audio)
Lucas-coelho (2021/5/24)

Performer Pages Banda do Corpo de Bombeiros do Rio de Janeiro (wind band)
Antônio Pinto Júnior (conductor)
Publisher Info. Odeon, 1940. 11861 6335.
Misc. Notes Source: Discografia Brasileira
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For Wind Band

MP3 file (audio)
Lucas-coelho (2021/5/24)

Performer Pages Banda do Corpo de Bombeiros do Rio de Janeiro (wind band)
Albertino Pimentel (conductor)
Publisher Info. Columbia R, 1912. B-53 12008.
Misc. Notes Source: Discografia Brasileira
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Sheet Music

Scores and Parts

1st version (1831)

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Feduol (2022/5/15)

Publisher. Info. Holograph manuscript, n.d.(ca.1831)..
Misc. Notes Biblioteca Alberto Nepomuceno, Escola de Música da UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro (BR-Rem): MS S-IV-4
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Feduol (2022/5/1)

Publisher. Info. Cancioneiro de musicas populares, No.145 (pp.282-285)
Porto: Typographia Occidental, 1893.
Misc. Notes Dedicated to Emilia Chaim Zenha by the editor, not by the composer.
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4th version (1909)

PDF scanned by BR-Rn
Feduol (2022/5/11)

Editor Alberto Nepomuceno (1864–1920), vocal adaptation
Publisher. Info. Almanack do Correio da Manhã, Edição 1 (pp.81-87)
Rio de Janeiro: Correio da Manhã, 1913.
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4th version (1922)

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Feduol (2022/5/15)

Editor Alberto Nepomuceno (1864–1920), vocal adaptation
Theodoro Braga (1872–1953), illustrations
Publisher. Info. [Rio de Janeiro?]: Unidentified publisher, 1922.
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PDF scanned by Musica Brasilis
Lucas-coelho (2022/5/18)

PDF scanned by Musica Brasilis
Lucas-coelho (2022/5/18)

Editor Alberto Nepomuceno (1864–1920), vocal adaptation
Publisher. Info. São Paulo: Irmãos Vitale, n.d. Plate 20.673-c.
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4th version B (1936)

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Rafoio (2017/5/28)

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Rafoio (2017/5/28)

Arranger Antônio Pinto Júnior (1888–?)
Editor Simone dos Santos
Engraver Sithoca Edições Musicais
Publisher. Info. Rio de Janeiro: Funarte, Ministério da Cultura, 2008.
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Rafoio (2017/5/28)

Arranger Antônio Pinto Júnior (1888–?)
Editor Simone dos Santos
Engraver Sithoca Edições Musicais
Publisher. Info. Rio de Janeiro: Funarte, Ministério da Cultura, 2008.
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Arrangements and Transcriptions

For Orchestra (Republicano)

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Lucas-coelho (2022/7/30)

Arranger Assis Republicano (1897–1960)
Publisher. Info. Unidentified publisher, Rio de Janeiro.
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For Orchestra

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Feduol (2022/5/26)

Arranger Unknown
Publisher. Info. Manuscript, n.d.[1896-1900].
Misc. Notes Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal, Lisbon (P-Ln): M.M. 6031//1-16
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For Mixed Chorus (Biedermann)

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Feduol (2022/6/11)

Arranger Edward Julius Biedermann (1849–1933)
Language English / Portuguese
Translator Wilber Weeks (fl. 1913-1948), English text
Publisher. Info. The Most Popular Songs of Patriotism (pp.164-166)
New York: Hinds, Hayden & Eldredge, 1916.
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For Mixed Chorus (Lozano)

PDF scanned by BR-Rn
Lucas-coelho (2020/6/12)

Arranger Fabiano Lozano (1884–1965)
Publisher. Info. São Paulo: Ricordi, n.d. Plate B. A. 6778.
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For Horn, Trumpet and Euphonium (Messerschmidt)

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Messerman (2021/5/20)

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Messerman (2021/5/20)

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Messerman (2021/5/20)

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Messerman (2021/5/20)

