(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Gibbons, Christopher.)
Christopher Gibbons
(baptised 22 August 1615 — 20 October 1676)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Kristofer Gibbons, Gibbons le Jeune
Name in Other Languages: כריסטופר גיבונס, Kristofer Gibbons, کریستوفر گیبونز, Κρίστοφερ Γκίμπονε, كريستوفر جيبونس, 克里斯多弗·吉本斯
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 69115587, LCCN: n83206593, ISNI: 0000000083916428, GND: 133949486, SUDOC: 121330850, BNF: 13894435j, BIBSYS: 99025896, MusicBrainz: a07ed8ad-c333-433d-abe6-a061006532e3, NLA: 35827239, NKC: jx20080227002, BNE: XX1752095, CiNii: DA06004081, IATH: w6225nv3
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