Sheet Music
Publisher. Info.
London: Bayley & Ferguson, n.d.
Misc. Notes
published under the title: Anthem Treasures
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Publisher. Info.
Toronto: The Hawkes & Harris Music Co., n.d.
Misc. Notes
published under the title: The Canadian Anthem Treasury
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General Information
Work Title
The Canadian Anthem Treasury
Alternative. Title
Anthem Treasures: A Collection of Easy and Effective Anthems for Church Use
Internal Reference NumberInternal Ref. No.
None [force assignment]
4 books/parts
Piece Style
mixed chorus (SATB); mixed chorus (SATB), organ
Navigation etc.
In standard notation with tonic sol-fa beneath.
The same plates were published in London & Glasgow (Bayley & Ferguson) under the title Anthem Treasures, and in Toronto (Hawkes & Harris) under the title The Canadian Anthem Treasury. As both publications are undated and have no plate numbers, it is unclear which version came first.
Part I
- Awake! put on strength - John Wall Callcott
- Be joyful in the Lord - Adam Geibel
- Behold how good and joyful - John Clarke-Whitfeld
- Cast thy burden on the Lord - William Batchelder Bradbury
- Come ye disconsolate - A. Geibel
- Consider the lilies - William Augustine Ogden
- Enter not into judgment - Thomas Attwood
- Fading, still fading - Edmund Simon Lorenz
- Glory be to God - Emma Louise Ashford
- God is Love - Luther Orlando Emerson
- Hear thou my prayer - J. P. Vance
- How sweet are thy words - John Harrison Tenney
- I will lift up mine eyes - L. O. Emerson
- Lift up your heads - E. L. Ashford
- Lord of all power and might - William Mason I
- O praise the Lord - John Goss
- Peace, be still - E. L. Ashford
- Praise ye the Lord - J. H. Leslie
- Rest in the Lord - E. L. Ashford
- Seek ye the Lord - A. Geibel
- Ten thousand times ten thousand - W. Henry Maxfield
- The King of Love - W. H. Maxfield
- Therefore with angels - Vincent Novello
Part II
- Behold, God is my salvation - Hart Pease Danks
- Come unto me, all ye that labour - W. Irving Hartshorn
- Cry out and shout - Philip Paul Bliss
- Hear my cry - George Frederick Root
- He giveth his beloved sleep - Frederick Arthur Challinor
- How excellent is thy name - Challinor
- I'm but a stranger here - Adams [?]
- I will lay me down in peace - William F. Sudds
- Jesus, lover of my soul - Maxfield
- Lead us, heavenly father (Ave Verum) - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
- Lord, for thy tender mercies' sake - Richard Farrant
- O praise the name of the Lord - Danks
- Oh, come let us sing - Parks [?]
- Rejoice the soul of thy servant - Danks
- Rejoice to-day with one accord - George Dyson
- The earth is the Lord's - Smith [R. A.?]
- The King of Love - Ashford
- The Lord is full of compassion - Danks
- The Rock that is higher than I - Danks
- Thy word is a lamp - Hubert Platt Main
Part III
- Abide with me - Maxfield
- Awake, put on strength - Danks
- Arise, shine for thy light is come - George Job Elvey
- Behold, God is my salvation - Danks
- Christmas Hymn - Ashford
- Come unto me - George F. Hamer
- The Fall of Babylon - Campbell [?]
- God my Strength - Moritz Hauptmann
- Jesus, lover of my soul - Winn [?]
- The Lord is gracious - Eduard Grell
- Hear, Lord, my prayer - Louis Niedermeyer
- The Lord doth reign - Moss [?]
- Make a joyful noise - Smith [R. A.?]
- My heavenly home - Havens [?]
- Now let the gates of Zion - Cook [?]
- Our Father which art in heaven - Simpson [?]
- Praise ye the Lord - Ashford
- The Radiant Morn - Maxfield
- The Righteous shall be glad - Grell
- Sing, O heavens - Main
- Unto thee, O Lord - Winn
- With songs and honours - Theodore Frelinghuysen Seward
Part IV
- All nations whom thou hast made - National Psalmist
- Bow down thine ear - Grell
- Blessed are the people - Bradbury
- Blessed be the Lord - Kreissmann [?]
- Come unto me - George Marston
- Darkness was over the land - Michael Haydn
- Father, forgive the tears - Lowell Mason
- God be merciful - John Rogers Thomas
- Great is the Lord - Callcott
- I come before thy gracious face - Hauptmann
- I was glad when they said - Callcott
- I will give thanks - Warren [?]
- Jesu, the very thought of thee - Christoph Willibald Gluck
- Lift up your heads - Hauptmann
- Light of the evening - Hauptmann
- The Lord loveth me - Novello
- The Lord my shepherd is - George Alexander Macfarren
- My song shall be - Clarke-Mason [?]
- Our father which art - Phillips [?]
- O love the Lord - Kreissmann
- O taste and see - Goss
- Our soul waiteth for the Lord - Mason
- O Zion that bringest - Jackson [?]
- Praise the God of Israel - Mason
- Send out thy light - Merritt [?]
- There were whisp'rings (Christmas carol) - George Laurie Osgood