- 2 Arrangements (Łusakowski, Jan)
- 2 Duettini sur 'Le Stabat Mater', Op.40 (Bériot, Charles-Auguste de)
- 2 Duos Concertans for Violin and Cello (Kummer, Friedrich August)
- 2 Duos for Harp and Horn (Labarre, Théodore)
- 2 Duos for Violin and Cello, Book 1 (Bohrer, Antoine)
- 2 Duos for Violin and Cello, Book 2 (Bohrer, Antoine)
- 2 Nocturnes, Op.23 (Bériot, Charles-Auguste de)
- 2 Schöne und Trostreiche Sprüche von dem heiligen Ehestand (Eccard, Johannes)
- 20 Mélodies, Livre 2 (Hillemacher, Paul Joseph Guillaume)
- 20 Pièces nouvelles (Hillemacher, Paul Joseph Guillaume)
- 3 Duos Brillants sur la Beatrice de Bellini, Op.94 (Bériot, Charles-Auguste de)
- 3 Duos concertans, Op.75 (Herz, Henri)
- 3 Duos de Salon sur des Motifs de Donizetti (Tulou, Jean-Louis)
- 3 Duos de salon, Op.92 (Bériot, Charles-Auguste de)
- 3 Duos for Violin and Cello, Book 3 (Bohrer, Antoine)
- 3 Duos for Violin and Cello, Op.2 (Romberg, Bernhard)
- 3 Duos for Violin and Cello, Op.3 (Romberg, Bernhard)
- 3 Duos pour Guitarre & Violon (Doisy, Charles)
- 3 Flute Quintets, Op.1 (Romberg, Andreas)
- 3 Morceaux de salon, Op.53 (Litolff, Henry Charles)
- 3 Nocturnes for Harp and Horn, Op.32 (Naderman, François-Joseph)
- 3 Nocturnes sur les mélodies de Schubert, Op.34 (Labarre, Théodore)
- 3 Nocturnes, Book 1 (Duport, Jean-Louis)
- 3 Nocturnes, Op.69 (Bochsa, Nicholas Charles)
- 3 Nocturnes, Op.70 (Bochsa, Nicholas Charles)
- 3 Romances sentimentales (Kummer, Friedrich August)
- 3 String Quartets, Op.28 (Krommer, Franz)
- 3 Valses (Hillemacher, Paul Joseph Guillaume)
- 31st Street Blues (Hall, Wendell W.)
- 6 Airs variés for Violin and Cello, Livre 4 (Cartier, Jean-Baptiste)
- 6 Amusements, Op.107 (Herz, Henri)
- 6 Basque Songs (Guridi, Jesús)
- 6 Duettinos sur 'Les Puritains', Op.97 (Bériot, Charles-Auguste de)
- 6 Duos 'Le Fruit de l’Etude', Op.35 (Bériot, Charles-Auguste de)
- 6 Duos de salon (Léonard, Hubert)
- 6 Duos sur Semiramide, Op.96 (Bériot, Charles-Auguste de)
- 6 Grands Duos, Op.41 (Bohrer, Antoine)
- 6 Morceaux de Salon, Op.45 (Bériot, Charles-Auguste de)
- 6 Nocturnes concertans (Bochsa, Nicholas Charles)
- 6 Sonatas (Porpora, Nicola Antonio)
- 6 Songs (Hewitt, James)
- 6 Souvenirs dramatiques, Op.89 (Bériot, Charles-Auguste de)
- A Broken Idol (Van Alstyne, Egbert)
- A Bundle of Love (Jolson, Al)
- A Chain with a Broken Link (Windom, W. H.)
- A Collection of Duets for French Horns (Various)
- A Coon of Pedrigree (Larkins, Jolly John)
- A Fourth Collection of Slow Airs, Strathspeys and Reels (Gow, John)
- A Hundred Years from Now (Caddigan, Jack)
- A Little Bit Bad (Davis, Benny)
- A Little Brook, a Little Girl, a Little Love (Harris, Charles Kassell)
- A Maid and a Myth (Bennett, William Harrison)
- A Modern Eve (Gilbert, Jean)
- A Poor Little House (Scott, Maurice)
- A Runaway Girl (Caryll, Ivan)
- A Smile Will Go a Long Long Way (Davis, Benny)
- A Southern Maid (Fraser-Simson, Harold)
- A Study of Omaha Indian Music (Fletcher, Alice Cunningham)
- A Suburbana (Carreiro, Alvaro)
- A Sun-Kist Cottage in California (Gress, Louis)
- A Trip to Hitland (Various)
- A.B.C. Dramatic Set No.20 (Luz, Ernst)
- Aba Daba Honeymoon (Fields, Arthur)
- Abraham Lincoln Jones (Mack, Cecil)
- Abroad and At Home (Shield, William)
- Afghanistan (Wilander, William)
- After (Robinson, Frank B.)
- After All (Herscher, Lou)
- After Every Party (Freed, Arthur)
- After Tea (Smith, Chris)
- After the Honeymoon (Berlin, Irving)
- After To-Night (Herscher, Lou)
- After You've Gone (Layton, Turner)
- Ages and Ages (Kendis, James)
- Aggravatin' Papa (Turk, Roy)
- Ah! Cruel Maid (Comer, Thomas)
- Ain't It the Truth (Moran, Eddie)
- Ain't Love Grand (De Sylva, B. G.)
- Ain't Misbehavin' (Waller, Fats)
- Aint Nuthin Doin (Wood, Julian)
- Air Varié pour Flûte et Guitare No.6, Op.41 (Berbiguier, Tranquille)
- Air Varié pour Flûte et Guitare No.7, Op.9 (Berbiguier, Tranquille)
- Air Varié pour Flûte et Guitare No.9, Op.56 (Berbiguier, Tranquille)
- Airs bohémiens (Léonard, Hubert)
| A cont.
