(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Lehmann, Liza.)
Liza Lehmann
(11 July 1862 — 19 September 1918)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Elisabetha Nina Mary Frederica Lehmann (Bedford) ; Mrs. Herbert Bedford
Name in Other Languages: リザ・レーマン, Liza Lehman, Лиза Леманн, ليزا ليهمان, Լիզա Լեհման
Aliases: Elisabetha Nina Mary Frederica Lehmann, Elizabeth Lehman, Elizabeth Nina Mary Frederica Lehmann, Elizabeth Lehmann, Элизабета Нина Мария Фредерика Леманн
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 2665927, LCCN: nr88005073, ISNI: 0000000080824413, GND: 129444073, BNF: 139875701, MusicBrainz: 4910fa43-6e38-4730-b51d-31c8c64dfee4, NDL: 01060658, NKC: xx0165105, ICCU: MUSV038154, IATH: w68s4xbd
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Pages in category "Lehmann, Liza/Collections"
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