Arranger Hans Jorgen Messerschmidt (b. 1944)
Publisher. Info. Hans Jorgen Messerschmidt, 2020.
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For Voice and Guitar (Ligocki)

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Leandro Ligocki (2020/10/15)

Arranger Leandro Ligocki (b. 1980)
Publisher. Info. Leandro Ligocki, 2012.
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For Piano (Beyer)

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HMABOSTON (2022/7/14)

Arranger Ferdinand Beyer (1803–1863)
Publisher. Info. Mainz: Schott, n.d.(ca.1859). Plate 13082.
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Feduol (2022/5/25)

Arranger Ferdinand Beyer (1803–1863)
Publisher. Info. Chants patriotiques pour le piano
Lisbon: J. Figueiredo, n.d.(ca.1860-80).
Misc. Notes After Beyer's Vaterlandslieder, No.40.
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For Piano

PDF scanned by P-Ln
Feduol (2022/5/26)

Publisher. Info. Manuscript, n.d.[1870-1900].
Misc. Notes Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal, Lisbon (P-Ln): M.M. 1828
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PDF scanned by Musica Brasilis
Lucas-coelho (2022/5/18)

Publisher. Info. São Paulo: Irmãos Vitale, n.d. Plate 20.323-c.
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1st version (1831)

PDF scanned by BR-Rn
Feduol (2022/5/15)

Publisher. Info. O sete d'abril, No.16
Rio de Janeiro: Typographia Americana, 1833 (February 23).
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2nd version (1841)

PDF scanned by BR-Rn
Feduol (2022/6/9)

Editor Frederico Marion (?–?)
Publisher. Info. Guia azul para 1882: Indicador do itinenario dos bonds, telegraphos, carros, etc. (p.37)
Rio de Janeiro: H. Laemmert & C., 1882.
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PDF scanned by BR-Rn
Feduol (2022/6/9)

Publisher. Info. Diario de noticias, Anno VII, No.1667
Rio de Janeiro, 1890 (January 7).
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PDF scanned by BR-Rn
Feduol (2022/6/9)

Publisher. Info. A noticia, Anno II, No.292
Rio de Janeiro, 1895 (November 19-20).
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4th version (1909)

PDF scanned by BR-Rn
Feduol (2022/4/14)

Copyist Osório Duque-Estrada (1870-1927)
Publisher. Info. Projecto de letra para o hymno nacional
Holograph manuscript, 1909 (October).
Misc. Notes Biblioteca Nacional, Rio de Janeiro (BR-Rn): Mss 49 2 013
Slightly different version from that would be officialized in 1922 (Decreto No.15671/22).
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4th version (1922)

PDF scanned by ABL
Feduol (2022/4/15)

Copyist Osório Duque-Estrada (1870-1927)
Publisher. Info. Letra do hymno nacional: Edição definitiva
Holograph manuscript, 1822 (August 3).
Misc. Notes Manuscript donated by Duque-Estrada to the Academia Brasileira de Letras in 1922-09-21.
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Alternative versions

Taunay (1843)

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Feduol (2022/6/11)

Arranger Carlos Augusto Taunay (1791–1867)
Editor Max Fleiuss (1868–1943)
Publisher. Info. Paginas de historia: Cem annos da independencia (pp.287-288)
Rio de Janeiro: Impresa Nacional, 1924.
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Brito (1851)

PDF scanned by BR-Rn
Feduol (2022/7/24)

Arranger Francisco de Paula Brito (1809–1861)
Publisher. Info. Jornal do commercio, Anno XXVI, No.75
Rio de Janeiro: Typ. Imperial e Constitucional de J. Villeneuve, 1851 (March 16).
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Anonymous (1853)

PDF scanned by BR-Rn
Feduol (2022/7/23)

Arranger Anonymous
Publisher. Info. Periodico dos pobres, Anno IV, No.134
Rio de Janeiro: Typ. de A.M. Morando, 1853 (December 6).
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Assis (1867)

PDF scanned by BR-Rn
Feduol (2022/9/8)

