- Abendläuten, Op.22 (Kistler, Cyrill)
- Abide with Me (Monk, William Henry)
- Acclamazione al Vangelo per la Quaresima (Donella, Valentino)
- 3 Acclamazioni al Vangelo per il tempo di Quaresima (Donella, Valentino)
- Ach bittrer Winter, Op.63 (Lutter, Wilhelm)
- Across the Fields to Anne, Op.30 (Clough-Leighter, Henry)
- Ad completorium (Donella, Valentino)
- Ad horam nonam (Rutigliano, Andrea)
- Ad Regias Agni Dapes (Hammerel, Victor)
- L'Addio (Anzoletti, Marco)
- Addoliad (Lloyd, John Ambrose)
- Adeste fideles in A-flat major (Tinel, Jef)
- Adjuva nos, Op.12 (Hanisch, Joseph)
- Adonais (Stanley, Albert Augustus)
- Adoramus Te, Christe (Giorgi, Carlo Piero)
- Adoramus te (Gasparini, Quirino)
- Adoramus te (Ramos, Arlindo)
- Adoramus te (St. George Tucker, Tui)
- Adoremus (McManus, Stephen)
- Adoro te and Tantum ergo, Op.22 (Schehl, J. Alfred)
- Adoro Te devote, Op.78 (Spada, Luca)
- Adoro te devote, Op.111 (Spada, Luca)
- Adoro Te devote (Pedini, Carlo)
- Adoro Te (Singenberger, John)
- Advent Acclamations (Brolsma, Bruce Edward)
- Aeternae Rex in D major (Anonymous)
- Aeternae Rex (Anonymous)
- Afferentur regi (Pozzoli, Ettore)
- L'affût, CG 187 (Gounod, Charles)
- After the Battle (Farwell, Arthur)
- Agnello di Dio (Donella, Valentino)
- Agnus Dei I (Bird, Melvin Clive)
- Agnus Dei (Moniuszko, Stanisław)
- Alelluia (Arantes, Rafael Sales)
- Alice Brand, Op.76 (Parker, Horatio)
- Alice in Wonderland (Page, Nathaniel Clifford)
- All Colors of Light (St. George Tucker, Tui)
- All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name, Op.74 (Beach, Amy Marcy)
- All Hail, Dear Conqueror! (Adams II, Thomas)
- All People that on Earth do dwell (West, John Ebenezer)
- All-Night Vigil, Op.26 (Nikolsky, Aleksandr)
- Alla SS. Comunione (Caudana, Federico)
- Alla Vita Eterna (Trovato, Angelo Maria)
- Álldott vagy szent város, te boldog Bethlehem! (Lovas, Imre)
- Alleluia 'Benedetto colui che viene' (Scapin, Massimo)
- Alleluia 'Magnificat' II (Scapin, Massimo)
- Alleluia 'Mostraci, Signore' (Scapin, Massimo)
- Alleluia 'Rimanete in me' (Scapin, Massimo)
- Alleluia 'Venite benedetti' (Cattaneo, Pietro)
- Alleluia - Beati coloro che ascoltano (Donella, Valentino)
- Alleluia - Cristo è risorto II (Donella, Valentino)
- Alleluia - Cristo è risorto I (Donella, Valentino)
- Alleluia - La tua parola (Donella, Valentino)
- Alleluia - Le mie pecore (Donella, Valentino)
- Alleluia - Surrexit Christus (Simonetto, Alessandro)
- Alleluia di Natale, Op.32 (Caputi, Omar)
- Alleluia in Do (Donella, Valentino)
- Alleluia pasquale (Cattaneo, Pietro)
- Alleluia Pasquale (Stellabotte, Antonella)
- Alleluia per la Domenica di Pasqua (Ferrarini, Marco)
- Alleluia Rock, Op.45 (Caputi, Omar)
- Alleluia! Now is Christ Risen (Adams II, Thomas)
- Alleluia! O Come, Let Us Sing (Titcomb, Everett)
- Alleluia! the Lord Liveth (Harris, Cuthbert)
- Alleluia! The Strife is O'er (Candlyn, Thomas Frederick Handel)
- Alleluia, Christus Resurrexit (Korman, James Andrew)
- Alleluia, Op.30 (Caputi, Omar)
