- El Abufar (Anonymous)
- The Airs and Melodies Peculiar to the Highlands of Scotland and the Isles (Fraser, Simon)
- Airs sérieux et à boire (Bouvard, François)
- Alella (Viñas, José)
- Alexander's New Scrap Book (Various)
- 24 American Country Dances (Cantelo, Hezekiah)
- Anderson's Budget of Strathspeys, Reels and Country Dances (Anderson, John)
- Ann Winnington's Music Manuscript Book (Various)
- Apollo's Banquet, Newly Reviv'd (Playford, Henry)
- Apollo's Banquet (Playford, John)
- Así son todos! (Damas, Tomás)
- Caledonian Country Dances with a Thorough Bass (Various)
- The Caledonian Pocket Companion (Oswald, James)
- Cameron's Selection of Violin Music (Cameron, George)
- Carillon national (Bécourt)
- The Cassino (Anonymous)
- Catherina-Contredanses, Op.25 (Lubomirski, Kazimierz)
- The Celebrated Circus Tunes Perform'd at Edinburgh (Various)
- La Charivary (Anonymous)
- A Choice Selection of Minuets, Airs, Hornpipes, Waltzes etc. (Duff, Archibald)
- Clarke, Woodall and Skelton's Manuscript Tunebook (Various)
- Co lubi Warszawa (Lewandowski, Leopold)
- Collection Manuscrite d'Airs à Danser (Anonymous)
- A Collection of Entirely Original Strathspey Reels, etc. (Various)
- A Collection of Favorite Irish Airs (Holden, Smollet)
- A Collection of Favourite Scots Tunes with Variations (MacLean, Charles)
- A Collection of Favourite Tunes with New Variations (Campbell, Joshua)
- Collection of Minuets and Country Dances (Various)
- A Collection of Old Scots Tunes (Barsanti, Francesco)
- A Collection of Scots Measures (McGlashan, Alexander)
- A Collection of Scots Reels or Country Dances (Bremner, Robert)
- A Collection of Strathspey Reels (Gow, Nathaniel)
- A Collection of Strathspey Reels (Shepherd, William)
- A Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc. (Gow, Niel)
- A Collection of Strathspey Reels, Jigs etc. (Stewart, Charles)
- A Collection of Strathspeys, Reels, Jigs etc. (Mackintosh, Abraham)
- A collection of the most favorite Scots tunes (Reinagle, Alexander)
- A Companion to the Ball Room (Wilson, Thomas)
- A Companion to the Reticule (Various)
- The Compleat Country Dancing-Master (Walsh, John)
- The Compleat Tutor for the Violin (Preston, John)
- El Conde Alarcos (Del Monte, Manuel)
- La conga (Zabalza, Dámaso)
- 5 Contradanses (Glinka, Mikhail)
- Contradanza nel Ballo, La Noce di Benevento ridotta per Chitarra (Nava, Antonio Maria)
- Contradanza popular II (Nin Castellanos, Joaquín)
- Contradanza popular I (Nin Castellanos, Joaquín)
- Contradanzas para Piano (Saumell Robredo, Manuel)
- Contradanza (Ferrandiere, Fernando)
- Contradanza (Nonó, José)
- 6 Contradanze Francesi (Korbmann, Georg Joseph)
- 4 Contradanze per pianoforte (Novaro, Michele)
- Contratänze, Op.54 (Strauss Sr., Johann)
- 5 Côntre Dansas Francezas (Bomtempo, João Domingos)
- 5 Contre danses de Rossini et 2 Valses favorites (Fossa, François de)
- 6 Contre-danses avec les Figures et 3 Valses, Op.49 (Carulli, Ferdinando)
- Contre-danses et Waltzes (Various)
- 6 Contre-Danses, Op.58 (Carulli, Ferdinando)
- Contredanse ancienne (Gobbaerts, Louis)
- Contredanse in D major, Hob.XXXIc:17b (Haydn, Joseph)
- Contredanse in D major (Sor, Fernando)
- Contredanse in G-flat major, B.17 (Chopin, Frédéric)
- Contredanses brillantes, Op.60 (Łodwigowski, Edward Stefan)
- Contredanses et valses faciles, Op.8 (Aguado, Dionisio)
- Contredanses non difficiles, Op.9 (Aguado, Dionisio)
- Contredanses on Themes from 'L'éclair' (Pohlens, Aleksander)
- Contredanses on Themes from 'L'Elisir d'amore' (Pohlens, Aleksander)
- Contredanses on themes from 'Marco Spada' (Dietrich, Maurice)
- Contredanses on themes from 'Martha' (Dietrich, Maurice)
- Contredanses pour le pianoforte (Rossini, Gioacchino)
- 6 Contredanses quadrilles, Op.193 (Carulli, Ferdinando)
- Contredanses sur des motifs de l'opèra 'Ernani' (Troschel, Wilhelm)
- Contredanses variées suivies d'une valse, Op.35 (Herz, Henri)
- Contredanses variées, Op.49 (Herz, Henri)
- 5 Contredanses (Kozlovsky, Osip)
- 12 Contredanses (Hennersdorff)
- 3 Contredanses, Op.21 (Kozlovsky, Osip)
- Contredanses, Op.44 (Strauss Sr., Johann)
- 5 Contredanses, Op.88 (Kalliwoda, Johann Wenzel)
- 12 Contredanses, WoO 14 (Beethoven, Ludwig van)
- La conventine (Glinka, Mikhail)
- A coroação de S. M. I. D. Pedro 2º (Milliet, L. F.)
