(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Oxenford, John.)
John Oxenford
(12 August 1812 — 21 February 1877)
Name in Other Languages: جون اوكسينفورد, ジョン・オグゼンフォード, Джон Оксенфорд
Aliases: ジョン・オクセフォード, Оксенфорд, Джон
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 35264747, LCCN: n81058382, ISNI: 0000000081146247, GND: 119362562, SUDOC: 092388213, BNF: 10973335c, MusicBrainz: 981b4053-19f9-4588-abdf-7a71adb3bc7d, NLA: 35404367, NKC: xx0112156, IATH: w6h99h23
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