- Cadencia, Introducción y Allegro (Cuentas, Sadiel)
- Capricci armonici da chiesa e da camera, Op.4 (Viviani, Giovanni Buonaventura)
- Carnaval de Venecia (Viñas, José)
- Carnaval de Venise (Pratten, Catharina Josepha)
- Ceres. Introduction and Pastorale Rondo, Op.14 (Ling, William Thomas)
- Chantecler (Miranda, Tito Higino de)
- Choral Introduction and Fantasy (Lovas, Imre)
- Eden Vale (Adams I, Thomas)
- Einleitung und Coda zu Anton Rubinsteins Etude, S.554a (Liszt, Franz)
- Einleitung und Doppelfuge, Op.105 (Merkel, Gustav Adolf)
- Einleitung und Fuge (Liszt, Franz)
- Einleitung und Polonaise (Seitz, Friedrich)
- Einleitung, Thema mit Variationen nach Franz Schubert (Wilhelmj, August)
- Einleitung, Thema und Variationen nach Nicolo Paganini (Wilhelmj, August)
- Einleitung, Variationen und Fuge über O sanctissima (Sattler, Carl)
- L'Eloise, Op.9 (Ling, William Thomas)
- I Didn't see your Cat, Madam... (Déjardin, Renaud)
- Illustration Elegant to Rode's Celebrated Air (Maylath, Henry)
- In Memoriam, Op.128 (Reinecke, Carl)
- Inleiding en fuga over een Russisch thema, Op.47 (Wagenaar, Johan)
- Inleiding (Röntgen, Julius)
- Inleiding (Tinel, Jef)
- Intro & Jazz Waltz (Nehls, Ulrich)
- Introducción al desquicio (Pérez, Sergio Aarón)
- Introducción y tres danzas medievales (Rodríguez Peris, Martín José)
- Introducción y… Haydn se va de zambomba, Op.46 (Hernández Bellido, José Ramón)
- Introducción, Guajira y Epilogo (Visser, Dick)
- 12 Introducioni, Op.11 (Tessarini, Carlo)
- Introduction & Fugato (Harris, Cuthbert)
- Introduction & Fugue in D major (Bennett, Alfred William)
- Introduction & Rondo Capriccioso, Op.73 (Toker, Hakan Ali)
- Introduction & Scherzo (Sokolov, Alexander)
- Introduction & Variations Brilliant on 'Lilly Dale' (Bassford, T. Franklin)
- Introduction & Variations, Op.21 (Enckhausen, Heinrich Friedrich)
- Introduction and Air with Variations (Peile, Joseph Stageldoir)
- Introduction and Allegro for Piano 4 Hands (Randhartinger, Benedict)
- Introduction and Allegro Spirituoso, HV 10 (Vay, Henry Lay)
- Introduction and Allegro, Op.47 (Elgar, Edward)
- Introduction and Allegro, Op.134 (Schumann, Robert)
- Introduction and Allegro (Cameron, Liam)
- Introduction and Allegro (Quantick, Peter)
- Introduction and Allegro (Schorr, David)
- Introduction and Allegro (Smith, Alice Mary)
- Introduction and Andantino religioso, Op.26 (Hartmann, Johan Peter Emilius)
- Introduction and Brilliant Variations, Op.28 (Pecháček, Franz)
- Introduction and Cracovienne, Op.35 (Zarzycki, Aleksander)
- Introduction and Dance (Statter, John)
- Introduction and Elegy (Wilkes, Anthony)
- Introduction and Fanfare (Petering, Mark)
- Introduction and Fantasia (Rugel, Philip)
- Introduction and Fugato (Brewer, Alfred Herbert)
- Introduction and Fugue for String Quartet, Op.1 (Marohnić, Luka)
- Introduction and Fugue in C minor, JKB 18 (Baruk, Jason)
- Introduction and Fugue in C-sharp minor (Wesley, Samuel Sebastian)
- Introduction and Fugue in D major (Cutler, Henry Stephen)
- Introduction and Fugue on 'Non Nobis Domine' (Diettenhofer, Joseph)
- Introduction and Fugue, Op.3 (Wagenaar, Johan)
- Introduction and Fugue (Pearsall, Robert Lucas)
- Introduction and Fugue (Vaughan Williams, Ralph)
- Introduction and Gavotte (Hastings, Frank Seymour)
- Introduction and Gloria (Hoek, Arie van)
- Introduction and March (Smallwood, William)
- Introduction and Passacaglia (Alcock, Walter Galpin)
- Introduction and Passacaglia (Alderson, Albion Percy)
- Introduction and Passacaglia (Teichmann, Roger)
- Introduction and Polacca from Caraffa (Pelzer, Ferdinand)
- Introduction and Polonaise in E major (Clement, Franz)
- Introduction and Polonaise, Op.9 (Jacobi, Karl)
- Introduction and Polonaise, Op.11 (Veit, Václav)
- Introduction and Polonaise (Darr, Adam)
- Introduction and Polonaise (Strauss, Franz)
- Introduction and Prelude: 'Praise to the Lord' Kyrie (Hugh, Brent)
- Introduction and Romance (Roermeester, J.)
