Children's Corner (Debussy, Claude)




MP3 file (audio)
Chicken House (2012/4/4)

5 more: 2. Jimbo's Lullaby • 3. Serenade for the Doll • 4. The Snow is Dancing • 5. The Little Shepard • 6. Golliwogs Cakewalk

MP3 file (audio)
Chicken House (2012/4/4)

MP3 file (audio)
Chicken House (2012/4/4)

MP3 file (audio)
Chicken House (2012/4/4)

MP3 file (audio)
Chicken House (2012/4/4)

MP3 file (audio)
Chicken House (2012/4/4)

Performer Pages Gerluz (piano)
Publisher Info. Chicken House Records
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MP3 file (audio)
Lucas-coelho (2021/7/12)

5 more: 2. Jimbo's Lullaby • 3. Serenade for the Doll • 4. The Snow is Dancing • 5. The Little Shepard • 6. Golliwogs Cakewalk

MP3 file (audio)
Lucas-coelho (2021/7/12)

MP3 file (audio)
Lucas-coelho (2021/7/12)

MP3 file (audio)
Lucas-coelho (2021/7/12)

MP3 file (audio)
Lucas-coelho (2021/7/12)

MP3 file (audio)
Lucas-coelho (2021/7/12)

Performer Pages Rudolf Firkušný (piano)
Publisher Info. Capitol Records, 1956. P8350.
Misc. Notes Source: Internet Archice
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TN-PMLP2397-01.01. Prelude-2795.png

MP3 file (audio)
Funper (2010/8/26)

Performer Pages Claude Debussy (piano)
Publisher Info. Piano rolls, ca.1904–1918
Reissue Masters of the Piano Roll, Vol.2. Debussy plays Debussy
Middlesex: Dal Segno, 2004.
Misc. Notes Piano rolls originally created sometime between 1904 and 1918.
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For 2 Clarinets, 2 Bassoons and 2 Horns (Patterson)

MP3 file (audio)
rpatters1 (2012/6/18)

5 more: 2. Jimbo's Lullaby • 3. Serenade for the Doll • 4. The Snow is Dancing • 5. The Little Shepard • 6. Golliwogs Cakewalk

MP3 file (audio)
rpatters1 (2012/6/18)

MP3 file (audio)
rpatters1 (2012/6/18)

MP3 file (audio)
rpatters1 (2012/6/18)

MP3 file (audio)
rpatters1 (2012/6/18)

MP3 file (audio)
rpatters1 (2012/6/18)

Performer Pages Robert G. Patterson (conductor)
Publisher Info. Robert Patterson
Performers Riverside Wind Consort
Rena Feller Friedman, Nobuko Igarashi, clarinet,
Samuel Compton, Bob Gilbert, horn,
Leyla Zamora, Michael Scott, bassoon
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Golliwogs Cakewalk (No.6)

MP3 file (audio)
Steligo (2014/3/26)

Performer Pages Stefano Ligoratti (piano)
Publisher Info. Milan: Classica Viva
Misc. Notes Live recording
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For 4 Accordions, Bass Accordion and Drumset (De Bra)

MP3 file (audio)
Pauldebra (2020/3/13)

Publisher Info. Paul De Bra, 2020.
Performers Professor P (Paul De Bra playing all accordion parts and bass part)
Misc. Notes drums by Musescore audio export, arrangement available from this page
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For 11 Recorders (Kemp)

MP3 file (audio)
Dadvid (2021/1/16)

Publisher Info. David Kemp, 2018.
Performers MIDI
Misc. Notes 'Jimbo's Lullaby' & 'The Little Shepherd' transcribed for 11 Recorders - Soprano thru Contrabass as needed
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Doctor Gradus ad Parnassum (No.1)

For Keyboard (Marcoux)

MP3 file (audio)
Ladesneffous (2021/3/16)

Publisher Info. marcoux jean-françois
Performers LadesNeffous (keyboard)
Misc. Notes transcription for solo instrument
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Golliwogg's Cake-walk (No.6)

For 2 Horns, 2 Flugelhorns, 2 Trumpets, 4 Trombones and Tuba (Rondeau)

MP3 file (audio)
Michrond (2019/7/7)

Publisher Info. Michel Rondeau, 2019.
Performers MIDI
Misc. Notes These file(s) are part of the Werner Icking Music Collection.
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Sheet Music



