Alternative Names/Transliterations: Princess Wilhelmine of Prussia
Name in Other Languages: Guilhermina da Prússia (1709–1758), Wilhelmina Pruska, וילהלמינה מפרוסיה, מרקיזת ברנדנבורג-ביירוית, Вильгельмина Прусская, Wilhelmine de Bayreuth, Guillermina de Prusia, Wilhelmine of Prussia, Margravine of Brandenburg-Bayreuth, Guillemina de Prússia, Guglielmina di Prussia, Wilhelmine von Preußen, Wilhelmine von Preussen, ヴィルヘルミーネ・フォン・プロイセン, Vilemína Pruská, Wilhelmine Prusia, Wilhelmina van Pruisen, Wilhelmine av Preussen, فيلهلمينه بروسيا, Vilma porosz királyi hercegnő, Вилхелмина Пруска (1709–1758), 勃蘭登堡-拜羅伊特侯爵夫人普魯士的薇海明娜, Вільгельміна Пруская, Βιλελμίνη της Πρωσίας, Guilhermina da Prússia, Vilhelmine af Preussen, Wilhelmine de Prusio, margrafino de Brandenburg-Bayreuth, Вільгельміна Пруська, Wilhelmine na Prúise, Banmhargraf Brandenburg-Bayreuth, Wilhelmine của Phổ
Aliases: Fréderique Sophie Wilhelmine de Prusse, markgräfin Friderike Sophie Wilhelmine, margravine Wilhemina of Bayreuth, Wilhelmine, Wilhelmine von Bayreuth, Wilhelmina, Margravine of Baireuth, Guillermina de Bayreuth, הנסיכה וילהלמינה מפרוסיה, וילהלמינה מביירוית, וילהלמינה מפרוסיה, Poroszországi Vilma, Wilhelmina van Bayreuth, Prinsessan Fredrika Sofia Wilhelmina, Fryderyka Zofia Wilhelmina Pruska, Вильгельмина Байрейтская, Fredrika Sofia Vilhelmina av Preussen, Friederike Sophie Wilhelmine von Preußen, Wilhelmine von Brandenburg-Bayreuth, Frédérique Sophie Wilhelmine de Prusse
Wilhelmine von Bayreuth was the sister of Frederick the Great, married to the Margrave Friedrich von Bayreuth. A skilled composer, her main interest was in opera, but apparently also wrote some chamber music. (Source: Grove Music)