(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth.)
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
(27 February 1807 — 24 March 1882)
Name in Other Languages: هنري وادزورث لونغفيلو, هنرى وادزورث لونجفيلو, Henri Lonqfello, هنری وادزورث لانقفلو, Генры Лангфела, Хенри Уадсуорт Лонгфелоу, হেনরি ওয়েডসওয়ার্থ লংফেলো, ھێنری وادزوۆرس لانگفێلۆ, Χένρι Λονγκφέλοου, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow., هنری وادزورث لانگفلو, Henry Longfellow, הנרי וודסוורת' לונגפלו, हेनरी वाड्सवर्थ लांगफेलो, Հենրի Լոնգֆելո, ヘンリー・ワーズワース・ロングフェロー, ჰენრი უოდსუორთ ლონგფელო, Генри Уодсворт Лонгфелло, 헨리 워즈워스 롱펠로, Лонгфелло Генри Уодсуорт, Henricus Wadsworth Longfellow, Henris Vodsvertas Longfelou, Henrijs Vodsvorts Longfelovs, Хенри Лонгфелоу, हेन्री वॅड्सवर्थ लाँगफेलो, ဟင်နရီ ဝါ့စ်ဝါ့သ် လောင်းဖဲလို, ਹੈਨਰੀ ਵਾਡਸਵਰਥ ਲਾਂਗਫੈਲੋ, هېنري واډسورت لانګفیلو, හෙන්රි වර්ඩ්ස්වර්ත් ලොන්ග්ෆෙලෝ, Хенри Водсворт Лонгфелоу, Henri Vodsvort Longfelou, ஹென்றி வாட்ஸ்வொர்த் லாங்ஃபெல்லோ, Ҳенри Уодсворт Лонгфелло, เฮนรี วอดส์เวิร์ท ลองเฟลโลว์, Генрі Лонґфелло, Longfello Genri Uodsuort, 亨利·沃兹沃思·朗费罗, הענרי לאָנגפעלאָ, 亨利·沃茲沃思·朗費羅
Aliases: 朗費羅, 亨利·華茲華斯·朗費羅, Longfellow, הנרי וואדסוורת' לונגפלו, לאנגפעלא, ה., 롱펠로, 헨리 워즈워스 롱펠로우, Henry Wasdworth Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, Henry W. Longfellow, H.W. Longfellow, ヘンリー・ロングフェロー, ロングフェロー, ဟင်နရီ ဝါ့စ် ဝါ့သ် လောင်းဖဲလို(Henry Wadsworth Longfellow), လောင်းဖဲလိုး၊ အိပ် ဒဗျူ, Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, Henriko Longfellow, Лонгфелло, Генри Уордсворт, Лонгфелло Г. У., Лонгфелло Генри Уодсворт, Генри Уордсворт Лонгфелло, Генри Уодсуорт Лонгфелло, Лонгфелло, Генри Водсворт Лонгфелло, Лонгфелло Генри Уодсворд, Генри Уодсворд Лонгфелло, Лонгфелло Генри Вордсворт, Лонгфелло, Генри Уодсуорт, Лонгфелло Г., Лонгфелло Генри Уордсворт, Лонгфелло, Генри Вордсворт, Հենրի Լոնգֆելլո, Հենրի Ուորդսվորթ Լոնգֆելլո, Լոնգֆելո Հենրի, Хенри Водсворт Лонгефелоу, Лонгфелло Г. В., Генрі Водсворт Лонґфелло, Лонґфелло Генрі, Лонґфелло Г. В., Лонґфелло, Лонґфелло Г., Водсворт Лонґфелло, В. Лонґфелло, Генрі Лонгфелло, Henry Wardswarth Longfellow, Genri Uodsvort Longfello, हेन्री वॅड्सवर्थ लॉँगफेलो, हेन्री वॉड्झवर्थ लॉँगफेलो, हेन्री वर्ड्स्वर्थ लाँगफेलो, Хенри Уардсуорт Лонгфелоу, هنری وادزورث لانگ فلو, ჰენრი უოდსვორტ ლონფელოუ, H. W. Longfellow, Henri Uodsuort Lonqfello, Heinrich W. Longfellow
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 54150826, LCCN: n79056429, ISNI: 0000000120961392, GND: 118780409, SELIBR: 72303, SUDOC: 026993767, BNF: 119132966, BIBSYS: 90092326, MusicBrainz: c1e1f969-f6de-49a6-b45a-4bec60fde4ed, NLA: 35312166, NDL: 00470640, NKC: jn19990005168, ICCU: CFIV009170, BNE: XX996324, CiNii: DA00805419, IATH: w60863v9
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Pages in category "Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth/Librettist"
The following 159 pages are in this category, out of 159 total.
- The Ballad of Carmilhan, Op.10 (Arnott, Archibald Davidson)
- The Bells (Hatton, John Liptrot)
- Beware!, CG 338 (Gounod, Charles)
- Beware! (Moulton, Charles)
- Beware! (Perring, James Ernest)
- The Black Knight, Op.25 (Elgar, Edward)
- The Blind Girl of Castél-Cuillé, Op.43 (Coleridge-Taylor, Samuel)
- The Bridge (Bliss, Maria Lindsay)
- The Bridge (Carew, Lady)
- The Bridge (Lindsay, Maria)
- The Building of the Ship, Op.35 (Barnett, John Francis)
- Catawba Wine (Dempster, William R.)
