(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Sheppard, John.)
John Sheppard
(ca.1515 — December 1558)
Name in Other Languages: جون شيپارد, ג'ון שפארד, ジョン・シェパード
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 115659380, LCCN: n81055571, ISNI: 0000000081842904, GND: 124523951, SUDOC: 158057066, BNF: 13941479k, BIBSYS: 7007701, MusicBrainz: 06e599a0-f816-4a3a-9e30-492c2c83b62e, NKC: xx0148382, BNE: XX1760175, CiNii: DA10847244, IATH: w6pg1rxf
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