Arranger Machado de Assis (1839–1908)
Publisher. Info. O constitucional, Anno I, No.23
Florianópolis: Typ. de J.J. Lopes, 1867 (December 11).
Misc. Notes Sung in honor of Pedro II's 42th birthday.
Announced in O mercantil on December 1 and 8.
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Silva (1878)

PDF scanned by BBM
Feduol (2022/11/27)

Editor Joaquim Norberto de Souza e Silva (1820–1891)
Publisher. Info. A cantoria brasileira: Nova colleção de hymnos, canções e lundus (pp.21-22)
Rio de Janeiro: Self-published, 1878.
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Carvalho (1906)

PDF scanned by UFSC
Feduol (2022/7/10)

Arranger Álvaro Augusto da Costa Carvalho (1865–1933)
Publisher. Info. Revista de ensino, Anno IV, No.6
São Paulo: Hennies Irmãos, 1906 (May).
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PDF scanned by APESP
Feduol (2022/7/11)

Arranger Álvaro Augusto da Costa Carvalho (1865–1933)
Publisher. Info. Correio paulistano, No.16385
São Paulo, 1909 (March 21).
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Meira (1917)

PDF scanned by BBM
Feduol (2022/7/25)

Arranger Augusto Meira (1873–1964)
Publisher. Info. Almanque do 'Portugal' luzo-brasileiro para 1918 (pp.102-103)
Pará: Typographia Miranda, 1917.
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General Information

Work Title Hino nacional brasileiro
Alternative. Title Hymno ao 7 de abril, also known as "Hino da abdicação [D. Pedro I]" (1st version) / A coroação, also known as "Hino à coroação [D. Pedro II]" (2nd version) / Hymno nacional / Hymno nacional brasileiro
Composer Silva, Francisco Manuel da
Internal Reference NumberInternal Ref. No. IFS 1
Key B-flat major (original/instrumental version)
F major (Nepomuceno's vocal adaptation)
Year/Date of CompositionY/D of Comp. original: 1831: 1st version
original: 1841: 2nd version
  posth.: 1890: 3rd version (lyrics abolished)
  posth.: 1909: 4th version (established in 1922)
First Performance. 1831-04-14 in Rio de Janeiro, Teatro São Pedro de Alcântara (1st version)
1841-07-21 in Rio de Janeiro, Paço Imperial - Sociedade Philarmônica (2nd version)
First Publication. 1832 (1st version)
1910 - Paris: Chaimbaud (4th version)
Librettist 1st version: Ovídio Saraiva de Carvalho e Silva (1787–1852)
2nd version: João José de Souza Silva Rio (1810–1886)
3rd version: untexted
4th version: Osório Duque-Estrada (1870–1927)
Language Portuguese
Dedication "Aos brasileiros por um seu patrício nato" (1st version) *
Pedro II (1825-1891) (2nd version) *
[*] Dedication by the librettists, not by Silva.
Composer Time PeriodComp. Period Romantic
Piece Style Romantic
Instrumentation 1st version: voice, piano
2nd version: voice, piano
3rd version: undetermined (only instrumental versions were officially accepted, Decreto No.171/90)
4th version: undetermined (adoption of lyrics written by Duque-Estrada, Decreto No.15671/22) */**/***

[*] In the beginning of the 20th century, Alberto Nepomuceno (1864–1920), using his political influence, advocated for a reform of the Brazilian anthem. He adapted the melodic line of Silva's original composition (being officially recognized by the government), gave promotion to the inclusion of new lyrics to it and proposed a regulation of its performances. Duque-Estrada's lyrics were written in 1909 and officially adopted in 1922.
[**] Official instrumental versions established in 1936 (Decreto No.259/36):

a) orchestra: arr. by Leopoldo Miguez (1850–1902)
b) wind band: arr. by Antônio Pinto Júnior (1888–?)

[***] In 1942, Assis Republicano (1897–1960)'s and Antão Fernandes (1864–1949)'s versions for orchestra and wind band, respectively, were also officially recognized (Decreto No.4545/42).

External Links Wikipedia article

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First recording: 1917 (Vicente Celestino, [tenor?], Banda do Batalhão dos Fuzileiros Navais, wind band)