- 5 Choral Ballads, Op.54 (Coleridge-Taylor, Samuel)
- 4 Choruses, Op.83 (Stöhr, Richard)
- Christmas and New Year Musical Souvenir (Rosier, Fitz William)
- Christmas Bells (Ferrari, Carlotta)
- Christmas Carols (Camacho, João Carlos)
- Come to Me (Sveinbjörn Sveinbjörnsson)
- The Consecration of the Banner (Read, John Francis Holcombe)
- The Curfew Bell (Glover, Stephen Ralph)
- The Curfew (Chadwick, George Whitefield)
- The Day Is Done (Balfe, Michael William)
- The Day is Done (Loud, Annie Frances)
- Daybreak (Brian, Havergal)
- Daybreak (Faning, Eaton)
- The Death of Minnehaha (Converse, Charles Crozat)
- Digte fra det Engelske (Heise, Peter)
- Draumur þrælsins (Björgvin Guðmundsson)
- Dreams of the Summer Night (Hawley, Charles Beach)
- Dreams of the Summer Night (Tosti, Francesco Paolo)
- The Dreary Day (Hodges, Faustina Hasse)
- Drifting (Dickson, Ellen)
- Die Glocken des Strassburger Münsters, S.6 (Liszt, Franz)
- The Golden Legend (Hodson, Henry Edward)
- The Golden Legend (Stanford, Charles Villiers)
- The Golden Legend (Sullivan, Arthur)
- Good Night! Good Night! Beloved! (Balfe, Michael William)
- Good Night, Beloved! (Monk, Edwin George)
- Good Night, Good Night Beloved (Bliss, Maria Lindsay)
- Good Night, Good Night, Beloved (Pinsuti, Ciro)
- The Green Trees Whispered (Balfe, Michael William)
- I Heard a Brooklet Gushing (Loder, Edward James)
- I Know a Maiden Fair to See (Fickenscher, Arthur)
- If Thou Art Sleeping, Maiden, Awake!, CG 390 (Gounod, Charles)
- Imperial Edition Tenor Songs (Various)
- In the Twilight, Op.85 (Beach, Amy Marcy)
- 8 Indian Songs from 'Hiawatha' (Busch, Carl)
- It Is Not Always May (Becker, N. De.)
- It is not always May (D'Alquen, Frank)
| N cont.
- Scenes from Longfellow's 'Golden Legend' (Buck, Dudley)
- Scenes from the Saga of King Olaf, Op.30 (Elgar, Edward)
- The Sea Hath Its Pearls, CG 458 (Gounod, Charles)
- The Sea Hath Its Pearls (Pinsuti, Ciro)
- Serenade from 'The Spanish Student' (Foerster, Adolph Martin)
- Serenade (Nevin, Ethelbert)
- Serenade (Rockwell, Charles J.)
- Serenade (Sveinbjörn Sveinbjörnsson)
- She is Fooling Thee (Anonymous)
- Ships that Pass in the Night (Foote, Arthur)
- Ships that pass in the Night (Stephenson, Thomas Wilkinson)
- The Singers, Op.108 (Saar, Louis Victor)
- The Singers (Mackenzie, Alexander Campbell)
- The Skeleton in Armour, Op.2 (Boughton, Rutland)
- The Skeleton in Armour, Op.28 (Foote, Arthur)
- Slavens dröm, Op.8 (Sjögren, Emil)
- The Song of Hiawatha, Op.30 (Coleridge-Taylor, Samuel)
- Song of the Silent Land (Russell, George)
- 36 Songs for Children (Grant-Schaefer, George Alfred)
- 3 Songs from 'Hiawatha' (Busch, Carl)
- Songs of a Wayside Inn (St. Clair, Richard)
- 9 Songs written by Longfellow (Cowen, Frederic Hymen)
- 12 Songs, 1st Set (Cowen, Frederic Hymen)
- 3 Songs (Sjögren, Emil)
- 4 Songs (Carse, Adam)
- 6 Songs (Coleridge-Taylor, Samuel)
- 15 Songs (Chadwick, George Whitefield)
- 4 Songs, Op.15 (Steere, William C.)
- 3 Songs, Op.16 (Elgar, Edward)
- 12 Songs, Op.22 (Ascham, Roger)
- Songs, Op.48 (Harker, Frederick Flaxington)
- 12 Songs, Op.91 (Stöhr, Richard)
- 10 Songs, Op.96 (Stöhr, Richard)
- 10 Songs, Op.104a (Stöhr, Richard)
- 3 Sonnets of Longfellow (Bird, Peter)
- Southern Love Songs, Op.12 (Coleridge-Taylor, Samuel)
- Spanish Serenade, Op.23 (Elgar, Edward)
- Stars of the Summer Night (Hatton, John Liptrot)
- Stars of the Summer Night (Kleber, Henry)
- Stars of the Summer Night (Nevin, Ethelbert)
- Stars of the Summer Night (Phillpot, James H.)
- Stars of the Summer Night (Weber, Christian Heinrich)
- The Summer Night (Dunhill, Thomas)
- The Weathercock (Lehmann, Liza)
- The Windmill (Nelson, Herbert Horatio)
- The Witnesses (Bakalian, Craig)
- The Wreck of the Hesperus, Op.61 (Fisher, Arthur Elwell)
- The Wreck of the Hesperus (Blockley, John)
- The Wreck of the Hesperus (Foote, Arthur)
- The Wreck of the Hesperus (Hatton, John Liptrot)
- The Wreck of the Hesperus (Mills, Charles Henry)
- The Wreck of the Hesperus (Wareing, Herbert Walter)