(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Pearsall, Robert Lucas.)
Robert Lucas Pearsall
(14 March 1795 — 5 August 1856)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Robert Lucas de Pearsall
Name in Other Languages: Robert Lucas de Pearsall, روبيرت لوكاس د پايرسال, ロバート・ルーカス・ディ・ピアソル, R. L. Pearsall
Aliases: G. Berthold, Robert L. Pearsall
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 53149105996868490210, LCCN: n87821974, ISNI: 0000000083849384, GND: 103932593, SUDOC: 161773419, BNF: 138983190, MusicBrainz: fc66a8f6-42a7-43fa-8d25-6bad3efaab41, NLA: 35632703, NKC: xx0141098, BNE: XX1717215
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Pages in category "Pearsall, Robert Lucas/Collections"
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