(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Gaultier, Ennemond.)
Ennemond Gaultier
(1575 — 17 December 1651)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Gautier, Gaultier le vieux, Gaultier de Lyon
Name in Other Languages: انيموند جاولتير, انمون گوتیه, エヌモン・ゴーティエ
Aliases: Gautier le Vieux, Gaultier de Lyon, le vieux GAultier
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 19865291, LCCN: n81142202, ISNI: 0000000121232220, GND: 134382331, SUDOC: 083005773, BNF: 138943389, BIBSYS: 5054589, MusicBrainz: b0e4b16b-1a1a-423a-892c-8e63419cc1b5, NLA: 60671166, NKC: xx0171418, BNE: XX1758440, CiNii: DA13221793, IATH: w68k7f97
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