(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Mundy, John.)
John Mundy
(ca.1550 — 29 June 1630)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: John Mondy, John Moondaye, John Mundie, John Munday, Jhon Munday
Name in Other Languages: جون موندى
Aliases: John Munday, John Mondy, John Mundie, John Moondaye
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 56797160, LCCN: n86851900, ISNI: 0000000076921333, GND: 140466959, SUDOC: 171946561, BNF: 138978012, BIBSYS: 14040299, MusicBrainz: 8e53af9d-fd7d-4fe9-a41f-0c0c392777f2, NKC: xx0158698, ICCU: MUSV074332, IATH: w6cc1029
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Pages in category "Mundy, John/Collections"
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