(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Teschemacher, Edward.)
Edward Teschemacher
(5 February 1876 — 15 May 1940)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Edward Frederick Lockton (after 1914) ; Ed Teschemacher
Name in Other Languages: エドワード・テシェマッハー
Aliases: Edward Frederick Teschemacher, Edward Frederick Lockton, Edward Lockton
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 58638364, LCCN: no90012377, ISNI: 0000000064032598, GND: 1091595313, BNF: 16541541w, BIBSYS: 4038736, MusicBrainz: 6266c256-8b39-4e2f-8fdf-d58a8f4bc5ed, NLA: 35675741, ICCU: CUBV051724
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He changed his name in the wave of anti-German sentiment in World War I:
"Mr Edward Teschmacher begs to announce that he has changed his surname to Lockton. Mr Lockton, as his friends and acquaintances know, is an Englishman. He was born in London as were his father and grandfather, the last named in 1791. Mr. Lockton has no relatives in Germany". (Buckinghamshire Examiner - Friday 13 November 1914)
Pages in category "Teschemacher, Edward/Translator"
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