(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Dix, William Chatterton.)
William Chatterton Dix
(14 June 1837 — 9 September 1898)
Name in Other Languages: Дикс, Вильям Чаттертон, Ўільям Чатэртан Дыкс, وليام تشاترتون ديكس, 威廉·崔特頓·迪克斯, ウィリアム・チャタートン・ディックス, Уільям Чатэртан Дыкс
Aliases: Dix, William Chatterton, Вильям Чаттертон Дикс, W.C. Dix
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 26939521, LCCN: nr93034350, ISNI: 000000005105902X, GND: 1162230576, BIBSYS: 6076967, MusicBrainz: 371c8045-943e-45ba-b61e-a37ce4a0dd8e, NLA: 50148109, IATH: w6mc9j6x
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Pages in category "Dix, William Chatterton/Librettist"
The following 8 pages are in this category, out of 8 total.