- A Broken Idol (Van Alstyne, Egbert)
- A Daughter of America (Ware, N. Harris)
- A Little Birch Canoe and You (Roberts, Lee S.)
- A Lucky Hoodoo (Chapman, Elmer B.)
- A Night, a Girl, a Moon (Blake, Charlotte)
- A Persian Garden (Friedland, Anatol)
- A Rose (Straymore, Syble)
- A Slippery Place (Hacker, Phil M.)
- A Winsome Widow (Hubbell, Raymond)
- A Withered Rose (Blanke-Belcher, Henriette)
- A Yankee Mandarin (De Koven, Reginald)
- Acushla! I'm Calling Thee (Ihmsen, Josephine Branta)
- Adam and Eve Had a Wonderful Time (Gumble, Albert)
- Adele (Philipp, Adolf)
- Adieu, Beloved, Adieu (Schmid, Johann C.)
- Advertising (Golden, John)
- After All (Caldwell, Anne)
- After All (Roberts, Lee S.)
- After Vespers (Daniels, Charles N.)
- Ain't We Got Fun (Whiting, Richard Armstrong)
- Ain't You Coming Back to Dixieland (Whiting, Richard Armstrong)
- Ain't You Coming Out To-Night (Blanke-Belcher, Henriette)
- Ain't You Glad You've Found Me (Van Alstyne, Egbert)
- Airy Mary (Owen, Anita)
- Alabama Jubilee (Cobb, George L.)
- Alabama Moon (Van Alstyne, Egbert)
- Alamac Tango (Logatti, Lorenzo)
- Alamo Rag (Wenrich, Percy)
- Alexander's Band Is Back in Dixieland (Gumble, Albert)
- Algernon (Mullen, William J.)
- Alice, Where Art Thou Going (Gumble, Albert)
- All Aboard for Dixie Land (Cobb, George L.)
- All by Myself (Jentes, Harry)
- All for You (Johnson, Arnold)
- All Is Over When the Bells Begin to Ring (Gumble, Albert)
- Alma, Where Do You Live? (Philipp, Adolf)
- Alma, wo wohnst du? (Philipp, Adolf)
- Along the Way to Waikiki (Whiting, Richard Armstrong)
- Always (Kroll, H.)
- Always Keep the Money in the Family (Burt, Benjamin Hapgood)
- Always You (Stothart, Herbert)
- Amorita (Paley, Herman)
- Anastasia Reilly (Halligan, William)
- Angel Child (Randall, Berte C.)
- Annie Annhäuser (Vanderveer, William J.)
- Anoma (Dabney, Ford T.)
- Anti Rag-Time Girl (Janis, Elsie)
- Anxious (Kendis, James)
- Any Place Is Heaven When You're with the Girl You Love (Owen, Anita)
- April Fool Rag (Schwartz, Jean)
- Arcadia Waltz (Sanders, Alma M.)
- Are You Sincere? (Gumble, Albert)
- As Long as the World Goes Round (Caldwell, Anne)
- Ashes of Roses (West, H. Brace)
- Ask Her in Tulip Time (Marshall, Henry I.)
- At the End of a Lane (Haymond, Norah Lee)
- At the Gate of the Palace of Dreams (Schmid, Johann C.)
- At the Mississippi Cabaret (Gumble, Albert)
- Aunt Priscilla's Wedding Day (Clark, Milton W.)
- Automobile (De Haven, Rose)
- Avalon (Daniels, Charles N.)
- Avalon (Jolson, Al)
- Baby Blue (Schwartz, Jean)
- Baby Boy (Gumble, Albert)
- Baby Face (Davis, Benny)
- Baby Mine Rag (Botsford, George)
- Baby Sister Blues (Marshall, Henry I.)
- Back in Tipperary Town (Gumble, Albert)
- Back to You (Burks, Hattie)
- Back, Back, Back to Baltimore (Van Alstyne, Egbert)
- Back, Back, Back to Indiana (Van Alstyne, Egbert)
- Band! Band! Band! (Ayer, Nathaniel Davis)
- Barbed Wire Rag (Spencer, Herbert)
- Barney Google (Various)
- Baron Trenck (Albini, Felix)
- Be a Good Scout (Carroll, Harry)
- Be My Little Baby Bumble Bee (Marshall, Henry I.)
- Be My Sweetheart (Wegefarth, W. Dayton)
- Be There at Twilight (Meyer, George W.)
- Beautiful Annabell Lee (Meyer, George W.)
- Beautiful Child (Havez, Jean)
- Beautiful Girl (Blanke-Belcher, Henriette)
- Beautiful Lady (Van Alstyne, Egbert)
- Because You're Irish (Van Alstyne, Egbert)
- Beside a Babbling Brook (Donaldson, Walter)
- Best People on Earth (Wills, Nat M.)
- Betsy Bolivar (Caldwell, Anne)
- Beware of the Sirens (Van Alstyne, Egbert)
- Big Chief Penobscot (Finzel, George H.)
- Bing! Bang! Bing 'Em on the Rhine (Flynn, Allan)
- Bingen on the Rhine (Paley, Herman)
- Black and White (Botsford, George)
- Black Beauty (Schwartz, Jean)
- Blarney (Van Alstyne, Egbert)
- Blue Indian (Gamble, Louis)
- Blushing June Roses (Kummer, Clare)
- Blushing Moon (Kummer, Clare)
- Bmini Bay (Whiting, Richard Armstrong)
| B cont.