PDF scanned by F-Pn
2138 (2016/2/16)

Publisher. Info. Holograph manuscript, 1908.
Misc. Notes La troisième pièce "III. - Sérénade for the Doll" est inscrite page 7 par Debussy suivi de l'indication "(gravée)" au crayon noir mais la musique manque. Publiée à part chez Durand le 4 juin 1908 sous le titre "Sérénade à la Poupée" puis dans l'édition de la suite complète, le 30 septembre de cette même année sous son titre définitif. On a aujourd'hui perdu la trace de ce manuscrit.
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PDF scanned by piupianissimo
piupianissimo (2012/9/28)

PDF scanned by piupianissimo
piupianissimo (2012/9/28)

PDF scanned by uploader
B.K. Zervigón (2020/6/10)

Editor First edition (later prints)
Publisher. Info. Paris: Durand & Fils, 1908. Plate D. & F. 7188.
Misc. Notes scan: score scanned at 600dpi
filter: score filtered with 2-point algorithm explained in High Quality Scanning. I provide the original scanned version and the filtered, because the filter does some changes (smoothening, sharpening borders) and some portions of the scan get lost sometimes (when they are too small e.g.) - so you can choose your favorite. You may ask me for a manually cleaned version.
#630980 - 1971 printing
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PDF scanned by Unknown
Feldmahler (2006/2/27)

PDF scanned by Gutenberg
Peter (2007/2/12)

Editor First edition (reprint)
Publisher. Info. Paris: Durand & Fils, 1908. Plate D. & F. 7188.
Reprinted Etudes, Children's Corner, Images Book II and other Works for Piano
Mineola: Dover Publications, 1992.
Javascript is required for this feature.

PDF scanned by Denis Bouriakov
JacopoTore (2023/10/9)

Publisher. Info. Budapest: Editio Musica Budapest, n.d.[1968]. Plate Z.6056.
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PDF scanned by Unknown
Alaric (2024/7/3)

Editor Eberhardt Klemm (1929–1991)
Publisher. Info. Klavierwerke, Band I (pp.33-56)
Leipzig: Edition Peters, No.9078a, 1969. Plate E.P. 12420c.

This is an urtext/critical/scholarly/scientific edition (or a simple re-engraving). Any commentary or critical apparatus, if protected by copyright, should not be included in the scan(s) available here.

In Canada, new editions/re-engravings of public domain works (when not including new original material) should be in the public domain due to failing to meet the threshold of originality. In most European Union countries, these editions (except new original material) are generally protected for no more than 25 years from publication (30 years in Poland), and only if the edition is published after the copyrights of the original creator(s) have expired. In the United States, copyright can only apply to new creative work, and the re-engraving of a public domain piece (not including new additions of creative material) should not qualify for a new copyright, despite copyright claims (which properly would only apply to new material).

You may need to check the publication date and details of the work's first publication in order to determine the work's copyright status, especially for the United States, as the copyright on the original work may not have expired.

More information can be found here.
Please obey the copyright laws of your country. IMSLP does not assume any sort of legal responsibility or liability for the consequences of downloading files that are not in the public domain in your country.
Misc. Notes Klemm's fingerings removed.
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PDF scanned by Unknown
Zhengxinhao (2024/9/12)

6 more: 1. Doctor Gradus ad Parnassum • 2. Jimbo's Lullaby • 3. Serenade for the Doll • 4. The Snow is dancing • 5. The Little Shepherd • 6. Golliwogg's Cakewalk

PDF scanned by Unknown
Zhengxinhao (2024/9/12)

PDF scanned by Unknown
Zhengxinhao (2024/9/12)

PDF scanned by Unknown
Zhengxinhao (2024/9/12)

PDF scanned by Unknown
Zhengxinhao (2024/9/12)

PDF scanned by Unknown
Zhengxinhao (2024/9/12)

PDF scanned by Unknown
Zhengxinhao (2024/9/12)

Editor Ernst-Günter Heinemann (b. 1945)
Publisher. Info. Munich: G. Henle Verlag, 1983. Plate HN 382.

This is an urtext/critical/scholarly/scientific edition (or a simple re-engraving). Any commentary or critical apparatus, if protected by copyright, should not be included in the scan(s) available here.