- Introduction and Romance (Steere, William C.)
- Introduction and Rondino, Op.5 (Batdorff, Ross)
- Introduction and Rondo Brillant, Op.17 (Loder, Edward James)
- Introduction and Rondo brillante, Op.7 (Buck, Dudley)
- Introduction and Rondo Capriccioso (Kryzhanovsky, Ivan)
- Introduction and Rondo for Piano 4-Hands, Op.8 (Potter, Philip Cipriani Hambly)
- Introduction and Rondo in B-flat major (Butler, Thomas Hamly)
- Introduction and Rondo in D major, Op.82 (Leidesdorf, Maximilian Joseph)
| I cont.
- Introduction and Rondo in E-flat major (Hummel, Johann Nepomuk)
- Introduction and Rondo on 'Delusive Bells' (Rawlings, Thomas Augustus)
- Introduction and Rondo on 'Le Colporteur', Op.98a (Kuhlau, Friedrich)
- Introduction and Rondo on 'The Sun is o'er the Mountain' (Kiallmark, George)
- Introduction and Rondo on 'When the day with rosy light', Op.10 (Neuland, Wilhelm)
- Introduction and Rondo on 'When Thy Bosom Heaves a Sigh' (Kiallmark, George)
- Introduction and Rondo on 'Zitti Zitti' (King, Matthew Peter)
- Introduction and Rondo on an Air from 'The Miller and his Men' (Kiallmark, George)
- Introduction and Rondo on The Zephyr's Dance (Venua, Frédéric)
- Introduction and Rondo, H 53 (Field, John)
- Introduction and Rondo, Op.98b (Kuhlau, Friedrich)
- Introduction and Rondo, Op.161 (Ries, Ferdinand)
- Introduction and Rondo (Hovhannisyan, Gor)
- Introduction and Round Dance (Harris, Ian Keith)
- Introduction and Scherzo, M.12.27 (Cramer, Johann Baptist)
- Introduction and Sonata (Rzewski, Frederic)
- Introduction and Song (Schoonenbeek, Kees)
- Introduction and Tarantella, Op.2 (Tausig, Carl)
- Introduction and Tarantelle, Op.220 (Rollinson, Thomas H.)
- Introduction and Theme with Variations, Op.201 (Legnani, Luigi)
- Introduction and Theme with Variations, Op.224 (Legnani, Luigi)
- Introduction and Theme (Chadwick, George Whitefield)
- Introduction and Toccata, Op.6 (Paderewski, Ignacy Jan)
- Introduction and Toccata (Walond, William)
- Introduction and Variation on a theme of C. M. von Weber (Heinemeyer, Christian)
- Introduction and Variations 'The Swiss Boy' (Eulenstein, Charles)
- Introduction and Variations for Piano, Op.253 (Küffner, Joseph)
- Introduction and Variations in A major, Op.17 (Eulenstein, Charles)
- Introduction and Variations in A major (Sor, Fernando)
- Introduction and Variations on 'Benedetta sia la madre' (Dizi, François Joseph)
- Introduction and Variations on 'Buona notte amato bene', Op.25 (Neuland, Wilhelm)
- Introduction and Variations on 'Cease Your Funning' (Chatterton, John Balsir)
- Introduction and Variations on 'Dal tuo stellato soglio' (Anelli, Giuseppe)
- Introduction and Variations on 'Das ist alles eins', Op.99 (Giuliani, Mauro)
- Introduction and variations on 'Der Freyschütz', Op.39 (Schmitt, Aloys)
- Introduction and Variations on 'Fra le tempeste' (Loder, Edward James)
- Introduction and Variations on 'Home Sweet Home' (Chipp, Thomas Paul)
- Introduction and Variations on 'Home, Sweet Home' (Rawlings, Thomas Augustus)
- Introduction and Variations on 'La Jeannette' (Rawlings, Thomas Augustus)
- Introduction and Variations on 'La Pologne n'est pas encore perdue' (Szczepanowski, Stanislaw)
- Introduction and Variations on 'Le bon roi Dagobert' (Adam, Louis)
- Introduction and Variations on 'Ma Normandie' (Dibdin, Mary Ann)
- Introduction and Variations on 'Malbroug', Op.28 (Sor, Fernando)
- Introduction and Variations on 'Meet Me By Moonlight' (Kiallmark, George)
- Introduction and Variations on 'Mrs MacDonald' (Knapton, Philip)
