(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Paisible, James.)
James Paisible
(ca.1656 — 17 August 1721)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Jacques; Peasable, Pesable, Paisable
Name in Other Languages: چاك پايسيبل, Jacques Paisible, ジャック・ペジブル, A. Jacques Paisible, 詹姆斯·派司博
Aliases: Paisible, James Peasable
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 71578968, LCCN: n81146838, ISNI: 000000006311150X, GND: 123979730, SELIBR: 320042, SUDOC: 184540895, BNF: 13898190t, MusicBrainz: 2fa62171-e9fa-4a2c-bbb2-c8dc5cb05293, NKC: xx0042585, IATH: w6dv5tx3
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