- Country Dance in B-flat major, K.123/73g (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Country Dance in C major, K.535 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Country Dance in C major, K.587 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Country Dance in D major, K.534 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Country Dance in E-flat major, K.607/605a (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Country Dance in G major, K.610 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Country Dances & Strathspey Reels (Campbell, William)
- Country Dances for Johann Rudolf Graf Czernin, K.Anh.C 29.01 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- 24 Country Dances for the Year 1748 (Davis, T.)
| C cont.
- 24 Country Dances for the Year 1766 (Various)
- 24 Country Dances for the Year 1770 (Various)
- 24 Country Dances for the Year 1771 (Randall, William)
- 24 Country Dances for the Year 1771 (Various)
- 24 Country Dances for the Year 1774 (Various)
- 24 Country Dances for the Year 1791 (Various)
- 24 Country Dances for the Year 1803 (Various)
- 24 Country Dances for the Year 1804 (Preston, Thomas @publisher^)
- 24 Country Dances for the Year 1808 (Various)
- 24 Country Dances for the Year 1809 (Cahusac, William Maurice)
- Country Dances Selected (Walsh, John)
- 12 Country Dances (Sancho, Ignatius)
- 120 Country Dances, Jigs, Reels, Hornpipes, etc. (Westrop, Thomas)
- 4 Country Dances, K.101/250a (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- 4 Country Dances, K.267/271c (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- 4 Country Dances, K.269b (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- 6 Country Dances, K.462/448b (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- 9 Country Dances, K.510/Anh.C 13.02 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- 2 Country Dances, K.603 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- 5 Country Dances, K.609 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Country Dance (Heins, Donald)
- Country Dance (Hoberg, Margaret)
- C’est juste (Anonymous)
- Dale's Selection of the Most Favorite Country Dances and Reels (Dale, Joseph)
- The Dance Music of Ireland (O'Neill, Francis)
- 16 Dance Tunes with Instructions (Various)
- 146 Dances for Harpsichord, US-Lou Profana 248 (Anonymous)
- 30 Dances for Keyboard (Favier, Alessandro)
- 39 Dances for Violin or Flute (Cecere, Carlo)
- Dances, 1773-74 (Bülow, Johan)
- Dances, 1780-81 (Bülow, Johan)
- Dances, 1782-84 (Bülow, Johan)
- Dances, 1792 (Bülow, Johan)
- The Dancing Master (Playford, John)
- Dands i Anledning af den 29 Januari 1792 (Schall, Claus)
- 5 Danses champêtres, Op.106 (Sibelius, Jean)
- Danses et Contredanses pour Orgue (Besset, Julian Raoul)
- Danze all'antica per strumento a tastiera (Ferrari, Carlotta)
- Deusiesme recuiel des dances et contre-dances (Pointel, Antoine)
- Deutsche Ländler und Reigen, Op.26 (Niemann, Walter)
- The Directory for Ball Music (Anonymous)
- La double harmonie (Blankenburg, Quirinus van)
- Dulce memoria (Damas, Tomás)
- English Country Dance (Hall, Frederick)
- 6 English Dances (Vanhal, Johann Baptist)
- La Entralgo (Peichler, Antonio Clemente)
- La estrella de oro (Botella, Rafael)
- Estudo de guitarra (Leite, António da Silva)
- L'Été (Clarchies, Louis-Julien)
- Etrennes aux amateurs, Op.8 (Carcassi, Matteo)
- Etrennes aux Grâces, Op.93 (Carulli, Ferdinando)
- Favorite Country Dances for 1796 (Cooke, Bartholomew)
- Favorite Country Dances for 1797 (Cooke, Bartholomew)
- 24 Favorite Country Dances, Hornpipes and Reels (Various)
- The Favorite Dances of 1812 (Gow, Nathaniel)
- Les favorites, Op.11 (Aguado, Dionisio)
- 204 Favourite Country Dances (Various)
- A Fourth Book of New Strathspey Reels (Mackintosh, Robert)
- A Fourth Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc. (Gow, Niel)
- 5 French Contradanses (Glinka, Mikhail)