- Airs styriens (Léonard, Hubert)
- Alashan (Duke, Wilfred)
- Album für die Jugend (Hofmann, Richard)
- Alcide (Marais, Marin)
- Alexander's Bag-Pipe Band (Goetz, Edward Ray)
- All for the Love of Mike (Pease, Harry)
- All I Get Is Consolation (Wendling, Pete)
- All I Want Is a Girl Like You (Berkin, Julius)
- All I Wants Is Ma Chickens (Deas, Lawrence)
- All I Wants Is My Black Baby Back (Edwards, Gus)
- All in Down and Out (Smith, Chris)
- All My Life (Bayes, Nora)
- All the Boys Love Mary (Van, Gus)
- All Thru the Night (Cox, Charles Roy)
- Allegro de Sonate, Op.2 (Wieniawski, Henri)
- Allein Gott in der Höh sei Ehr (Anonymous)
- Alone in the Rain (Goulding, Edmund)
- Alone with You (Ritchie, Ethel)
- Always the Same, Sweet Pal (Weinberg, Charles)
- America Did It Again (Koehler, Ted)
- America Never Took Water (Brennan, J. Keirn)
- American Beauty (Bryan, Alfred)
- American Croknots (Charton, Georges)
- An Innocent Young Maid (Carle, Richard)
- And He'd Say 'Oo-La-La-Wee-Wee' (Ruby, Harry)
- And Her Golden Hair Was Hanging Down Her Back (McGlennon, Felix)
- Andromaca (Aurisicchio, Antonio)
- Andromeda liberata, RV Anh.117 (Various)
- Angel Child (Price, George E.)
- Angel Child (Various)
- Angel Eyes (Kendis, James)
- Angels (Kalmar, Bert)
- Animal Crackers (Kalmar, Bert)
- Anuschka (Steiner, Oscar)
- Anxious (Kendis, James)
- Any Old Place in Yankee Land Is Good Enough for Me (Cook, Will Marion)
- Any Time You're Passing By (Arthurs, George)
- Anything Is Nice if It Comes from Dixieland (Clarke, Grant)
- Apat-eŕeka gañeko oroitza (Furundarena, Estanislao de)
- Apple Blossoms (Kreisler, Fritz)
- Apple Sauce (Lyman, Abe)
- Arabian Moon (Harrison, Charles)
- Arcady (Jolson, Al)
- Arco iris (Auli Padró, Juan)
- Are You from Heaven? (Gilbert, L. Wolfe)
- Are You Lonesome To-Night? (Turk, Roy)
- Are You Playing Fair? (Cohen, Henry R.)
- Arithmetic of Love (Metcalfe, F. C.)
- Arkansas Blues (Lada, Anton)
- Ars Gratia Artis (Kopeć, Kacper)
- As We Sat on a Rock, in Little Rock, Arkansas (Tobias, Harry)
- As Years Go By (Tobias, Charles)
- Asbestos Daddy (Poston, J. Lawrence)
- At Close of Day (Klages, Raymond)
- At he Yiddish Wedding Jubilee (Piantadosi, Al)
- At the Chicken Chaser's Ball (Vardon, Frank A.)
- At the Chocolate Bon Bon Ball (Pease, Harry)
- At the Coffee Cooler's Tea (Sullivan, Alex)
- At the High Brown Babies' Ball (Davis, Benny)
- At the Honky-Tonk Steppers' Ball (Smith, Chris)
- Atta Boy (Osborne, Nat)
- Avalon (Jolson, Al)
- Aw, Gee! Don't Be that Way Now (Turk, Roy)
- Azerbaijani Folk Songs (Folk Songs, Azerbaijani)
- Babilons Piramiden (Mederitsch, Johann Georg Anton)
- Baby Blue Eyes (Hirsch, Walter)
- Baby Doll (Armstrong, Henry W.)
- Baby Face (Benson, Jerry)
- Baby Face (Davis, Benny)
- Baby Me (Handman, Lou)
- Baby's Prayer Will Soon Be Answered (Baskette, Billy)
- Back O' Town Blues (Armstrong, Louis)
- Back of Every Cloud There's Sunshine (Daly, Charles)
- Back to My Old Home Town (Bayes, Nora)
- Bailey Gatzert (Decker)
- Baisers (Gallini, Luigi)
- Banana Oil (Dubin, Al)
- Bandanna Land (Cook, Will Marion)
- Bangalore (Burtnett, Earl)
- Barney Google (Various)
- Bayard à Mézières (Cherubini, Luigi)
- Beauties of Sacred Harmony (Nightingale, John Charles)
- Beautiful (Leonard, Eddie)
- Beautiful Hawaiian Love (Morse, Theodora)
- Beautiful Hudson (Baron, Maurice)
- Beautiful Land of Somewhere (Haywood, Harry)
- Beautiful Roses (Carroll, Earl)
- Beauty Retire (Pepys, Samuel)
- Bebe-D (Kortlander, Max)
- Bees Knees (Lewis, Ted)
- The Beggar's Opera (Pepusch, John Christopher)
- Behind the Clouds (Davis, Benny)
- Behind Your Silken Veil (Rose, Vincent)
- Bellini des Salons, Op.16 (Rosenhain, Jacob)
- Beloved (Kahn, Gustav)
- Ben-Ami (Friedsell, Louis)
- Ben-Hur (Mendoza, David)
- Beside an Open Fireplace (Denniker, Paul)
- Better Get Acquainted (Robinson, J. Russel)
- Big Boy (Hanley, James F.)