- 10 Sub tuum praesidium, ZWV 157 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)
- 10 Variations on "Unser dummer Pöbel meint", K.455 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- 12 Concerti Grossi, GB-Lbl R.M.21.b.14 (Scarlatti, Alessandro)
- 12 Contredanses, WoO 14 (Beethoven, Ludwig van)
- 12 Fantasias for Violin without Bass, TWV 40:14-25 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)
- 12 Full Organ Pieces, Set 1 (Herschel, William)
- 12 Full Organ Pieces, Set 2 (Herschel, William)
- 12 Polonaises, F.12 (Bach, Wilhelm Friedemann)
- 12 Sonatas (Gallo, Alberto)
- 12 Variations on "La belle Françoise", K.353/300f (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- 12 Variations on 'Ah, vous dirai-je maman', K.265/300e (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- 12 Variations on 'Colin a peine à seize ans', H.226 (Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel)
- 12 Variations on 'La bergère Célimène', K.359/374a (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- 12 Voluntaries for the Organ (Herschel, William)
- 13 Madrigals, D-Dl Mus.2170-G-1 (Caldara, Antonio)
- 14 Canons, BWV 1087 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)
- 15 Inventions, BWV 772-786 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)
- 15 Sinfonias, BWV 787-801 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)
- 15 Sonatas for Tromba Marina (Castro, Lorenzo de)
- 16 Minuets, K.176 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- 16 Trio Sonatas (Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel)
- 18 Chorale Preludes, BWV 651-668 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)
- 2 Cantatas (Bach, Johann Sebastian)
- 2 Hymns, ZWV 111-112 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)
- 2 Hymns, ZWV 118 & 114 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)
- 2 Marches, K.335/320a (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- 2 Pieces, WoO 33b (Beethoven, Ludwig van)
- 2 Sonatas for Harp and Violin (Krumpholz, Jean-Baptiste)
- 24 Organ Sonatas (Herschel, William)
- 26 Organ Pieces (Bach, Johann Sebastian)
- 28 Arias, I-Nc Rari 2.3.1 (Piccinni, Niccolò)
- 3 Choräle zu Trauungen, BWV 250-252 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)
- 3 Duets for 2 Violas, F.60-62 (Bach, Wilhelm Friedemann)
- 3 Duos Italiens, StWV 11 (Sterkel, Johann Franz Xaver)
- 3 Hymns, ZWV 113, 117 & 120 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)
- 3 Lamentationes Jeremiae in Coena Domini, S.71-73 (Heinichen, Johann David)
- 3 Lamentationes pro hebdomada sancta, ZWV 54 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)
- 3 Marches, K.408 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- 3 Minuets, K.363 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- 3 Organ Sonatas (Valenti, Niccolò)
- 3 Piano Concertos after J.C. Bach, K.107 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- 3 Pieces for Musical Clock, WoO 33a (Beethoven, Ludwig van)
- 3 Sonatas, ÖNB EM.42 (Sanguinazzo, Niccolò)
- 3 Sonatas, ÖNB EM.43 (Sanguinazzo, Niccolò)
- 3 Sonatas, ÖNB EM.44 (Sanguinazzo, Niccolò)
- 3 String Quintets, G.337-339 (Op.39) (Boccherini, Luigi)
- 32 Voluntaries and Full pieces for the Organ (Herschel, William)
- 6 Ave Regina Coelorum, ZWV 128 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)
- 6 Brandenburg Concertos (Bach, Johann Sebastian)
- 6 Country Dances, K.462/448b (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- 6 Flute Concertos, WK 46-51 (Abel, Carl Friedrich)
- 6 German Dances, K.571 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- 6 Keyboard Sonatas, Hob.XVI:21-26 (Haydn, Joseph)
- 6 Keyboard Sonatas, Op.6 (Spergher, Ignaz)
- 6 Lamentationes pro hebdomada sancta, ZWV 53 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)
- 6 Minuets, K.164/130a (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- 6 Minuets, K.461/448a (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- 6 Preludes and Fugues (Herschel, William)
- 6 Sonatas, ZWV 181 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)
- 6 Variations on "Hélas, j'ai perdu mon amant", K.360/374b (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- 6 Variations on a Canzonette, H.275 (Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel)