In Canada, new editions/re-engravings of public domain works (when not including new original material) should be in the public domain due to failing to meet the threshold of originality. In most European Union countries, these editions (except new original material) are generally protected for no more than 25 years from publication (30 years in Poland), and only if the edition is published after the copyrights of the original creator(s) have expired. In the United States, copyright can only apply to new creative work, and the re-engraving of a public domain piece (not including new additions of creative material) should not qualify for a new copyright, despite copyright claims (which properly would only apply to new material).

You may need to check the publication date and details of the work's first publication in order to determine the work's copyright status, especially for the United States, as the copyright on the original work may not have expired.

More information can be found here.
Please obey the copyright laws of your country. IMSLP does not assume any sort of legal responsibility or liability for the consequences of downloading files that are not in the public domain in your country.
Reprinted Klavierwerke, Band II (pp.59-84)
Munich: G. Henle Verlag, 2011. Plate HN 1194.
Misc. Notes Fingerings removed.
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PDF scanned by Unknown
Guifré (2010/9/13)

Editor Michel Béroff (b. 1950)
Michael Stegemann (b. 1956)
Publisher. Info. Vienna: Wiener Urtext Edition, 1984. Plate UT 50082.

This is an urtext/critical/scholarly/scientific edition (or a simple re-engraving). Any commentary or critical apparatus, if protected by copyright, should not be included in the scan(s) available here.

In Canada, new editions/re-engravings of public domain works (when not including new original material) should be in the public domain due to failing to meet the threshold of originality. In most European Union countries, these editions (except new original material) are generally protected for no more than 25 years from publication (30 years in Poland), and only if the edition is published after the copyrights of the original creator(s) have expired. In the United States, copyright can only apply to new creative work, and the re-engraving of a public domain piece (not including new additions of creative material) should not qualify for a new copyright, despite copyright claims (which properly would only apply to new material).

You may need to check the publication date and details of the work's first publication in order to determine the work's copyright status, especially for the United States, as the copyright on the original work may not have expired.

More information can be found here.
Please obey the copyright laws of your country. IMSLP does not assume any sort of legal responsibility or liability for the consequences of downloading files that are not in the public domain in your country.
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PDF scanned by piupianissimo
piupianissimo (2012/10/14)

PDF scanned by piupianissimo
piupianissimo (2012/10/14)

Editor First edition (reissue)
Publisher. Info. Paris: Durand & Fils, 1908. Plate D. & F. 7188.
Reprinted Album de six morceaus choisis pour piano seul
Paris: Durand & Fils, 1911. Plate D. & F. 8246.
Misc. Notes scan: score scanned at 600dpi
filter: score filtered with 2-point algorithm explained in High Quality Scanning. I provide the original scanned version and the filtered, because the filter does some changes (smoothening, sharpening borders) and some portions of the scan get lost sometimes (when they are too small e.g.) - so you can choose your favorite. You may ask me for a manually cleaned version.
Javascript is required for this feature.

PDF scanned by Unknown
Zhengxinhao (2023/12/7)

Publisher. Info. Paris: Durand & Fils, 1908. Plate D. & F. 7188.
Reprinted Beijing: People's Music Publishing House, 1996.
Misc. Notes Chinese translations of expressions. Page 2 appears to be published much earlier (circa. 1950s).
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PDF typeset by editor
RSB (2012/5/8)

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RSB (2012/5/10)

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RSB (2012/5/10)

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RSB (2011/2/23)

Editor RSB
Publisher. Info. RSB 2012
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editor (2011/9/26)

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editor (2011/9/26)

Editor Pierre Gouin - Contact
Publisher. Info. Montréal: Les Éditions Outremontaises, 2006
Misc. Notes These file(s) are part of the Werner Icking Music Collection. - Urtext
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PDF typeset by editor
Raybird (2023/4/10)

Editor Ray Alston
Publisher. Info. Piano Practical Editions, 2023.
Misc. Notes A creative and critical new edition including changes of key and time-signatures, improved layout and hand distribution. High quality, re-worked text for maximum clarity, sostenuto pedal and practical performance suggestions.
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Arrangements and Transcriptions


For Orchestra (Caplet)

PDF scanned by Carolus
Carolus (2009/1/4)

7 more: Complete Score • 1. Doctor Gradus ad Parnassum • 2. Jimbo's Lullaby • 3. Serenade for the Doll • 4. The Snow Is Dancing • 5. The Little Shepherd • 6. Golliwog's Cake-walk

PDF scanned by Sallen112
Sallen112 (2015/10/31)

