- Abertura e Interlúdio para Ocaso de Norma Desmond (Ribeiro, Rafael)
- Abertura (Bomtempo, João Domingos)
- Abschied, Kampf, Sieg, Op.42 (Hirschbach, Herrmann)
- Academic Festival Overture, Op.80 (Brahms, Johannes)
- Ace High (Lake, Mayhew)
- Adonais (Chadwick, George Whitefield)
- Adrian von Bubenberg, Op.14 (Meister, Casimir)
- Adversity (Bridson, Robert Edward)
- Aegean Festival Overture (Makris, Andreas)
- Akademische Festouvertüre, Op.63 (Draeseke, Felix)
- Akademische Ouverture, Op.195 (Rheinberger, Josef Gabriel)
- Album of Overtures (Roberts, Charles J.)
- Aleluja, radujme sa (Harinek, Andrej)
- Alvorada na floresta tropical, W513 (Villa-Lobos, Heitor)
- Am Niagara, Op.78 (Tschirch, Wilhelm)
- Am Rhein, Op.90 (Kaun, Hugo)
- Among the Pines, Op.36 (King, Oliver)
- Amor and Psyche (Hindemith, Paul)
- Les amours d'été (Du Puy, Edouard)
- An Overture and 6 Pieces (Marsh, John)
- Andreas-Bach-Buch, D-LEm Becker III.8.4 (Various)
- Anniversary Overture (Chadwick, George Whitefield)
- Antonius and Cleopatre, Op.116 (Rubinstein, Anton)
- Arouse Overture (Boettger, Emil)
- At the May Fair (Baron, Maurice)
- Aus dem schottischen Hochlande, Op.4 (Lamond, Frederic)
- Aus ernster Zeit, Op.56 (Weingartner, Felix)
- Aus Jugendtagen, Op.53 (Goldmark, Carl)
- Babkhuzian Festival Overture (Argentesi, Dario)
- Bajka (Moniuszko, Stanisław)
- Ballet Ouverture (Lincke, Paul)
- Beatrice Overture (Schaefer, Frank)
- Beatrice, Op.25 (Bernard, Émile)
- Beaver Day Overture (Argentesi, Dario)
- Beethoven-Ouverture (Lassen, Eduard)
- Der Beherrscher der Geister, Op.27 (Weber, Carl Maria von)
- Belfagor Overture (Respighi, Ottorino)
- 6 Beliebte Ouverturen (Suppé, Franz von)
- La belle de nuit, Op.59 (Delafosse, Joseph)
- Beowulf Ouverture (Sysmoebius, Z Q)
- Berühmte Ouverturen von Mozart, Beethoven, Weber, Mendelssohn, Bellini, Rossini (Various)
- Betrachtungen der Mannheimer Tonschule (Vogler, Georg Joseph)
- Between the Acts Medley Overture (Bowman, Albert S.)
- Blumenfest-Ouverture, Op.180 (Fetrás, Oscar)
- Bon-Bons Medley Overture (Hosfeld, Samuel)
- Bonaparte, Op.14 (Efimoff, Alexander)
- Bonnie Scotland, Op.83 (Catlin, Edward Noble)
- Die Braut von Messina, Op.100 (Schumann, Robert)
- Breathless Overture (Soccavo, Orlando)
- Brief Overture (Schacht, Albert M.)
