Original works by this person are generally still subject to copyright. Submissions of copyrighted works are allowed only with the permission of the copyright holder. In the US, all works published in 1929 and earlier in the public domain; works first published afterwards may be protected by copyright (with some exceptions). See public domain and the licensing policy for more information.
Ossi Elokas
(9 May 1904 — 10 August 1991)
External links
See also
Miscellaneous information
The dictionary on Google Books gives his birth date as September 9, 1904, but the book sourced on MusicSack gives his birth date as May 9, 1904. Since the book on Google was published posthumously and since "September 9" sounds like a more likely error (two 9's), the birth date of May 9, 1904 seems more likely. Plus, the source used for Wikipedia has May 9th listed as well.
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