PDF scanned by Sallen112
Sallen112 (2015/10/31)

PDF scanned by Sallen112
Sallen112 (2015/10/31)

PDF scanned by Sallen112
Sallen112 (2015/10/31)

PDF scanned by Sallen112
Sallen112 (2015/10/31)

PDF scanned by Sallen112
Sallen112 (2015/10/31)

PDF scanned by Sallen112
Sallen112 (2015/10/31)

Arranger André Caplet (1878–1925)
Publisher. Info. Paris: Durand & Cie., 1911. Plate D. & F. 7873.
Misc. Notes Caplet's orchestration
600 dpi (#398251-398257).
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PDF scanned by Unknown
M.kowalski49 (2021/8/12)

12 more: Oboe 1/2 • Clarinet 1/2 (B♭) • Bassoon 1/2 • Horn 1/2, 3/4 (F) • Trumpet 1/2 (C) • Percussion (Triangle, Cymbals, Snare Drum, Bass Drum) • Harp • Violins I • Violins II • Violas • Cellos • Basses

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M.kowalski49 (2021/8/12)

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M.kowalski49 (2021/8/12)

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M.kowalski49 (2021/8/12)

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M.kowalski49 (2021/8/12)

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M.kowalski49 (2021/8/12)

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M.kowalski49 (2021/8/12)

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M.kowalski49 (2021/8/12)

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M.kowalski49 (2021/8/12)

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M.kowalski49 (2021/8/12)

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M.kowalski49 (2021/8/12)

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M.kowalski49 (2021/8/12)

PDF scanned by Unknown
M.kowalski49 (2021/8/12)

Arranger André Caplet (1878–1925)
Publisher. Info. Paris: Durand & Cie., 1911. Plate D. & F. 7873.
Reprinted Miami: Edwin F. Kalmus, n.d.(1971-87). Catalog A6135.
Misc. Notes Parts are 10x13 scans.
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For 2 Oboes, 2 Clarinets, Bassoon, Contrabassoon and 2 Horns (Clarke)

PDF typeset by arranger
JohnFClarke (2019/3/10)

8 more: Oboe 1 • Oboe 2 • Clarinet 1 • Clarinet 2 • Horn 1 • Horn 2 • Bassoon • Contrabassoon

PDF typeset by arranger
JohnFClarke (2019/3/10)

PDF typeset by arranger
JohnFClarke (2019/3/10)

PDF typeset by arranger
JohnFClarke (2019/3/10)

PDF typeset by arranger
JohnFClarke (2019/3/10)

PDF typeset by arranger
JohnFClarke (2019/3/10)

PDF typeset by arranger
JohnFClarke (2019/3/10)

PDF typeset by arranger
JohnFClarke (2019/3/10)

PDF typeset by arranger
JohnFClarke (2019/3/10)

Arranger John Clarke (b. 1951)
Publisher. Info. John Clarke
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For 2 Clarinets, 2 Bassoons and 2 Horns (Patterson)

PDF typeset by arranger
rpatters1 (2012/6/18)

6 more: Clarinet 1 (B♭/A/E♭) • Clarinet 2 (B♭/A) • Bassoon 1 • Bassoon 2/Contrabassoon • Horn 1 (F) • Horn 2 (F)

PDF typeset by arranger
rpatters1 (2012/6/18)

PDF typeset by arranger
rpatters1 (2012/6/18)

PDF typeset by arranger
rpatters1 (2012/6/18)

PDF typeset by arranger
rpatters1 (2012/6/18)

PDF typeset by arranger
rpatters1 (2012/6/18)

PDF typeset by arranger
rpatters1 (2012/6/18)

Arranger Robert G. Patterson
Publisher. Info. Great River Music (ASCAP)
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Suite No.1

For Small Orchestra (Mouton)

PDF scanned by Unknown
M.kowalski49 (2021/8/12)

12 more: Flute • Oboe • Clarinet 1, 2 (A, B♭) • Bassoon • Horn 1/2 (F) • Trumpet 1/2 (C) • Bass Drum/Cymbals, Snare Drum • Violins I • Violins II • Violas • Cellos • Basses

PDF scanned by Unknown
M.kowalski49 (2021/8/12)

PDF scanned by Unknown
M.kowalski49 (2021/8/12)

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M.kowalski49 (2021/8/12)

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M.kowalski49 (2021/8/12)