- 6 Variations on a Swiss Song, WoO 64 (Beethoven, Ludwig van)
- 6 Violin Sonatas and Partitas, BWV 1001-1006 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)
- 6 Violin Sonatas, BWV 1014-1019 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)
- A Good Selection of Marches (Pike, James)
- A Long-Taild Pig (Cooke, Benjamin)
- A quest'ombre che di pena son cagione (Ristori, Giovanni Alberto)
- A questo seno deh vieni, K.374 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- A trionfar mi chiama (Sperger, Johann Matthias)
- Ach bleib bei uns Herr Jesu Christ, GWV 1129/46 (Graupner, Christoph)
- Ach dass die Hülfe aus Zion über Israel käme, GWV 1125/19 (Graupner, Christoph)
- Ach dass die Hülfe aus Zion über Israel käme, GWV 1154/53 (Graupner, Christoph)
- Ach Davids Sohn du Trost, GWV 1121/25 (Graupner, Christoph)
- Ach eitle Herzen, GWV 1142/45 (Graupner, Christoph)
- Ach es geht mir wie einem, GWV 1117/46 (Graupner, Christoph)
- Ach Gott ach Vater sieh, GWV 1137/44 (Graupner, Christoph)
- Ach Gott dein Rat ist wunderbar, GWV 1133/42 (Graupner, Christoph)
- Ach Gott und Herr, GWV 1144/11 (Graupner, Christoph)
- Ach Gott vom Himmel sieh darein, F.96 (Bach, Wilhelm Friedemann)
- Ach Gott vom Himmel sieh darein, GWV 1106/42 (Graupner, Christoph)
- Ach Gott vom Himmel sieh darein, GWV 1108/41 (Graupner, Christoph)
- Ach Gott vom Himmel sieh darein, GWV 1124/37 (Graupner, Christoph)
- Ach Gott vom Himmel sieh darein, GWV 1149/24 (Graupner, Christoph)
- Ach Gott wie elend sind wir dran, GWV 1155/32 (Graupner, Christoph)
- Ach Gott wie lange soll der Widerwärtige, GWV 1122/53 (Graupner, Christoph)
- Ach Gott wie manches Herzeleid, GWV 1133/44 (Graupner, Christoph)
- Ach Gott wie manches Herzeleid, GWV 1142/11 (Graupner, Christoph)
| A cont.
- Ach Gott will ins Gerichte gehen, GWV 1163/09 (Graupner, Christoph)
- Ach Gott, vom Himmel sieh darein, BWV 2 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)
- Ach Gott, wie manches Herzeleid, BWV 58 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)
- Ach grosser Gott mein Herz, GWV 1152/26 (Graupner, Christoph)
- Ach grosser Helfer, GWV 1160/26 (Graupner, Christoph)
- Ach guter Hirte lass dich finden, GWV 1140/32 (Graupner, Christoph)
- Ach harter Stand für Gottes Freunde, GWV 1103/41 (Graupner, Christoph)
- Ach Herr ach Heiland hilf, GWV 1131/43 (Graupner, Christoph)
- Ach Herr die Frommen warten deiner, GWV 1167/42 (Graupner, Christoph)
- Ach Herr Gott wie reich, GWV 1162/42b (Graupner, Christoph)
- Ach Herr lehr uns bedenken wohl, GWV 1157/13 (Graupner, Christoph)
- Ach Herr lehr uns bedenken wohl, GWV 1157/21 (Graupner, Christoph)
- Ach Herr, mich armen Sünder, BWV 135 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)
- Ach Herr, mich armen Sünder, GWV 1152/46 (Graupner, Christoph)
- Ach Jesu heile doch die Plagen, GWV 1153/24 (Graupner, Christoph)
- Ach Jesu Quelle aller Gnaden, GWV 1163/20 (Graupner, Christoph)
- Ach Jesu Satans Überwinder, GWV 1122/28 (Graupner, Christoph)
- Ach Jesu teure Rettungsquelle, GWV 1121/29 (Graupner, Christoph)
- Ach Jesu wie bist du so treu, GWV 1132/45 (Graupner, Christoph)
- Ach Jesu wir sind wund, GWV 1154/46 (Graupner, Christoph)
- Ach Jesus weicht er will zum Vater, GWV 1134/26 (Graupner, Christoph)
- Ach Jesus' Stunde ist gekommen, GWV 1126/34 (Graupner, Christoph)
- Ach lass dich unsers Elends jammern, GWV 1119/37 (Graupner, Christoph)
- Ach meines Jammers und Herzeleids, GWV 1175/26b (Graupner, Christoph)
- Ach sagt mir nichts von Gold und Schätzen, GWV 1142/34 (Graupner, Christoph)
- Ach sagt mir nichts von Gold und Schätzen, GWV 1142/40 (Graupner, Christoph)
- Ach Seelen wacht der Wolf kommt, GWV 1149/40 (Graupner, Christoph)
- Ach Seelenfreund wo bist du hingegangen, GWV 1129/42 (Graupner, Christoph)
- Ach Sterbliche bedenkt das Ende, GWV 1157/25 (Graupner, Christoph)
- Ach stirb mein Herz, GWV 1127/38 (Graupner, Christoph)
- Ach und Schmerzen klag ich Gott, GWV 1104/11b (Graupner, Christoph)
- Ach was hab ich ausgerichtet, GWV 1163/39 (Graupner, Christoph)
- Ach was soll ich Sünder machen, GWV 1144/24 (Graupner, Christoph)
