- Abide With Me (Meale, John Arthur)
- Ad Regias Agni Dapes (Hammerel, Victor)
- Addoliad (Lloyd, John Ambrose)
- Adeste Fideles, Op.53 No.2 (Hofmann, Heinrich)
- Albion Anthem No.1 (Kram, Richard)
- All Hail, Dear Conqueror! (Adams II, Thomas)
- All My Heart This Night Rejoices (Chaffin, Lucien Gates)
- All People Clap Your Hands (Weelkes, Thomas)
- All People that on Earth do dwell (West, John Ebenezer)
- All that Breathe, Your Lord Adore, Op.176 No.1 (Borch, Gaston)
- All Things are Thine (Sowerby, Leo)
- All Ye who weep, CG 189a (Gounod, Charles)
- Alleluia! Now is Christ Risen (Adams II, Thomas)
- Alleluia! O Come, Let Us Sing (Titcomb, Everett)
- Alleluia! The Strife is O'er (Candlyn, Thomas Frederick Handel)
- Alleluia. I heard a voice (Weelkes, Thomas)
- Almighty and Everlasting God (Gibbons, Orlando)
- Almigty and Everlasting God (Ramsey, Robert)
- Amagama Okuhlabelela: Zulu Hymnal (Various)
- America Triumphant (Demarest, Clifford)
- The American and European Harmony (Various)
- American Anthems (Loretz, John M.)
- The American Compiler of Sacred Harmony (Jenks, Stephen)
- The American Harmonist (St. John, Stephen)
- The American Harmony (Cowling, Aaron)
- The American Harmony (Shumway, Nehemiah)
- American Harmony (Holden, Oliver)
- The American Musical Primer (Blanchard, Amos)
- American Psalmody (Various)
- The American Singing Book (Read, Daniel)
- The American Vocalist (Mansfield, Daniel Hale)
- An Anthem of Earth (Bird, Peter)
- An Anthem taken from the 97th Psalm (Tuckey, William)
- An Introduction to Psalmody (Church, John)
- An Introduction to the Skill of Musick (Betts, Edward)
- Ancient Harmony Revived (Various)
- The Ancient Lyre (Zeuner, Charles)
- And the King said to All the People (Goss, John)
- And Ye Shall Serve the Lord Your God (Hadley, Henry Kimball)
- The Angel Gabriel Was Sent from God (Smart, Henry Thomas)
- The Angel Said unto Them, Fear Not (Brown, Arthur Henry)
- Angel-Voices, Ever Singing (Hall, Edward Vine)
- Angels, from the Realms of Glory (Baldwin, Samuel Atkinson)
- Angels, from the realms of glory (Cowen, Frederic Hymen)
- Angels, from the Realms of Glory (Hall, Edward Vine)
- Angels, Roll the Rock Away! (Thomas, John Rogers)
- Another Six Days' Work is Done (Schnecker, Peter August)
- Anthem 'Hear me O God' and Ode 'Vital Spark', Op.5 (Jackson, William)
- The Anthem Book of the Methodist Episcopal Church (Converse, Charles Crozat)
- The Anthem Book of the United Free Church of Scotland (Various)
- Anthem for Christmas (Brady, William)
- Anthem for Easter Day (Tyrrell, Stephen)
- Anthem for the Funeral of the Duke of Marlborough (Bononcini, Giovanni)
- Anthem from Psalm 108, Op.1 (Wilbraham, Maria)
- Anthem Fuddugol Ddirwestol (Owen, John)
- Anthem No.1 (Peisinger, Joel)
- Anthem No.2 (Peisinger, Joel)
- Anthem No.3 (Peisinger, Joel)
- The Anthem Set, Op.22 (Labrecque, Denis G.)
- The Anthem Thanksgiving (Woodbury, Isaac Baker)
- Anthem Treasures (Various)
- Anthem, 2 Hymns and 2 Dismissions (Wyvill, Zerubbabel)
- Anthem, K096 (Stravinsky, Igor)
- Anthem: Sanctus and Fugue (Flint, James)
- 12 Anthems and 12 Psalm Tunes, 2nd Book (Smith of Market Lavington, John)
- 12 Anthems and 12 Psalm Tunes, 3rd Book (Smith of Market Lavington, John)
- 12 Anthems and Te Deum (Boyce, William)
- 3 Anthems for Church Service, Op.6 (Chadwick, George Whitefield)
- 2 Anthems for Church Service, Op.8 (Leslie, Ernest)
- Anthems Galore (Besset, Julian Raoul)
- 2 Anthems in Memory of Washington (Holyoke, Samuel)
- 6 Anthems in Score (Beckwith, John)
- 2 Anthems (Blow, John)
- 3 Anthems (Beckwith, John)
- 4 Anthems (King, Charles M.)