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M.kowalski49 (2021/8/12)

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M.kowalski49 (2021/8/12)

PDF scanned by Unknown
M.kowalski49 (2021/8/12)

PDF scanned by Unknown
M.kowalski49 (2021/8/12)

PDF scanned by Unknown
M.kowalski49 (2021/8/12)

PDF scanned by Unknown
M.kowalski49 (2021/8/12)

PDF scanned by Unknown
M.kowalski49 (2021/8/12)

PDF scanned by Unknown
M.kowalski49 (2021/8/12)

Arranger Hubert Mouton (1872–1954)
Publisher. Info. Paris: Durand, n.d.
Reprinted Miami: Edwin F. Kalmus, n.d.(1971-87). Catalog A7134.
Misc. Notes Condensed Score and Parts are 10x13 scans. Based off from Caplet's Orchestration.
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Suite No.2

For Small Orchestra (Mouton)

PDF scanned by Unknown
M.kowalski49 (2021/8/12)

12 more: Flute • Oboe • Clarinet 1, 2 (A, B♭) • Bassoon • Horn 1/2 (F) • Trumpet 1/2 (C) • Bass Drum/Cymbals/Triangle • Violins I • Violins II • Violas • Cellos • Basses

PDF scanned by Unknown
M.kowalski49 (2021/8/12)

PDF scanned by Unknown
M.kowalski49 (2021/8/12)

PDF scanned by Unknown
M.kowalski49 (2021/8/12)

PDF scanned by Unknown
M.kowalski49 (2021/8/12)

PDF scanned by Unknown
M.kowalski49 (2021/8/12)

PDF scanned by Unknown
M.kowalski49 (2021/8/12)

PDF scanned by Unknown
M.kowalski49 (2021/8/12)

PDF scanned by Unknown
M.kowalski49 (2021/8/12)

PDF scanned by Unknown
M.kowalski49 (2021/8/12)

PDF scanned by Unknown
M.kowalski49 (2021/8/12)

PDF scanned by Unknown
M.kowalski49 (2021/8/12)

PDF scanned by Unknown
M.kowalski49 (2021/8/12)

Arranger Hubert Mouton (1872–1954)
Publisher. Info. Paris: Durand, n.d.
Reprinted Miami: Edwin F. Kalmus, n.d.(1971-87). Catalog A7135.
Misc. Notes Condensed Score and Parts are 10x13 scans. Based off from Caplet's Orchestration.
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For Orchestra (Geng)

PDF scanned by arranger
Gsq (2013/7/28)

PDF scanned by arranger
Gsq (2013/8/6)

Arranger Shiqi Geng
Publisher. Info. Shiqi Geng
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For 11 Recorders (Kemp)

PDF typeset by arranger
Dadvid (2020/4/29)

Arranger David Edward Kemp (b. 1948)
Publisher. Info. David Edward Kemp, 2019.
Misc. Notes Arrangement of 'Jimbo's Lullaby' & 'The Little Shepherd' for Soprano thru Contrbass recorders as needed
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Doctor Gradus ad Parnassum (No.1)

For Chromatic Harmonica or Flute (Marcoux)

PDF typeset by arranger
Ladesneffous (2021/3/16)

Arranger Jean-François Marcoux (b. 1966)
Publisher. Info. Jean-François Marcoux
Misc. Notes transcription for solo instrument
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For Flute (Marcoux)

PDF scanned by arranger
Ladesneffous (2017/2/9)

Arranger Jean-François Marcoux
Publisher. Info. Jean-François Marcoux
Misc. Notes The interesting melody has been extracted from the original piano part.
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For Clarinet (Marcoux)

PDF typeset by arranger
Ladesneffous (2021/3/17)

Arranger Jean-François Marcoux (b. 1966)
Publisher. Info. Jean-François Marcoux
Misc. Notes transcription for solo instrument, clarinet
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Serenade for the Doll (No.3)

For Violin and Piano (Choisnel)

PDF scanned by uploader
Afp0815 (2017/1/4)

PDF scanned by uploader
Afp0815 (2017/1/4)

PDF scanned by H-DRe
WilliamBunting (2012/1/8)

Arranger Gaston Choisnel (1857–1921)
Publisher. Info. Paris: Durand, 1910. Plate D. & F. 7537.
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The Little Shepherd (No.5)

For Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Bassoon, Horn and Harp (Yokoyama)

