Chansons et madrigales a quatre parties (Castro, Jean de)

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Samulis (2021/8/20)

Editor Samuel Arthur Gossner (b. 1995)
Publisher. Info. Edition Versilian, 2021.
Misc. Notes Draft Edition 8/23/21; complete music but partial underlay. G/F clefs only.
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Feduol (2013/1/29)

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Feduol (2013/1/29)

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Feduol (2013/1/29)

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Feduol (2013/1/29)

Publisher. Info. Louvain: Pierre Phalèse, 1570.
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General Information

Work Title Chansons et Madrigales a quatre parties
Alternative. Title Chansons et Madrigales a quatre parties, convenables tant a la voix comme a touttes sortes d'instruments
Composer Castro, Jean de
Internal Reference NumberInternal Ref. No. None [force assignment]
Movements/SectionsMov'ts/Sec's 11 madrigals, 8 chansons and 1 motet:
  1. Madonna sua merce (madrigal)
    (Secunda pars) Fuggite homai pensier
  2. Non v'accorget amanti (madrigal)
  3. Ben sperai col partire (madrigal)
  4. Un legno ver de post'in fuoco' ardente (madrigal)
    (Secunda pars) Pur mentre ch'arde quell' incende esface
  5. Hor vedi Amor quant' e l'amor (madrigal)
  6. Vita de la mia vita (madrigal)
  7. Io son ferito (madrigal)
  8. Liete piante (madrigal)
    (secunda pars) Et di pregar ogni signore' amante
  9. Hor vedi amor che giovenetta (madrigal)
  10. Con lei fuss'io a chi (madrigal)
  11. Ben mille volt' al ciel (madrigal)
  12. Pour vostre amour (chanson)
  13. Paine me tourmente (chanson)
  14. Amour me partes (chanson)
  15. Puis quil ya (chanson)
    (secunda pars) Musiciens qui faictes resonner
  16. Or il me plaist il (chanson)
    (secunda pars) Grace ô Susanna
  17. C'est trop presté (chanson)
  18. Esprits desirants (chanson)
  19. Joyeusement sans nuls faux tours (chanson)
  20. Musica dei donum
First Publication. 1570
Language French, Italian and Latin
Dedication Il Signor Gerardo a Grousbeck
Composer Time PeriodComp. Period Renaissance
Piece Style Renaissance
Instrumentation 4 voices (or 4 instruments)

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  • Musica dei donum (despite being in the list of chansons, this is in Latin, and Grove Music says there is one motet in this collection; this is it)