(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Steffani, Agostino.)
Agostino Steffani
(25 July 1653 — 12 February 1728)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Staffani, Steffano, Stefani, Stephani
Name in Other Languages: Агостино Стеффани, Augustinus Steffani, アゴスティーノ・ステッファーニ, אגוסטינו סטפאני, اجوستينو ستيفانى, 아고스티노 스테파니
Aliases: Стеффани Агостино, Steffani, Agostino, Agostino steffani
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 64193200, LCCN: n84105378, ISNI: 0000000121367109, GND: 118798561, SELIBR: 228555, SUDOC: 080733751, BNF: 13900034f, MusicBrainz: e5c1744b-6bdb-4ee4-a189-e82f24eed66c, NDL: 001136837, NKC: jn20040105005, ICCU: TO0V074708, BNE: XX1769151, CiNii: DA03384292, IATH: w66d605b
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Pages in category "Steffani, Agostino/Collections"
The following 12 pages are in this category, out of 12 total.