PDF typeset by arranger
Shin-Itchiro (2011/3/9)

PDF typeset by arranger
Shin-Itchiro (2011/3/9)

Arranger Shin-Itchiro Yokoyama
Publisher. Info. YOKOYAMA Shin-Itchiro's Sheet Music Library
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For 4 Saxophones (Larocque)

PDF typeset by arranger
Larocque (2012/9/1)

4 more: Soprano • Alto • Tenor • Baritone

PDF typeset by arranger
Larocque (2012/9/1)

PDF typeset by arranger
Larocque (2012/9/1)

PDF typeset by arranger
Larocque (2012/9/1)

PDF typeset by arranger
Larocque (2012/9/1)

Arranger Jacques Larocque
Publisher. Info. Saint-Maurice, QC: Productions du Moliantegok, 2009. Moli 242021
Misc. Notes Those files are part of Moliantegok Catalogue for saxophone
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For Flute, Clarinet and Bassoon (Goodman)

PDF typeset by arranger
Roe.w.goodman (2019/10/27)

PDF typeset by arranger
Roe.w.goodman (2019/10/27)

PDF typeset by arranger
Roe.w.goodman (2019/10/27)

PDF typeset by arranger
Roe.w.goodman (2019/10/27)

Arranger Roe William Goodman (b. 1938)
Publisher. Info. Roe William Goodman
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For Oboe, Clarinet and Bassoon (Goodman)

PDF typeset by arranger
Roe.w.goodman (2019/10/18)

PDF typeset by arranger
Roe.w.goodman (2019/10/18)

PDF typeset by arranger
Roe.w.goodman (2019/10/18)

PDF typeset by arranger
Roe.w.goodman (2019/10/18)

Arranger Roe William Goodman (b. 1938)
Publisher. Info. Roe William Goodman
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For Instrument and Piano (Larocque)

PDF typeset by arranger
Larocque (2013/2/8)

11 more: Piano Score (Oboe) • Piano Score (Clarinet) • Piano Score (Bassoon) • Piano Score (Soprano sax) • Piano Score (Alto sax) • Flute • Oboe • Clarinet • Bassoon • Soprano sax • Alto sax

PDF typeset by arranger
Larocque (2013/2/8)

PDF typeset by arranger
Larocque (2013/3/14)

PDF typeset by arranger
Larocque (2013/3/14)

PDF typeset by arranger
Larocque (2013/10/11)

PDF typeset by arranger
Larocque (2013/10/18)

PDF typeset by arranger
Larocque (2013/2/8)

PDF typeset by arranger
Larocque (2013/3/14)

PDF typeset by arranger
Larocque (2013/3/14)

PDF typeset by arranger
Larocque (2013/3/14)

PDF typeset by arranger
Larocque (2013/10/11)

PDF typeset by arranger
Larocque (2013/10/18)

Arranger Jacques Larocque
Publisher. Info. Saint-Maurice, QC: Productions du Moliantegok, 2013.
Moli 201006, 211003, 221005, 231004, 241014, 241015
Misc. Notes Those files are part of Moliantegok Catalogue for flute - oboe - clarinet - bassoon - saxophone
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For Violin or Flute and Piano (Durand, Hennebains)

PDF scanned by afp0815
Afp0815 (2010/2/3)

Arranger Jacques Durand (1865–1928)
Adolphe Hennebains (1862–1914), Flute part
Publisher. Info. Paris: A. Durand & Fils, 1908-10. Plate D. & F. 7322, 7886.
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Golliwogg's Cake-walk (No.6)

For 2 Horns, 2 Flugelhorns, 2 Trumpets, 4 Trombones and Tuba (Rondeau)

PDF typeset by arranger
Michrond (2019/7/7)

ZIP typeset by arranger
Michrond (2019/7/7)

Arranger Michel Rondeau (b. 1948)
Publisher. Info. Michel Rondeau, 2019.
Misc. Notes These file(s) are part of the Werner Icking Music Collection.
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For 4 Accordions, Bass Accordion and Drumset (De Bra)

PDF typeset by arranger
Pauldebra (2020/3/13)

PDF typeset by arranger
Pauldebra (2020/3/13)

MSCZ typeset by arranger
Pauldebra (2020/3/13)

Arranger Paul De Bra (b. 1959)
Publisher. Info. Paul De Bra, 2020.
Misc. Notes Drums can be omitted when having only accordions.
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For 5 Recorders (Wiebes)