- Britannia, Op.52 (Mackenzie, Alexander Campbell)
- Brumaire (Massenet, Jules)
- Les burgraves de Victor Hugo, Op.70 (Dobrzyński, Ignacy Feliks)
- The Butterfly's Ball (Cowen, Frederic Hymen)
- Le cabaret (Foulds, John)
- Cabinet der Lauten (Le Sage de Richée, Franz Philipp)
- Cäcilia (Reichardt, Johann Friedrich)
- Caliburn Ouverture (Sysmoebius, Z Q)
- Capricci, Aria variata, Sonaten und einzelne Suiten (Bach, Johann Sebastian)
- Capriccio-ouverture (Ostijn, Willy)
- Le carnaval romain, H 95 (Berlioz, Hector)
- Carnaval, Op.45 (Glazunov, Aleksandr)
- Carnival Overture, Op.92 (Dvořák, Antonín)
- Ceciliana (Reis, Elvis Washington)
- Champagner (Baussnern, Waldemar von)
- Chant des belges, Op.101 (Litolff, Henry Charles)
- Le chant du destin, Op.84 (Glazunov, Aleksandr)
- Characteristick Overture No.1 in D major (Harris, George Frederick)
- Characteristische Ouverture zu Schillers 'Wallensteins Lager', Op.6 (Henkel, Andreas)
- Charakteristische Ouverture zu dem Schauspiele 'Die Kreuzfahrer' (Vogler, Georg Joseph)
- A Children's Overture, Op.17 (Quilter, Roger)
- Chimere Overture, Op.2 (Brandes, Felipe)
- Chinese Dances Overture, FVW 1 (Brandes, Felipe)
- 24 Chinese Solar Terms, Book 2 (Zhang, Shuwen)
- Choix de 12 Ouvertures for 2 Guitars (Carulli, Ferdinando)
- Choix de 12 Ouvertures for Guitar and Piano (Carulli, Ferdinando)
- Choix de 12 Ouvertures for Violin and Guitar (Carulli, Ferdinando)
- A Christmas Festival Overture (Hankinson, Michael Neville)
- A Christmas Overture (Greaves, Ralph Charles Johnstone)
- A Christmas Overture (Klimek, Jens)
- Christmas Overture (Brown, Connor)
- Christmas Overture (Nicolai, Otto)
- Christoph Columbus, WWV 37 (Wagner, Richard)
- Cinderella Overture (Abelardo, Nicanor)
- Circus Overture (Toch, Ernst)
- Clavier-Übung II (Bach, Johann Sebastian)
- Climax Overture (Bowman, Albert S.)
- Climbing Up de Golden Stairs (Ferrazzi, D. L.)
- Cockaigne Overture, Op.40 (Elgar, Edward)
- Collado Overture, Op.1 (Bosch Berth, Alexander)
- Collection d'Ouvertures (Küffner, Joseph)
- Collection d’Ouvertures (Various)
- Collection for Piano and Harp (Berg et Mannerhierta)
- A Collection of Concert Overtures (Oesterle, Louis)
- A Collection of Famous Overtures (Oesterle, Louis)
- A Collection of French Overtures (Oesterle, Louis)
- A Collection of German Overtures (Oesterle, Louis)
- A Collection of Several Simphonies and Airs (Anonymous)
| C cont.
- Combat naval, Op.36 (Steibelt, Daniel)
- Comedy Overture on Negro Themes (Gilbert, Henry Franklin Belknap)
- A Comedy Overture, Op.15 (Harty, Hamilton)
- Comes Autumn Time (Sowerby, Leo)
- Comique Medley Overture (Boyer, Thornton Barnes)
- Commemorative Overture (Steibelt, Daniel)
- Commencement d’ouverture, H.546 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)
- Concentus Musico-Instrumentalis, Op.1 (Fux, Johann Joseph)
- Concert Ouverture, Op.45 (Klughardt, August)
- Concert Overture for Orchestra (Sowerby, Leo)
- Concert Overture for Organ (Fricker, Herbert A.)
- Concert Overture for Organ (Rogers, James Hotchkiss)
- Concert Overture in A major (Maitland, Rollo F.)
- Concert Overture in C minor, TrV 125 (Strauss, Richard)
- Concert Overture in E major (Abert, Johann Joseph)
- Concert Overture in E-flat major, Op.21 (Norman, Ludvig)
- Concert Overture in E-flat major (Faulkes, William)
- Concert Overture in F major (Evry, Edward d')
- Concert Overture in F major (Wolstenholme, William)
- Concert Overture in G major (Kinder, Ralph)
- Concert Overture No.1 in C major (Hollins, Alfred)
- Concert Overture No.1 in D minor, WWV 20 (Wagner, Richard)
- Concert Overture No.2 in C major, WWV 27 (Wagner, Richard)