- Introduction and Variations on 'Nume perdonami se in tale istante', Op.102 (Giuliani, Mauro)
- Introduction and Variations on 'O Merry Row the Bonnie Bark' (Steil, William Henry)
- Introduction and Variations on 'Oh! No, We Never Mention Her' (Chipp, Thomas Paul)
- Introduction and Variations on 'Roy's Wife of Alldivaloch' (Kiallmark, George)
- Introduction and Variations on 'She never blamed him, never' (Kiallmark, George)
- Introduction and Variations on 'Smile again my bonnie lassie' (Steil, William Henry)
- Introduction and Variations on 'Sul margine d'un rio' (Lacy, Michael Rophino)
- Introduction and Variations on 'The Evening Star' (Bridgewater, Thomas)
- Introduction and Variations on 'Tho' love is warm awhile' (Kiallmark, George)
- Introduction and Variations on 'Twere Vain to Tell Thee (Pratten, Catharina Josepha)
- Introduction and Variations on 'We're A'Noddin' (Martin, Charles)
- Introduction and Variations on a French Military Air (Kiallmark, George)
- Introduction and Variations on a French Waltz (Dibdin, Mary Ann)
- Introduction and Variations on a theme by Stephen Foster (Lewalter, Rainer)
- Introduction and Variations on a Theme of Meyerbeer (Marescot, Charles de)
- Introduction and Variations on a Waltz, Op.103 (Giuliani, Mauro)
- Introduction and Variations on a Westphalian Air, Op.12 (D'Alquen, Franz Maria)
- Introduction and Variations on Adeste Fideles (Dicks, Ernest A.)
- Introduction and Variations on an Air from 'Das Mädchen aus der Feenwelt', Op.140 (Czerny, Carl)
- Introduction and Variations on Beethoven's Celebrated Waltz (Eulenstein, Charles)
- Introduction and Variations on Favorite Airs from 'Norma', Op.36 (Parish-Alvars, Elias)
- Introduction and Variations on Que ne suis-je la fougère!, Op.26 (Sor, Fernando)
- Introduction and Variations on the Duke of Reichstadt's Waltz (Eulenstein, Charles)
- Introduction and Variations on Weber's Last Waltz, Op.12 (Eulenstein, Charles)
- Introduction and Variations, D.802 (Schubert, Franz)
- Introduction and Variations, Op.2 (Oury, Anna Caroline)
- Introduction and Variations, Op.2 (Piatti, Alfredo Carlo)
- Introduction and Variations, Op.9 (Padovec, Ivan)
- Introduction and Variations, Op.13 (Padovec, Ivan)
- Introduction and Variations, Op.14 (Padovec, Ivan)
- Introduction and Variations, Op.16 (Neuland, Wilhelm)
- Introduction and Variations, Op.19 (Neuland, Wilhelm)
- Introduction and Variations, Op.26 (Padovec, Ivan)
- Introduction and Variations, Op.27 (Sor, Fernando)
- Introduction and Variations, Op.52 (Padovec, Ivan)
- Introduction and Variations, Op.61 (Padovec, Ivan)
- Introduction and Variations, Op.99 (Kuhlau, Friedrich)
- Introduction and Waltz to Rondo (Chianei, Candido)
- Introduction and Waltz, EV 28 (Bitzan, Wendelin)
- Introduction des Variations sur une marche du Siège de Corinthe, S.421a (Liszt, Franz)
- Introduction et air styrien, Op.211 (Kalliwoda, Johann Wenzel)
- Introduction et Allegro Moderato (Ropartz, Guy)
- Introduction et Allegro scherzoso, Op.87 (Raff, Joachim)
- Introduction et allegro, M.46 (Ravel, Maurice)
- Introduction et Allegro, Op.49 (Godard, Benjamin)
- Introduction et allegro (Aubert, Louis)
- Introduction et Allegro (Cartan, Jean)
- Introduction et Bolero, Op.46 (Castellacci, Luigi)
- Introduction et Caprice Jota, Op.41 (Sarasate, Pablo de)
- Introduction et Caprice, Op.58 (Andersen, Joachim)
- Introduction et chanson, Op.220 (Shand, Ernest)
- Introduction et danse, Op.102 (Jongen, Joseph)
- Introduction et danse (Tomasi, Henri)
- Introduction et Fandango varié, Op.40 (Sarasate, Pablo de)
- Introduction et Fugue de Fantaisie (Pollet, Charles-Marie)