PDF scanned by arranger
Zandeavande (2018/7/21)

Arranger Jaap Wiebes
Publisher. Info. Jaap Wiebes
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For Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Bassoon and Horn (Hindrichs)

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Hm07430 (2018/12/18)

Arranger Michael V. Hindrichs (b. 1956)
Publisher. Info. Michael V. Hindrichs, 2003.
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For 4 Saxophones (Larocque)

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Larocque (2012/8/31)

4 more: Soprano • Alto • Tenor • Baritone

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Larocque (2012/8/31)

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Larocque (2012/8/31)

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Larocque (2012/8/31)

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Larocque (2012/8/31)

Arranger Jacques Larocque
Publisher. Info. Saint-Maurice, QC: Productions du Moliantegok, 2009. Moli 242033
Misc. Notes Those files are part of Moliantegok Catalogue for saxophone
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For 4 Cellos (Meyn)

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MalteM (2012/1/4)

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MalteM (2012/1/4)

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MalteM (2012/1/4)

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MalteM (2012/1/4)

Arranger Malte Meyn
Publisher. Info. Malte Meyn
Misc. Notes music engraving by LilyPond 2.14.2
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For Instrument and Piano (Larocque)

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Larocque (2013/2/10)

5 more: Piano Score (Tenor sax) • Piano Score (Baritone sax) • Bassoon • Tenor sax • Baritone sax

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Larocque (2013/3/31)

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Larocque (2013/3/9)

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Larocque (2013/2/10)

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Larocque (2013/3/31)

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Larocque (2013/3/9)

Arranger Jacques Larocque
Publisher. Info. Saint-Maurice, QC: Productions du Moliantegok, 2012-13.
Moli 231002, 241008, 241009
Misc. Notes Those files are part of Moliantegok Catalogue for bassoon - saxophone
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For Violin and Piano (Choisnel)

PDF scanned by afp0815
Afp0815 (2017/1/4)

PDF scanned by afp0815
Afp0815 (2017/1/4)

Arranger Gaston Choisnel (1857–1921)
Publisher. Info. Paris: Durand, 1910. Plate D. & F. 7585.
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Free Recordings

Golliwog's Cakewalk (No.6)
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General Information

Work Title Children's Corner
Alternative. Title Coin des enfants : petite suite pour piano seul
Name Translations 어린이 차지; Մանկական անկյուն; Дитячий куточок; Children’s Corner; 子供の領分; Детски кът; Children's corner; Детский уголок; 博士进阶曲
Name Aliases 아이들의 풍경; El rincón de los niños; Children's Corner, L. 113; El racó dels nens; 子どもの領分; Детски ъгъл
Authorities WorldCat; Wikipedia; VIAF: 178333804; BNF: 13911370k
Composer Debussy, Claude
Opus/Catalogue NumberOp./Cat. No. CD 119 ; L.113
Internal Reference NumberInternal Ref. No. ICD 17
Movements/SectionsMov'ts/Sec's 6 movements:
  1. Doctor Gradus ad Parnassum
    Modérément animé (C major, 76 bars)
  2. Jimbo's Lullaby
    Azzez modéré (B-flat major, 81 bars)
  3. Serenade for the Doll
    Allegretto ma non troppo (E major, 124 bars)
  4. The Snow Is Dancing
    Modérément animé (D minor, 74 bars)
  5. The Little Shepherd
    Très modéré (A major, 31 bars)
  6. Golliwog's Cake-walk
    Allegro giusto (E-flat major, 128 bars)
Year/Date of CompositionY/D of Comp. 1906-1908
First Performance. 1908-12-18 in Paris, Cercle musical
Paris: Harold Bauer (piano)

1911-03-25 in Boston (Caplet's orchestration)

Boston Symphony Orchestra, André Caplet (conductor)
First Publication. 1908 – Paris: Durand & Fils, Plate D. & F. 7188, 28 pages
Dedication Chou-chou (Debussy's daughter)
Claude-Emma Debussy (1905-1919)
Average DurationAvg. Duration 15 minutes
Composer Time PeriodComp. Period Romantic
Piece Style Romantic
Instrumentation piano
Discography MusicBrainz
All Music Guide
External Links Centre de documentation Claude Debussy
Wikipedia article
Scores at Sheet Music Plus

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See Also
List of Intermediate Piano Repertoire