- Ach was soll ich Sünder machen, GWV 1153/09b (Graupner, Christoph)
- Ach welchen Jammer bringt die Sünde, GWV 1153/43 (Graupner, Christoph)
- Ach wie nichtig, ach wie flüchtig, BWV 644 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)
- Ach wie nichtig, ach wie flüchtig, GWV 1157/28 (Graupner, Christoph)
- Ach wie nichtig, ach wie flüchtig, TWV 4:6 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)
- Ach wo find' ich meine Liebe, GWV 1112/14 (Graupner, Christoph)
- Ach wo nun hin, GWV 1150/09 (Graupner, Christoph)
- Ach wo soll ich Jesum finden, GWV 1129/49 (Graupner, Christoph)
- Ach zarter Jesu, GWV 1112/30 (Graupner, Christoph)
- Achille in Sciro, R.1.56 (Paisiello, Giovanni)
- Achtet es eitel Freude, GWV 1133/45 (Graupner, Christoph)
- Ad te levavi animam meam (Hasse, Johann Adolph)
- Adagio and Fugue in C minor, K.546 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Adagio and Rondo in C minor, K.617 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Adagio for Mandolin and Harpsichord, WoO 43b (Beethoven, Ludwig van)
- Adagio in B-flat major, K.411/484a (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Adagio in C major, K.356/617a (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Adelaide (Torri, Pietro)
- Adriano in Siria (Galuppi, Baldassare)
- Adriano in Siria (Ristori, Giovanni Alberto)
- Agitata alma mia, GraunWV B:III:12 (Graun, Karl Heinrich)
- Agnus Dei, ZWV 37 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)
- Agnus Dei, ZWV 38 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)
- Agrippina, HWV 6 (Handel, George Frideric)
- Ah se in ciel, K.538 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Ah, lo previdi, K.272 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Ah, spiegarti, o Dio, K.178/417e (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Al fin m'ucciderete, H.21 (Scarlatti, Alessandro)
- Al furor d'avversa sorte (Sperger, Johann Matthias)
- Albion, thy sea-encircled isle (Cooke, Benjamin)
- Alcide al bivio, R.1.62 (Paisiello, Giovanni)
- Alcina, HWV 34 (Handel, George Frideric)
- Aleph quomodo obscuratum (Calderara, Giacinto)
- Alessandro nell'Indie (Cimarosa, Domenico)
- Alessandro nell'Indie (Jommelli, Niccolò)
- Alessandro nell'Indie (Piccinni, Niccolò)
- Alfin quella dal cielo (Piccinni, Niccolò)
- All'ombra di sospetto, RV 678 (Vivaldi, Antonio)
- All'or che lo sguardo, RV 650 (Vivaldi, Antonio)
- Alle die sich demütigen, GWV 1152/45 (Graupner, Christoph)
- Alle die vor mir kommen sind, GWV 1140/41 (Graupner, Christoph)
- Alle die vor mir kommen sind, GWV 1140/47 (Graupner, Christoph)
- Alle Dinge sind möglich, GWV 1121/40 (Graupner, Christoph)
- Alle eure Dinge, GWV 1154/09a (Graupner, Christoph)
- Alle Fülle aller Segen, GWV 1123/22 (Graupner, Christoph)
- Alle Kreatur Gottes, GWV 1148/49 (Graupner, Christoph)
- Alle Menschen müssen sterben, BWV 643 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)
- Alle Schrift von Gott eingegeben ist, GWV 1147/41 (Graupner, Christoph)
- Alle Schrift von Gott eingegeben ist, GWV 1159/45 (Graupner, Christoph)
- Alle Troiane antenne, H.30 (Scarlatti, Alessandro)
- Alle Züchtigung, wenn sie da ist, dünket sie uns nicht Freude, GWV 1162/26 (Graupner, Christoph)
- Allegretto, WoO 53 (Beethoven, Ludwig van)
- Allegro in D major, K.626b/16 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Alleluia (Leo, Leonardo)
- Alleluia dicite in C major (Caldara, Antonio)
- Allemande in A minor, EngK 74 (Kirnberger, Johann Philipp)
- Alles Fleisch ist wie Gras, GWV 1157/27 (Graupner, Christoph)
- Alles ist an Gottes Segen, GWV 1146/10 (Graupner, Christoph)
- Alles nur nach Gottes Willen, BWV 72 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)
- Alles was einen Fehl hat, GWV 1147/49 (Graupner, Christoph)
- Alles was ihr bittet, GWV 1135/43 (Graupner, Christoph)
- Alles was ihr bittet, GWV 1135/48 (Graupner, Christoph)
- Alles was ihr wollet, GWV 1145/45 (Graupner, Christoph)
- Alles was mir mein Vater gibt, GWV 1141/48 (Graupner, Christoph)
- Allor ch'il Dio di Delo, H.31 (Scarlatti, Alessandro)
- Alma redemptoris Mater, S.22 (Heinichen, Johann David)
- Alma redemptoris Mater, ZWV 123 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)