- Concert Overture No.2 in C minor (Hollins, Alfred)
- Concert Overture No.3 in F minor (Hollins, Alfred)
- Concert Overture, Op.12 (Franck, Eduard)
- Concert Overture, Op.12 (Szymanowski, Karol)
- Concert Overture, Op.18 (Miller, Russell King)
- Concert Overture, Op.24a (Moór, Emanuel)
- Concert Overture, Op.34 (Romberg, Bernhard)
- Concert Overture, Op.60 (Rubinstein, Anton)
- Concert Overture, Op.123 (Raff, Joachim)
- Concert Overture (Cherubini, Luigi)
- Concert-Ouverture in D minor (Reissiger, Carl Gottlieb)
- Concert-Ouverture No.1, Op.26 (Flügel, Gustav)
- Concert-Ouverture No.2, Op.37 (Jadassohn, Salomon)
- Concert-Ouverture, Op.5 (Anger, Louis)
- Concert-Ouvertüre, Op.5 (Buonamici, Giuseppe)
- Concert-Ouverture, Op.7 (Rietz, Julius)
- Concert-Ouverture, Op.17 (Veit, Václav)
- Concert-Ouverture, Op.32 (Reinhold, Hugo)
- 2 Concert-Ouverturen (Eugen, Duke of Württemberg)
- Concert-ouverture (Ostijn, Willy)
- Concert-Overture No.1, Op.32 (Hiller, Ferdinand)
- Concert-Overture No.2, Op.101 (Hiller, Ferdinand)
- Concerti da camera, Op.1 (Venturini, Francesco)
- The Conqueror (Baron, Maurice)
- Corinna Overture (Boettger, Emil)
- Coriolan, Op.62 (Beethoven, Ludwig van)
- The Corsican Brothers Overture, Op.208 (Clarke, Hamilton)
- Cortèges (Rawsthorne, Alan)
- La coupe enchantée, Op.45 (Delafosse, Joseph)
- La couronne d'or (Herman, Alphonse)
- The Cowboy Wedding Overture (Heyser, Elwood Kenney)
- Crown of Victory Overture (Ripley, Winfield)
- The Cruiskeen Lawn (Recker, Robert)
- Csokonay-Ouverture, Op.139 (Kéler, Béla)
- Cuban Overture (Gershwin, George)
- The Cup Overture, Op.214 (Clarke, Hamilton)
- Cupid and Psyche, or Columbine Courtezan (Lampe, John Frederick)
- Cyrano de Bergerac, Op.23 (Wagenaar, Johan)
- 20 Dances (Graupner, Christoph)
- The Dancing Ring of Fire (Hada, Robert Thomas)
- A Day at Coney Island Medley Overture (Cox, John Summers)
- The Day of Rest (Trajetta, Philip)
- Decoration (Walston, E.C.)
- Le diadème (Herman, Alphonse)
- Diane Ouverture (Debussy, Claude)
- Don Quixotte Overture (Hermann, J.)
- Dramatic Overture, Op.7 (Gedike, Aleksandr)
- Dramatic Overture, Op.10 (Chesnokov, Aleksandr)
- Dramatic Overture, Op.60 (Myaskovsky, Nikolay)
- Dramatická ouvertura, Op.4 (Suk, Josef)
- Dramatische Ouverture No.9, Op.40 (Böhme, Ferdinand)
- Dramatische Ouverture, Op.30 (Ries, Franz)
- Dreams of Erin (De Witt, Louis O.)
- Dystopic Overture (Soccavo, Orlando)
- Efterklange af Ossian, Op.1 (Gade, Niels)
- Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott, Op.127 (Raff, Joachim)
- Eine Faust-Ouvertüre, WWV 59 (Wagner, Richard)
- Eine fidele Ouverture, Op.61 (Spiess, Ernst)
- Eine Lustspiel-Ouverture, Op.50 (Huber, Hans)
- Eine Lustspiel-Ouverture (Reznicek, Emil von)
- Eine Lustspielouvertüre, Op.38, BV 245 (Busoni, Ferruccio)
- Eine Lustspielouvertüre, Op.120 (Reger, Max)
- Eine nordische Heerfahrt, Op.25 (Hartmann, Emil)
- Eine Schauspiel-Ouverture, Op.28 (Hofmann, Heinrich)
- Eine Singspielouverture, Op.17 (Istel, Edgar)
- Eine vaterländische Ouvertüre, Op.140 (Reger, Max)
- Eine Vision (Lehár, Franz)
- Ekkehard, Op.12 (Schreker, Franz)
- Elegiac Overture 'In Memoriam Heinrich von Kleist', Op.13 (Joachim, Joseph)
- The Elfin Queen, Op.238 (Rollinson, Thomas H.)
- Elks Reception Overture (Cox, John Summers)
- Elsie Overture (Frontini, Francesco Paolo)
- Előjáték for two Pianos (Hermann, Pál)
- Enchantment Overture (Hermann, J.)
- Enochian Overture for a Harp Concerto (Sysmoebius, Z Q)
- Erasmus Montanus Ouverture, Op.1 (Riisager, Knudåge)
- Eski bir cumhuriyet balosu için, Op.14 (Alıcıoğlu, Şafak)