- Bo-Peep (Cook, Doc)
- Bolsheviki (White, George)
- Bon vivant (Sawyer, Joan)
- Bonnie Annie Laurie (Van Alstyne, Egbert)
- Boomerang Rag (Botsford, George)
- Borneo (Daniels, Charles N.)
- Brain Storms (Burt, Benjamin Hapgood)
- Breath of the Rose (Stokes, Nellie M.)
- Breezin' Along With The Breeze (Gillespie, Haven)
- Bridal Veil (Blake, Charlotte)
- Bright Eyes (Van Alstyne, Egbert)
- Bring Along Your Dancing Shoes (Le Boy, Grace)
- Bring Back that Old-Fashioned Waltz (Malotte, Albert Hay)
- Bringing Up Father (Silvers, Louis)
- Broadway to Paris (Hoffman, Max)
- Broke (Havez, Jean)
- Brotherly Love (O'Brien, Neil)
- Bugs (Golden, John)
- Bull Durham (Havez, Jean)
- Buzzin' Around (Morrissey, Will)
- By the Light of the Jungle Moon (Atkinson, J. Caldwell)
- By the Light of the Silvery Moon (Edwards, Gus)
- By the Light of the Stars (Little, George A.)
- By the Rio Grande (Friedland, Anatol)
- By the Riverside (Friend, Cliff)
- By the Way (Pollack, Lew)
- Bye and Bye (Daniels, Charles N.)
- Bye and Bye (Nichols, Hal G.)
- Bye Bye Blackbird (Henderson, Ray)
- Bye-Bye Land (Grant, Bert)
- Cabarabia (Gumble, Albert)
- Caberavings (Whiting, Richard Armstrong)
- Call Me Back (Friedman, Leo)
- Calliope Blues (Tillman, Edwin)
- Camouflage (Lampe, Jens Bodewalt)
- Camp Meeting Time (Van Alstyne, Egbert)
- Can You Tell (Miller, Ray)
- Can't You See (Gumble, Albert)
- Canadian Capers (Chandler, Gus)
- Captain D'Arcy of the Guards (Spink, George A.)
- Captain Willie Brown (Burt, Benjamin Hapgood)
- Car-Balick-Acid (Wiley, Clarence C.)
- Carita (Winne, Jesse M.)
- Carolina in the Morning (Donaldson, Walter)
- Cavalier' Rustican' Rag (Van Alstyne, Egbert)
- Chanticleer (Gumble, Albert)
- Chatterbox Rag (Botsford, George)
- Cheating (Kummer, Clare)
- Cheer Up Father Cheer Up Mother (Paley, Herman)
- Cherry (Daniels, Charles N.)
- Cheyenne (Van Alstyne, Egbert)
- Chicken Chowder (Giblin, Irene M.)
- Chicken Pie (Hamp, Charles W.)
- Chickens on Parade (Edwards, Gus)
- Chicks (Barratt, Walter Augustus)
- Childhood Days (Creamer, Henry)
- China Dreams (Van Alstyne, Egbert)
- Chinatown, My Chinatown (Schwartz, Jean)
- Ching Ching Chinaman (Gottschalk, Louis Ferdinand)
- Christo Colombo (Clark, Peter S.)
- Chung Lo (Daniels, Charles N.)
- Cinderella (Platzmann, Eugene)
- Circus Day in Dixie (Gumble, Albert)
- Circus Days (Costa, Leon de)
- Cleopatricola (Schwartz, Jean)
- Coaling Up in Colon Town (Whiting, Richard Armstrong)
- Come Along Ma Cherie (Bowers, Robert Hood)
- Come Along Mandy (Costa, Leon de)
- Come and Dream with Me in a Persian Garden (Brown, Fleta Jan)
- Come Around and Make Love to Me (Brown, Albert Seymour)
- Come On Along (Van Alstyne, Egbert)
- Come On Over, Let's All Get Acquainted (Ayer, Nathaniel Davis)
- Come On, Get Busy and Clap Your Hands (Spink, George A.)
- Come Put Your Arms Around Me (Burt, Benjamin Hapgood)
- Commencement Days (Bowers, Frederic V.)
- Concentrate (Newman, Alfred)
- Coney Land (Edwards, Gus)
- Constantly (Williams, Bert)
- Cotton Time (Daniels, Charles N.)
- Could She Love Him? (Gisin, Martha Allegra)
- Could You Read My Heart (Blake, Charlotte)
- Cowboy (O'Donnell, Charley)
- Cry Baby (Siegel, Al)
- Cup Hunters (Lenzberg, Julius)
- Curly (Blake, Charlotte)
- Curly Head (Gumble, Albert)
- Cute and Pretty (Morris, Melville)
- Cuttin' Up (Haskell, Charles G.)
- Daddy (Ayer, Nathaniel Davis)
- Daddy (Strasser, Fred)
- Daddy Did a Wonderful Thing (Meyer, George W.)
- Dainty Dames (Blake, Charlotte)
- Daisies Will Tell You So (Owen, Anita)
- Daisies Won't Tell (Owen, Anita)
- Daisy-Time (Kummer, Clare)
- Dance Off the Blues (Pollack, Lew)
- Dancing the Jelly Roll (Paley, Herman)
- Dandelion (Brown, Fleta Jan)
- Dark Eyes (Daniels, Charles N.)
- Dark Eyes (Richards, Dick)