Original works by this person are generally still subject to copyright. Submissions of copyrighted works are allowed only with the permission of the copyright holder. In the US, all works published in 1929 and earlier in the public domain; works first published afterwards may be protected by copyright (with some exceptions). See public domain and the licensing policy for more information. |
[the complex sound objects are to be listened with headphones in the silence]
Studied piano, acoustics, music history, baroque harmony & counterpoint and composition & musical analysis. Has a philosophy degree. Also studied anthropology, art history and photography. Wrote for conventional instruments creations as Lied I & II. Made and exhibited "experimental" photographs. From 2019 to 2022 created "complex sound objects" (concept invented by himself), which are intricate sound structures, a kind of "thing in itself" as they are not reinterpretable (there is not a third party between the artist and the public and absolutely no need of concerts as those complex sound objects are for solitary listening in the silence). The concept here implies the deconstruction of the idea of concert as those sound objects are to be listened in the silence, alone and with headphones, the only way to get the perception of the multidimensionality and density of the sounds and their motion (deliberately they were done in stereo, not in multichannels, consequently only with headphones that multidimensionality can be percepted). At his request this data base created the category "unaffiliated people".The following 60 pages are in this category, out of 60 total.