- Adorna thalamum tuum, T 118 (Byrd, William)
- Ah Me! My Mistress Scorns My Love (Bateson, Thomas)
- Ahi che quest'occhi, PdPWV Mad140 (Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da)
- Ahi me, che col fuggire (Marenzio, Luca)
- Ahime ch’io peno et ardo (Marenzio, Luca)
- Ahime qual fu l'errore (Marenzio, Luca)
- Al mein mut (Isaac, Heinrich)
- Alleluia. Verspere autem sabbathi, T 113 (Byrd, William)
- Alma Redemptoris Mater (Dufay, Guillaume)
- Almain, VdGS 12 (Drew, William)
- Alman in F major, VdGS 4 (Ferrabosco Jr., Alfonso)
- Amarilli, mia bella (Caccini, Giulio)
- Amor fa quando sai (Marenzio, Luca)
- Amor tien el suo regno (Marenzio, Luca)
- Amor tu voi ch'io segua (Marenzio, Luca)
- Angelus ad pastores ait, SV 222 (Monteverdi, Claudio)
- Angelus Domini descendit, T 115 (Byrd, William)
- Ard'ogn'hora il cor (Marenzio, Luca)
- Arise O Lord, and have Mercy (Tomkins, Thomas)
- Arise, Get up My Deere (Morley, Thomas)
- As Fair As Morn (Wilbye, John)
- As tu point veu (Willaert, Adrian)
- Ave maris stella, T 111 (Byrd, William)
- Ave maris stella (Dunstaple, John)
- Awake up, my glory (Tomkins, Thomas)
- Ayeres or Phantasticke Spirites (Weelkes, Thomas)
- Ayres or Fa Las for 3 Voices (Hilton, John)
- Da così dotta man, PdPWV Mad141 (Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da)
- Da voi mio ben mia vita (Marenzio, Luca)
- De Toutes Flours (Machaut, Guillaume de)
- Deep Lamenting, Grief Betraying (Morley, Thomas)
- Degli occhi il dolce giro (Marenzio, Luca)
- Di pianti e di sospir (Marenzio, Luca)
- Dicemi la mia stella (Marenzio, Luca)
- Doe You Not Know (Morley, Thomas)
- Dolce mia pastorella (Marenzio, Luca)
- Dolce mia vita (Marenzio, Luca)
- Donna da vostri sguardi (Marenzio, Luca)
- Fammi una gratia, amore (Isaac, Heinrich)
- 2 Fantasias for Viols (Josquin Desprez)
- 5 Fantasias on 'Une jeune fillette' (Du Caurroy, Eustache)
- Fantasia (Senfl, Ludwig)
- Fantasie 1 (Du Caurroy, Eustache)
- Fantasie 2 (Du Caurroy, Eustache)
- Fantasie 6 (Du Caurroy, Eustache)
- Fantasie per cantar et sonar con ogni sorte d’istrumenti (Bassano, Giovanni)
- Fan’aspra guerra (Marenzio, Luca)
- Farewell, Disdainfull (Morley, Thomas)
- Felix est puerpera (Handl, Jacob)
- Filli ama Tirsi et arde (Marenzio, Luca)
- The First Set of English Madrigals (Wilbye, John)
- Fly Love, Aloft (Wilbye, John)
- Fond men that do so highly prize (Tomkins, Thomas)
- Fors seulement contre ce qu'ay promys (Ockeghem, Johannes)
- Fuggirò tanto Amore (Marenzio, Luca)
- Fugue in E minor, BWV 956 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)
- A la strada (Marenzio, Luca)
- Ladie, Those Eyes (Morley, Thomas)
- Lady, if I through Griefe (Morley, Thomas)
- Liber mottetarum, trium vocum (Lassus, Orlande de)
- Lieto et contento (Isaac, Heinrich)
- Llibre Vermell de Montserrat (Various)
- Love Learnes by Laughing (Morley, Thomas)
- Love, Cease Tormenting (Tomkins, Thomas)
| L cont.