- 6 Anthems (Bond, Capel)
- 6 Anthems (Milton Sr., John)
- 11 Anthems (Key, Joseph)
- 12 Anthems (Kent, James)
- 12 Anthems (Webbe, Samuel)
- 20 Anthems (Chapple, Samuel)
- 30 Anthems (Croft, William)
- 3 Anthems, for Chorus and Organ, Op.27 (Finzi, Gerald)
- Anthems, Op.19 (Barnes, Edward Shippen)
- 6 Anthems, Op.36 (Harker, Frederick Flaxington)
- 6 Anthems, Op.53 (Buck, Dudley)
- 6 Anthems, Op.54 (Buck, Dudley)
- 2 Anthems, Op.58 (Foerster, Adolph Martin)
- Anthems, Op.88 (Coerne, Louis Adolphe)
- Anthems, Op.95 (Coerne, Louis Adolphe)
- 6 Anthems, Op.116 (Peters, Rob)
- Anthems, Op.261 (Bartlett, Homer Newton)
- 8 Anthems, Te Deum and Jubilate (Key, Joseph)
- 15 Anthems, Te Deum and Jubilate (Boyce, William)
- Anthems (Gerber, Edward Enrico)
- Arise O Lord, and have Mercy (Tomkins, Thomas)
- Arise, great monarch (Blow, John)
- Arise, Shine! (Foote, Arthur)
- Arise, Shine, for Thy Light is Come (Elvey, George Job)
- Arise, Shine, Op.7b (Cobb, Gerard Francis)
| A cont.
- The Art of Singing (Law, Andrew)
- Art thou weary, art thou languid (Schnecker, Peter August)
- Art Thou Weary? (Gaul, Harvey B.)
- As chased Hart (Tailour, Robert)
- As Christ was Raised from the Dead (Wareing, Herbert Walter)
- As it Began to Dawn (Chaffin, Lucien Gates)
- As it Began to Dawn (Foster, Myles Birket)
- As it Began to Dawn (Harker, Frederick Flaxington)
- As It Began to Dawn (Martin, George Clement)
- As it Began to Dawn (Vincent, Charles)
- As Pants the Hart, HWV 251 (Handel, George Frideric)
- As Pants the Hart (Marston, George)
- As Sinks Beneath the Ocean (Christiansen, F. Melius)
- As the hart panteth (Cooke, Benjamin)
- As We Have Borne the Image of the Earthy (Barnby, Joseph)
- Ascribe unto the Lord (Wesley, Samuel Sebastian)
- At the Lamb's High Feast We Sing (Hall, Edward Vine)
- At the Sepulchre (Wareing, Herbert Walter)
- Ave Maris Stella No.2 in G major (Hammerel, Victor)
- Awake Up, My Glory (Barnby, Joseph)
- Awake Up, My Glory (Haynes, Battison)
- Awake Up, My Glory (Rogers, James Hotchkiss)
- Awake up, my glory (Tomkins, Thomas)
- Awake Up, My Glory (Wise, Michael)
- Awake! Thou That Sleepest! (Foote, Arthur)
- Awake, awake, put on thy strength, O Zion (Burgiss, William Henry)
- Awake, Awake, with Holy Rapture Sing (West, John Ebenezer)
- Awake, my Soul (Macpherson, Charles)
- Awake, Put on Thy Strength, Z.1 (Purcell, Henry)
- Awake, thou that sleepest! (Allen, George Benjamin)
- Awake, Thou That Sleepest (Bergh, Arthur)
- Awake, Thou that Sleepest (Maker, Frederick C.)
