Sheet Music
Publisher. Info.
London: Preston, n.d.
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General Information
Work Title
Sacred Music
Alternative. Title
Sacred Music ... consisting of Selections from the great English & Italian Masters, Handel, Purcel, Green, Croft, Marcello, Steffani, Pergolese &c. the whole Selected, Adapted & Arranged, for One, Two, Three or Four Voices and the Piano Forte or Organ, by R. I. S. Stevens
Stevens, Richard John Samuel
Internal Reference NumberInternal Ref. No.
None [force assignment]
3 volumes, 74 items
Volume 1
- Rejoice in the Lord: Agostino Steffani
- Thou knowest Lord the secrets of our hearts: Henry Purcell
- O sing praises unto our God: Giovanni Battista Pergolesi
- Praise the Lord O my soul: Maurice Greene
- Lord I beseech Thee: Benedetto Marcello
- Ev'ry day will I give thanks: George Frideric Handel
- I will always give thanks unto the Lord: Charles King
- O Lord thou hast searched me out and known me: William Croft
- Praise the Lord O my soul and all that is within me: William Savage
- O Lord our governor: Benedetto Marcello
- The Lord is my shepherd: Maurice Greene
- Tears are my daily food: George Frideric Handel
- Come ye children and hearken to me: Agostino Steffani
- In my distress I called upon the Lord: Benedetto Marcello
- My God look upon me: John Reynolds
- Lord for thy tender mercies sake: Richard Farrant [i.e. John Hilton]
- Like as the smoke vanishes: George Frideric Handel
- O Lord give ear unto my pray'r: Maurice Greene
- And with songs I will celebrate the name of Jehovah: Benedetto Marcello
- In God's word will I rejoice: Henry Purcell
Volume 2
- I will give thanks unto Thee O Lord: Agostino Steffani
- For God is in the midst of us: Maurice Greene
- Let the righteous be glad: George Frideric Handel
- Sanctus and Kyrie Eleeson ; Nunc dimittis: Orlando Gibbons
- I was in the spirit on the Lords day: John Blow
- My song shall be alway [sic] of the loving kindness of the Lord: Henry Purcell
- Blessed are those that are undefiled: Maurice Greene
- O hear ye this all ye people: Agostino Steffani
- Lord who shall dwell in thy tabernacle: Benedetto Marcello
- Behold how good and joyful a thing it is: James Nares
- Wash me throughly [sic] from my wickedness: George Frideric Handel
- I will give thanks: Wiliam Croft
- O magnify the Lord: George Frideric Handel
- O hold Thou me up: Benedetto Marcello
- O praise the Lord with me: Agostino Steffani
- How long wilt Thou forget me: Jeremiah Clarke
- I will alway [sic] love Thee O Lord: Benedetto Marcello
Volume 3
- God of my righteousness: Maurice Greene
- Who can tell how oft he offendeth ; Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart: Ercole Bernabei
- O Lord my God I will exalt thee: James Nares
- For man walketh in a vain shadow: Maurice Greene
- Holy, holy Lord God of hosts: Giacomo Carissimi
- The Lord is my strength and my song ; The voice of joy and health is in the dwelling of the righteous ; This is the day which the Lord hath made: William Croft
- Thou art my portion: Agostino Steffani
- Ascribe to the Lord the honour: Giovanni Battista Bassani
- Like as the hart desires the water brook: Maurice Greene
- O Lord rebuke me not in thine indignation: William Savage
- O deliver me from mine enemy: Benedetto Marcello
- Lord what love have I unto thy law: William Croft
- Four rounds: O Absalom my son: Charles King; Oh that thou had'st known: Thomas Roseingrave; Make haste O God: William Hayes; Allelujah: William Boyce
- Te Deum patrem; Ye faithful servants of the Lord: Benjamin Rogers
- That I may see the felicity of thy chosen: Henry Purcell
- O come hither and hearken all ye that fear God: Maurice Greene
- O come let us worship and fall down: George Frideric Handel
- O be joyful in God: Agostino Steffani
- All they that see me laugh me to scorn: Benedetto Marcello
- To celebrate thy praise, O Lord ; The heavn's declare thy Glory, Lord ; With one consent let all the earth to God their chearful [sic] voices raise ; To God the mighty Lord, your joyful thanks repeat: William Savage
- Six single chants for the organ
- Six double chants
First Publication.
Archbishop of Canterbury
Composer Time PeriodComp. Period
Piece Style
1-4 voices, piano or organ
Navigation etc.
Unidentified composer: Reynolds