- Mach’s mit mir, Gott, nach deiner Güt (Walther, Johann Gottfried)
- Madrigals to 3, 4, 5 and 6 Voyces (Weelkes, Thomas)
- Magnificat Fugue, P.335 (Pachelbel, Johann)
- Magnificat primi toni, PdPWV Can001 (Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da)
- Manuscript, E-Bbc MS 971 (Various)
- La Martinella (Isaac, Heinrich)
- Mass for 3 Voices, T 2 (Byrd, William)
- Meditationum musicarum paradisus I (Crüger, Johann)
- Memento salutis auctor, T 110 (Byrd, William)
- Mi vorria lamentar (Marenzio, Luca)
- Mia sorte empia (Marenzio, Luca)
- Mille Regretz and other Three-part Pieces (Susato, Tielman)
- Missa Rex seculorum (Dunstaple, John)
- Musicke of Sundrie Kindes (Ford, Thomas)
- My Flocks Feed Not (Weelkes, Thomas)
- O Flye Not, O Take Some Pittie (Morley, Thomas)
- O gloriosa Domina, T 109 (Byrd, William)
- O liete piante (Marenzio, Luca)
- O rosa bella (Dunstaple, John)
- O Sleep, Fond Fancy (Morley, Thomas)
- O sventurati amanti (Marenzio, Luca)
- O tu che mi dai pene (Marenzio, Luca)
- O What Shall I Do? (Wilbye, John)
- Of Flattering Speech (Byrd, William)
- Ohn dich muß ich mich aller freuden (Regnart, Jacob)
- Our hasty life away doth post (Tomkins, Thomas)
- Out of the deep a 3 (Tomkins, Thomas)
- Partita in C minor, BWV 826 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)
- The Pirates of Penzance (Sullivan, Arthur)
- La piu vaghe et piu bella (Isaac, Heinrich)
- Poi ch'io non ho speranza (Marenzio, Luca)
- Post dies octo, T 116 (Byrd, William)
- Prelude and Fugue in A major, BWV 888 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)
- Prelude and Fugue in B minor, BWV 869 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)
- Prelude and Fugue in B-flat major, BWV 866 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)
- Prelude and Fugue in C-sharp major, BWV 848 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)
- Prelude and Fugue in E major, BWV 854 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)
- Prelude and Fugue in E-flat minor, BWV 853 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)
- La saison en est ou jamais (Compère, Loyset)
- Sälde ich alle morgen (Anonymous)
- Say Deere, Will You Not Have Me (Morley, Thomas)
- Schedelsches Liederbuch (Various)
- Se il dolce sguardo del divin (Marenzio, Luca)
- Se la vostra partita (Marenzio, Luca)
- Se le pene ch'io sento (Marenzio, Luca)
- Se leggete nel viso (Marenzio, Luca)
- Se m'uccidi crudele (Marenzio, Luca)
- Se perche non uccida (Marenzio, Luca)
- The Second Set of Madrigales (Wilbye, John)
- See, See, Myne Own Sweet Jewell (Morley, Thomas)
- Semper Dowland Semper Dolens Pavan for Lute (Dowland, John)
- Sempre giro piangendo (Isaac, Heinrich)
- Sen gia fatto pittore (Marenzio, Luca)
- Le serviteur (Isaac, Heinrich)
- Si dolce non sono (Landini, Francesco)
- Sinfonia in E major, BWV 792 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)
- Sinfonia in E minor, BWV 793 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)
- Sinfonia in F minor, BWV 795 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)
- Sit Down and Sing (Weelkes, Thomas)
- So light is love (Wilbye, John)
- Sonata for 3 Flutes in A major, PB 255 (Boismortier, Joseph Bodin de)
- Sonata for 3 Flutes in B minor, PB 254 (Boismortier, Joseph Bodin de)
- Sonata for 3 Flutes in D major, PB 253 (Boismortier, Joseph Bodin de)
- Sonata for 3 Flutes in D minor, PB 256 (Boismortier, Joseph Bodin de)
- Sonata for 3 Flutes in E minor, PB 258 (Boismortier, Joseph Bodin de)
- Sonata for 3 Flutes in G major, PB 257 (Boismortier, Joseph Bodin de)
- 6 Sonatas for Two Violins, Op.2 (Leclair the Younger, Jean-Marie)
- 10 Sonatas in Four Parts, Z.802-811 (Purcell, Henry)
- 12 Sonatas of Three Parts, Z.790-801 (Purcell, Henry)
- Songs for 3 Viols (Anonymous)
- Sotto l'imperio del possente prince (Jacopo da Bologna)
- Speranza del mio cor (Orologio, Alessandro)
- The Spirit of Gambo (Hume, Tobias)
- Springtime Manteleth Every Bough (Morley, Thomas)
- Stride il lauro nel foco (Marenzio, Luca)
- Sure there is no God of Love (Tomkins, Thomas)
- Süsser Vater, Herre Got (Isaac, Heinrich)
- There is a jewel (Wilbye, John)
- Thirsis, Let Some Pittie Move Thee (Morley, Thomas)
- This Love is but a Wanton Fit (Morley, Thomas)
- Though Philomena Lost Her Love (Morley, Thomas)
- 10 Three Voice Madrigals (Gero, Jhan)
- 10 Three-Voice Anthems (Tomkins, Thomas)
- 13 Three-Voice Madrigals (Wilbye, John)
- Transcriptions for 3 Viols (Lassus, Orlande de)
- Tres 'sobre el canto llano de la alta' (Cabezón, Antonio de)
- Trio Sonata in G major, BWV 1039 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)