(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Simpson, Christopher.)
Christopher Simpson
(ca.1602 — 1669)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Sympson, Cristopher
Name in Other Languages: كريستوفر سيمبسون, ক্রিস্টোফার সিম্পসন, クリストファー・シンプソン, Кристофер Симпсон
Aliases: Симпсон, Кристофер
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 85450662, LCCN: n84233896, ISNI: 0000000081610636, GND: 117398586, SUDOC: 117470198, BNF: 138998068, BIBSYS: 13007629, MusicBrainz: 1c173e15-de57-4d06-9b79-a6d4287919e0, NLA: 35500915, NKC: xx0023892, ICCU: MUSV074283, IATH: w6z31z0h
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- Death usually given as between May 5 and July 29
Pages in category "Simpson, Christopher/Collections"
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