(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Ingoldsby, Thomas.)
Thomas Ingoldsby
(6 December 1788 — 17 June 1845)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: pseudonym of Richard Harris Barham
Name in Other Languages: Richard Harris Barham, Ричард Бархэм, リチャード・ハリス・バーラム, 理查德·哈里斯·巴勒姆, Richard Barham
Aliases: Thomas Ingoldsby., リチャード・バラム, Ричард Барэм | Ричард Баргэм | Томас Ингольдсби | Ричард Бархам, Бархэм, Ричард, 托马斯·英戈尔兹比, 理查德·巴勒姆
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 74579338, LCCN: n82134650, ISNI: 0000000109164800, GND: 115342621, SELIBR: 38768, SUDOC: 113846487, BNF: 166975499, MusicBrainz: 1f0d0ae4-f7f4-4466-8880-394a9ef2d831, NLA: 35610790, NKC: jx20090304006, ICCU: URBV061084, BNE: XX1198849, IATH: w63x84s2
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Pages in category "Ingoldsby, Thomas/Librettist"
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