- Alleluia (Brolsma, Bruce Edward)
- Alleluia (Donella, Valentino)
- Alleluja in A minor (Harasimiuk, Piotr Tomasz)
- Alleluja in B-flat major (Mandola, Łukasz)
- Alleluja in G major (Harasimiuk, Piotr Tomasz)
- Alleluja na trzy głosy równe (Grinholc, Piotr Fryderyk)
- Alleluja, Op.88 (Spada, Luca)
- Alleluja (Mandola, Łukasz)
- Alleluja (Spada, Luca)
- Alleluja (Tallini, Gennaro)
- Alles, was ist auf dieser Welt (Ritter, Christian)
- Allgemeines Choral-Buch (Umbreit, Karl Gottlieb)
- Allgemeines Choralmelodienbuch, Op.28 (Stolze, Heinrich Wilhelm)
- Die Allmacht, D.875a (Schubert, Franz)
- Alma redemptoris Mater (Arantes, Rafael Sales)
- Almighty and Everlasting God (Gibbons, Orlando)
- Alpen-Erinnerung (Randhartinger, Benedict)
- Alpenstimmen aus Österreich, Opp.17, 34 (Weinwurm, Rudolf)
- Alte deutsche geistliche Weisen, S.50 (Liszt, Franz)
- Alte und neue Choralgesänge (Kühnau, Johann Christoph)
- Alte und neue Choralmelodien, LadK II/522 (Knecht, Justin Heinrich)
- Alter Christus (Tinel, Jef)
- Altissimo glorioso Dio (Ferrari, Carlotta)
- Alzo gli occhi (Donella, Valentino)
- Am heiligen Abend, Op.116 (Mittmann, Paul)
- Amato mio Redentore (Ferrari, Carlotta)
- Ambush (Xian, Xinghai)
- Ame du Christ, Op.8 (Roullet, Hervé)
| A cont.
- Amen (Donella, Valentino)
- Amen (Martinez, Emanuel Nunes)
- Amen (Tallini, Gennaro)
- America Triumphant (Demarest, Clifford)
- America's Creed (Kelley, Edgar Stillman)
- The American and European Harmony (Various)
- The American Ensign (Webster, Joseph Philbrick)
- The American Harp (Zeuner, Charles)
- The American Sportsman's Song (Wiske, Charles Mortimer)
- An Ancient Christmas Hymn (Nicholls, John)
- An Anthem of Earth (Bird, Peter)
- An die Sonne, Op.17 (Witte, George Hendrik)
- An die Sterne, IBR 525 (Randhartinger, Benedict)
- The Ancient Lyre (Zeuner, Charles)
- And I Saw a New Heaven (Bainton, Edgar Leslie)
- And Thus I Saw Him (Ferrari, Carlotta)
- The Angel Gabriel Was Sent from God (Smart, Henry Thomas)
- The Angel Said unto Them, Fear Not (Brown, Arthur Henry)
- Angele Dei, Marginalia No.94 (Caldini, Fulvio)
- Angels, from the realms of glory (Cowen, Frederic Hymen)
- Angels, from the Realms of Glory (Hall, Edward Vine)
- Angelus Domini descendit (Pagueras, Cayetano)
- Les anges dans nos campagnes (M., W.)
- Anima Christi sanctifica me, S.46 (Liszt, Franz)
- Anima Christi (Spinelli, Santo)
- L'anima mia magnifica il Signore (Donella, Valentino)
- L'anima s'unisce (Ferrari, Carlotta)
- 3 Animal Songs, Op.23 (Robertson, Ernest John)
- Anleitung zum Gesange, und dem Klaviere (Rigler, Franz Paul)
- Anna Nery (Souto, Eduardo)
- The Annunciation (Reager, John)
- Anthem for Easter Day (Tyrrell, Stephen)
- Anthem Fuddugol Ddirwestol (Owen, John)
- Anthem Treasures (Various)
- Anthem: Sanctus and Fugue (Flint, James)
- 3 Anthems for Church Service, Op.6 (Chadwick, George Whitefield)
- 2 Anthems for Church Service, Op.8 (Leslie, Ernest)
- 3 Anthems (Beckwith, John)
- 4 Anthems (King, Charles M.)