- Awake, Thou that Sleepest (Owst, Wilberfoss George)
- Baker's Church Music (Baker, Benjamin Franklin)
- Be glad and rejoice (Foster, Myles Birket)
- Be Glad, O Ye Righteous (Smart, Henry Thomas)
- Be Still and Know that I am God (Marston, George)
- Be thou my judge (Cooke, Benjamin)
- Be Ye Therefore Followers of God (Rogers, James Hotchkiss)
- The Beatitudes, Op.81 (Alburger, Mark)
- The Beatitudes (Walshaw, Gregory)
- The Beauties of Harmony (Lewis, Freeman)
- Beauties of Sacred Harmony (Nightingale, John Charles)
- Behold I Have Given You Every Herb (Harris, Cuthbert)
- Behold My Servant, Schleifer 38 (Gilchrist, William Wallace)
- Behold Now, Praise the Lord, Z.3 (Purcell, Henry)
- Behold Now, Praise the Lord (Titcomb, Everett)
- Behold, God is my Salvation (Woods, Francis Cunningham)
- Behold, how Good and Joyful (Clarke-Whitfeld, John)
- Behold, I Bring You Good Tidings (Barnby, Joseph)
- Behold, I Bring You Good Tidings (Hall, Edward Vine)
- Behold, I Shew You a Mystery (Wood, David)
- Behold, O God our defender (Blow, John)
- Behold, O God our defender (Hawkins, James)
- Behold, O God Our Defender (Sowerby, Leo)
- Behold, Ye Despisers (Parker, Horatio)
- Benedictus es, Domine (Sowerby, Leo)
- BLC Anthem (Kelly, Ian Donald Killeen)
- Blessed are All They That Fear the Lord (Sowerby, Leo)
- Blessed are the Poor in Spirit (Hiles, Henry)
- Blessed are the poor in spirit (Macfarren, George Alexander)
- Blessed are the Undefiled (Hadley, Henry Kimball)
- Blessed are They that Considereth the Poor, HWV 268 (Handel, George Frideric)
- Blessed are They that Dwelleth in Thy House (Tours, Berthold)
- Blessed are those that are undefiled in the way (Greene, Maurice)
- Blessed art thou that fearest God (Wilder, Philip van)
- Blessed be the God and Father (Wesley, Samuel Sebastian)
- Blessed Be the Lord God of Israel (Barnby, Joseph)
- Blessed be the Lord God of Israel (Hall, Edward Vine)
- Blessed Be the Lord My Strength (Hall, Henry)
- Blessed be thou, O Lord God of Israel (Kent, James)
- Blessed Be Thou, O Lord God (Lloyd, Charles Harford)
- Blessed city, heavenly Salem (Bairstow, Edward Cuthbert)
- Blessed Is He whose Unrighteousness, Z.8 (Purcell, Henry)
- Blessed is He, Op.47, No.8 (Coerne, Louis Adolphe)
- Blessing, Glory, Wisdom, and Thanks (Brewer, Alfred Herbert)
- Blest are the Pure in Heart (Christiansen, F. Melius)
- Blow Thou Cleansing Wind from Heaven (McLelland-Young, Thomas)
- Bogarodzica (Kraszewski, Kajetan)
- A Book of New Anthems (Reading, John)
- A Book of Psalmody (Green, James)
- The Boston Handel and Haydn Society Collection of Church Music (Mason, Lowell)
- The Boston Musical Institute's Collection of Church Music (Comer, Thomas)
- Bow down Thine ear, O Lord (Brewer, Alfred Herbert)
- Bow down thine ear, O Lord (Greene, Maurice)
- Bow Down Thine Ear, Z.11 (Purcell, Henry)
- Bread of the World (Hyde, Herbert Elijah)
- Break Forth Into Joy (Barnby, Joseph)
- Break Forth into Joy (Prentice, Ridley)
- Break Forth into Joy (Steane, Bruce)
- Breast The Wave, Christian (Shelley, Harry Rowe)
- Brethren (Christiansen, F. Melius)
- Bridgewater Collection of Sacred Music (Brown, Bartholomew)
- Brightest and Best of the Sons of the Morning (Coombs, Charles Whitney)
- Brother Sun, Sister Moon (Kimberling, Clark)
- The Bury Melodies (White, W. J.)
- By the Waters of Babylon (Clarke-Whitfeld, John)
- By the waters of Babylon (Coleridge-Taylor, Samuel)
- By the Waters of Babylon (Crampton, Thomas)
- By The Waters of Babylon (Graham, J. Lee)