- 3 Anthems, for Chorus and Organ, Op.27 (Finzi, Gerald)
- Anthems, Op.19 (Barnes, Edward Shippen)
- 6 Anthems, Op.36 (Harker, Frederick Flaxington)
- 6 Anthems, Op.53 (Buck, Dudley)
- 6 Anthems, Op.54 (Buck, Dudley)
- Anthems, Op.88 (Coerne, Louis Adolphe)
- Anthems, Op.95 (Coerne, Louis Adolphe)
- 6 Anthems, Op.116 (Peters, Rob)
- Antifone di Comunione per le Domeniche di Quaresima (Cattaneo, Pietro)
- Apostles' Creed in G major (Monk, Edwin George)
- The Apostles' Creed (Tyrrell, Stephen)
- The Apostles, Op.49 (Elgar, Edward)
- Apostolok hű társa óvd (Lovas, Imre)
- Apparato musicale, Op.5 (Franzoni, Amante)
- Araye d'oro (Akinfenwa, Segun)
- Are You There, Moriarity? (Braham, David)
- Are You Waiting? (Shelley, Frank Whitney)
- Arise, Shine! (Foote, Arthur)
- Arise, Shine, for Thy Light is Come, HWC 369 (Willan, Healey)
- Arise, Shine, for Thy Light is Come (Elvey, George Job)
- Arisen, Brothers and Sisters (Li, Cheng-Shiun)
- Around the Winter Fire (Gaul, Alfred Robert)
- Art Thou Weary (Chadwick, George Whitefield)
- As Christ was Raised from the Dead (Wareing, Herbert Walter)
- As I feel Your Presence (Oriwoh, Edewede)
- As it Began to Dawn (Foster, Myles Birket)
- As It Began to Dawn (Martin, George Clement)
- As it Began to Dawn (Vincent, Charles)
- As Sete Palavras (Anonymous)
- As the Moments Roll (Webbe, Samuel)
- As we break the bread ... (Bird, Melvin Clive)
- As We Have Borne the Image of the Earthy (Barnby, Joseph)
- Ascendit Deus (Pozzoli, Ettore)
- Ascribe unto the Lord (Wesley, Samuel Sebastian)
- Ashes of Roses (Harris, Victor)
- Ashes of Roses (Woodman, Raymond Huntington)
- 2 Asperges me, WAB 3 (Bruckner, Anton)
- Aspiciens a longe (Ferrari, Carlotta)
- Assumpta est Maria (Donella, Valentino)
- Assumpta est Maria (Pozzoli, Ettore)
- Assumpta est Maria (Spinelli, Santo)
- At the Hacienda (Gaul, Harvey B.)
- At the Lamb's High Feast We Sing (Hall, Edward Vine)
- At the Name of Jesus (Vaughan Williams, Ralph)
- Attende Domine (Donella, Valentino)
- Aubade athénienne (Hahn, Reynaldo)
- Aubade (Ireland, John)
- Auf dem Wochenmarkt, Op.114 (Kreymann, Louis)
- Auf den Höhen, Op.4 (Schjelderup, Gerhard Rosenkrone)
- Aus tiefer Not schrei ich zu Dir, VG14 (Gorochnaya, Vasilisa)
- Aussöhnung, Op.72 (Lutter, Wilhelm)
- Auszug der vorzüglichsten Arien, Duette und Chöre (Hiller, Johann Adam)
- Autumn is Peaceful, Op.91a (Mekaev, Alexander)
- Ave Maria a 4 voci (Bentivoglio, Giulio)
- Ave Maria after Bach's Sarabande (Yokoyama, Shin-Itchiro)
- Ave Maria for choir (Gallisay Pilo, Priamo)
- Ave Maria for Monika Lang (Zintl, Frank)
- Ave Maria gratia plena (Zintl, Frank)
- Ave Maria I, S.20 (Liszt, Franz)
- Ave Maria II, S.38 (Liszt, Franz)
- Ave Maria in A major, ICS 18 (Saint-Saëns, Camille)